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Thank you Unicorn Stampede


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If it wasn't for you, pulling constantly undergeared people thru warzones, I would never get my weekly done.


Unicorn...praise? I'm not sure how I handle this. I feel like Major Payne when he gets his first hug from the little kid.

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I don't know. 6 of my 9 wins had 0 Unicorns in them. 3 of my 5 Losses had at least 2 unicorns in them. Not bashing the Unicorns (as most of them are actually decent peeps) But just saying you can win without Unicorns and You can lose with them. It all comes down to the luck of your queue pops (who's on your team & who's on the other team). I learned solo queuing on my rep toons, there is no shame in quitting warzones before they start. Cause 80% of the time my 2nd pop will be a better grouping.



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I don't know. 6 of my 9 wins had 0 Unicorns in them. 3 of my 5 Losses had at least 2 unicorns in them. Not bashing the Unicorns (as most of them are actually decent peeps) But just saying you can win without Unicorns and You can lose with them. It all comes down to the luck of your queue pops (who's on your team & who's on the other team). I learned solo queuing on my rep toons, there is no shame in quitting warzones before they start. Cause 80% of the time my 2nd pop will be a better grouping.




Who are you?

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I don't know. 6 of my 9 wins had 0 Unicorns in them. 3 of my 5 Losses had at least 2 unicorns in them. Not bashing the Unicorns (as most of them are actually decent peeps) But just saying you can win without Unicorns and You can lose with them. It all comes down to the luck of your queue pops (who's on your team & who's on the other team). I learned solo queuing on my rep toons, there is no shame in quitting warzones before they start. Cause 80% of the time my 2nd pop will be a better grouping.




all my wins for my weekly were achieved without unicorns. wanna know why, because when they enter the game and see that they didnt get into the same group for the superqueue, they leave.:eek:

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Who are you?


That's Jenna. The most bestest sage ever to step in a wz. Heard once he stopped 8 people from capping his node by himself. A true g in the sport of PvP. Fears no smashers and kills by the thousands. Chit who am I kidding he never stays in a wz that long:D

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Who are you?


he's jenna'syde, crackroxx, sicka'cyde and who know who else. you gotta get a kick out of the various names he signs with though, depending on the perspective he's speaking from. borderline schizophrenic: he's his own entourage. :rak_03:

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You obviously were not playing against a full premade republic guild, because all of the major republic guilds can easily beat a full Unicorn premade.


Well that clearly not true. Considering we might have 3/4 4 man premades running at a given time you may be able to decisively beat1 possibly 2 of them dependant on the skill/gear spread of the groups. The reason you think we are such pushovers is because we are by a large amount the most populated and active PvP focused guild on this server.


When we get our A team players on and in a group together we can dominate most rep guild bar maybe 2/3 where we will give a gg both winning and losing. We proved this with our ranked team we were running a couple of months ago.


But to get back to the point of this. I'm glad some imps are thankful that imps have a large and active pvp guild otherwise all would happen would be pugs against the various rep premades queuing and YOU should be grateful as otherwise all you would ever get would be either rep vs rep. or full Imp pugs vs rep. The various people Discouraging people from thanking us a a bit sad really.

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he's jenna'syde, crackroxx, sicka'cyde and who know who else. you gotta get a kick out of the various names he signs with though, depending on the perspective he's speaking from. borderline schizophrenic: he's his own entourage. :rak_03:


Thanks for the info...I'll remember to stay far away.

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That's Jenna. The most bestest sage ever to step in a wz. Heard once he stopped 8 people from capping his node by himself. A true g in the sport of PvP. Fears no smashers and kills by the thousands. Chit who am I kidding he never stays in a wz that long:D


First lets begin with the obvious. Name isn't Jenna. It's Jenna'syyde. I know it can be difficult to spell for some. Now for the part about me being the bestest sage, Never have I ever said this or even hinted at it. Surrena is hands down the best Sage/Sorc on this server. It isn't even debatable. Hell I never even said I was a good Sage. Im on record as saying I am an above average player (rating myself between 6 or 7 depending on class and spec)

Now I know you were trying to be sarcastic and funny but that story you heard was actually true. Was a voidstar. I died after first door was blown. I rezzed and got out of spawn. They cleared out rest of team and came flying up across east bridge. all 7 of my teammates were still behind respawn gate. The first 3 enemy players run right by me and start capping. I throw a seismic grenade and stop all 3 caps. I then get stunned by 3 different people filling my resolve like idiots. So I pop my cc breaker and hit the 3 goons who are still all trying to cap with FiB. Then finally the 3 cappers stop trying to cap and I get burned down by focus fire. But by this time my team is out.

Lastly I will ask who are you? seriously I have never even seen you in a warzone ( i dont know maybe you just werent as impressive as you like to think)

Yes I have no issues quitting a warzone. I solo queue extensively and have a strong belief if I am paying money to do something I best be having fun. Some warzones I find to not be fun So I bail. (dont care if you dislike this) There are many reasons I will quit. Some have to do with my team mates sucking, some have to do with other team is just way better. And some are because I'm just not doing what I think I should be doing. And A few I just have to S**t real bad.

And you are correct I do not fear any smasher. Its a video game why should I be scared. Worst thing that will happen is I get beat.




Rellik (on the bastion)

That way there is no confusion.

Edited by rlamela
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he's jenna'syde, crackroxx, sicka'cyde and who know who else. you gotta get a kick out of the various names he signs with though, depending on the perspective he's speaking from. borderline schizophrenic: he's his own entourage. :rak_03:


I sign by which toon I am talking about. This isn't my account. I took a perma ban back before 1.4 went live. I hurt some peeps feelings and they cried to mommy bioware. So since this isn't my account I don't have my toons labeled like you do. And I dont cower behind anonymity.

And I'm pretty sure I dont need an entourage. I don't need people blowing smoke up my A**. I know who and what I am and am more then happy with it. If people like me cool, If they think I'm garabage thats cool also. Every morning I still wake up and am glad I am me and not them.


Tim Gravelle


wasn't talking about a toon so I'll sign it with me.

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I sign by which toon I am talking about. This isn't my account. I took a perma ban back before 1.4 went live. I hurt some peeps feelings and they cried to mommy bioware. So since this isn't my account I don't have my toons labeled like you do. And I dont cower behind anonymity.


Thats what sigs are for VVV

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lol take it easy. it was an opportunity to make a movie reference (AMERICA'S SWEETHEARTS). :p


I have no issues with you or with what you say about me. I was just making a statement to clarify my reasons why I sign the way I do.

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... have a strong belief if I am paying money to do something I best be having fun. Some warzones I find to not be fun So I bail. (dont care if you dislike this) There are many reasons I will quit. Some have to do with my team mates sucking, some have to do with other team is just way better. And some are because I'm just not doing what I think I should be doing.





Rellik (on the bastion)

That way there is no confusion.


Use all you reasons listed, and insert node guarding, or allegedly superqueuing, instead of quitting and you should finally see my point.

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