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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

QoL tool for awarding MVP-type stat + screen bads <50


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Context: There are a lot of "communicator-types" that play in wz. Some of these types play well, and communicate reasonably useful information during the match. However, there are others that are just looking to fit in, so they spam chat with same cliché talking-points they've picked-up along the way.


It's always so much cooler when someone communicates something of value, and demonstrates that they have basic skills, and that they play for the team. You always see them in the mix, doing stuff right for the situation. Those are the people I want to play with. There should be an opposite feature of "ignore". It should be like" props" or something. You'd accrue 'em. And you could only vote for a player once, ever. And you could remove a props vote gave to another over time if they demonstrate a change in performance/social.


It would also be great to then have a pre-screen for chat and group finder pairings:: screening people based on 'props'-value. Weed out the belly-aching, low-skill'd from group fnder and general chat.


Maybe a perk could be that players with certain 'props-values' would have 'props-votes' with higher associated weight.

Figure out control for inauthenticity and abuse in general.

Edited by ubermouth
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That could work. But I'm looking for the flexibility to not need to develop a friends-list ATM. I'm still sociable when I play, typically do have friends list. But these days. I don't care. I want quality of life features too.





Add to friends list.. Then invite to form a group... If its available, invite them into voice comms.


Oh my god you, just formed a premade group for warones!!! I heard those are evil...

Edited by ubermouth
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Sounds like you think the way I do. You play on POT5?



Currently rocking lv 32 sharp-shooter gs on Pot5

Have a bunch of 50s. Started learning skills doing pve. Have gotten past all hm ops, haven't really wanted to gear grind, or become video game besties with a guild, so I stopped. Was limited by support and interest as opposed to skill. Who knows though, I know there encounters that require skill- especially when figuring out the tactics.


Anyway, i want to pvp now. I'm willing to eventually grind for pvp gear. For a bit.

However, if I never get to BiS, I wish that I could at least have consistent non-rated matches with teammates I work well with. And as I said, I think that having a tool like this would allow me to not have to be in a guiild.


I also wish their was non-gear-dependent pvp element to this game. Kudos to all the old timers and hard workers who paid their dues and and did the grind, and had the support to do it.


I would love to be able to just worry about tempo, position, rotation, tactical value for duels.

It would really improve the skill level of the pvp player base. Unfortunately, peaple who got their gear, by whatever means, would probably not like this idea.

Edited by ubermouth
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Currently rocking lv 32 sharp-shooter gs on Pot5

Have a bunch of 50s. Started learning skills doing pve. Have gotten past all hm ops, haven't really wanted to gear grind, or become video game besties with a guild, so I stopped. Was limited by support and interest as opposed to skill. Who knows though, I know there encounters that require skill- especially when figuring out the tactics.


Anyway, i want to pvp now. I'm willing to eventually grind for pvp gear. For a bit.

However, if I never get to BiS, I wish that I could at least have consistent non-rated matches with teammates I work well with. And as I said, I think that having a tool like this would allow me to not have to be in a guiild.


I also wish their was non-gear-dependent pvp element to this game. Kudos to all the old timers and hard workers who paid their dues and and did the grind, and had the support to do it.


I would love to be able to just worry about tempo, position, rotation, tactical value for duels.

It would really improve the skill level of the pvp player base. Unfortunately, peaple who got their gear, by whatever means, would probably not like this idea.


Please tell me you have some Imperial toons on POT5.......

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