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Thank you Unicorn Stampede


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Use all you reasons listed, and insert node guarding, or allegedly superqueuing, instead of quitting and you should finally see my point.


lol - I was in one of shatter's ops. I took a pop. the next round, he had ppl wait before taking a pop. I left grp. he shows up with another 3 ppl from his ops and leaves (as soon as he sees his other 4 didn't get the same team). there's no allegedly about it.

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Use all you reasons listed, and insert node guarding, or allegedly superqueuing, instead of quitting and you should finally see my point.


So you know. I never have had an issue with your way of doing things. I Just think it is pretty silly of you to blame the pug for losing when you yourself said you will not guard a node and that your healers wont heal pugs. No one is above guarding a node and it just makes more sense that someone in your premade would do it that way you know inc would be called. And as for the superqueueing it doesn't bother me. I'd just quit match. :)

Only reason I actually bailed on that Huttball was because I was going to troll you by extricating you into the fire every 60 seconds :) But I realized that would be unfair to the 3 pugs who probably needed the win for their weeklies.



Edited by rlamela
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So you know. I never have had an issue with your way of doing things. I Just think it is pretty silly of you to blame the pug for losing when you yourself said you will not guard a node and that your healers wont heal pugs. No one is above guarding a node and it just makes more sense that someone in your premade would do it that way you know inc would be called. And as for the superqueueing it doesn't bother me. I'd just quit match. :)


I'm not sure if i said i'd never guard a node, because I do, lots. As for the pug, if someone volunteered to guard a node while you were in a match, and didn't call an inc, wouldn't you blame him? It seems that just because we're in a game, whatever happens is somehow our fault if we lose, or not our fault if we win. I don't see the reason for this.

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lol - I was in one of shatter's ops. I took a pop. the next round, he had ppl wait before taking a pop. I left grp. he shows up with another 3 ppl from his ops and leaves (as soon as he sees his other 4 didn't get the same team). there's no allegedly about it.


I think they had connection issues tonight, so lots of d/cing and leaving wz's to be with the 4 man premade. Maybe it was jenna'syyde leaving the zone because unicorns were in it.

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I think they had connection issues tonight, so lots of d/cing and leaving wz's to be with the 4 man premade. Maybe it was jenna'syyde leaving the zone because unicorns were in it.


perhaps you misunderstand. shatter was pugging for pvp grp in the imppvp chan. I joined. when I took the inv, I was in an ops grp. we q'd at the same time. when i popped, I took it. when I got out, we were told not to take the next pop until he said so. I left and one of his guildies replaced me. I took a solo pop in the pit against other imps. shatter's half of the ops appeared. they were in there just long enough to realize that although their ops both got hb at the same time, they weren't on the same team and they all left. sorry. no. not a dc issue. very clearly a superQ. I'm not ghost-spectre. I'm not claiming superQ just cuz you land 8 players in the same WZ. on top of that, others have freely admitted to the superQ (neb comes to mind; I think toth admitted it although his participation is unclear). there's no allegedly involved, dude. troy may be the laughing stock of 2 servers, but he owns it. let's not pretend it's otherwise with this superQ, eh?

Edited by foxmob
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I think they had connection issues tonight, so lots of d/cing and leaving wz's to be with the 4 man premade. Maybe it was jenna'syyde leaving the zone because unicorns were in it.


lol i wasn't even on tonite :) But yes I rage quit when we lose a node without an inc call. or even better when I know who is guarding and I watch his health in ops frame and he never gets attacked or call inc and the node changes hands.

I don't premade much, but since I've solo queued over 5000 warzones on my toons I've learned that a lot of puggers cant be trusted to guard. So I just think I would want me or one of my guildies to guard if I was ever in a guild again.

But seriously I never had an issue with you or anyone That I know of in your Guild. Alot of my favorite warzones have been against your guilds premades.



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