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Shadow dps noob question


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Wondering which spec would be better for dps as a shadow for pvp wz's ?

ive been told balance is really good but i have a friend that kicks butt as an infiltration spec.

So if someone could give some advice on which spec is good and a good rotation for the attacks of that spec. It would be much appreciated :o

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Depends on what you want. Infiltration=burst, balance=sustained. Both when played right can be great and loads of fun to play. I would say infiltration is more forgiving as balance can be quite discouraging when starting out though it can put out some serious numbers and you can keep a healer locked down which I like.
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Depends on what you want. Infiltration=burst, balance=sustained. Both when played right can be great and loads of fun to play. I would say infiltration is more forgiving as balance can be quite discouraging when starting out though it can put out some serious numbers and you can keep a healer locked down which I like.


for infiltration what rotation of abilities and attacks would you suggest ?

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for infiltration what rotation of abilities and attacks would you suggest ?


Just a question, your sig states you have a 50 Sin and a 50 shadow yet you don't understand the attacks of each tree? Just curious don't mean to be a dick but I can't believe you level 2 of them to max and would be that clueless.



By some off chance you aren't trolling check the class forums both Shadow and Sin have stickys that include videos and convo of PvP specs and rotations.


Good luck

Edited by Avicii
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For full Infiltration, or Deception as that's what I play...


Open with Spike as you hit Recklessness+Overcharge Saber

Voltaic Slash x 2




From this point on it depends on that they do. You now have one charge of Potency left. Duplicity should be up for a Maul, and the force crits enabled Exploitative Strikes for extra crit on Maul. Get a Maul in if you can, use Low Slash if you have to in order to get into position. Get a single Voltaic Slash in and use the last charge of Potency on a Shock.


By this time they should be in execute range for Assassinate and you still have a 4s stun left to help you finish the target off.


Depending on what class you are attacking and how fast they can get away from you, I would consider using Force Slow after Spike and delay using Force Potency until Force Slow hits.


All of this changes in a few weeks though.

Edited by Monterone
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Just a question, your sig states you have a 50 Sin and a 50 shadow yet you don't understand the attacks of each tree? Just curious don't mean to be a dick but I can't believe you level 2 of them to max and would be that clueless.



By some off chance you aren't trolling check the class forums both Shadow and Sin have stickys that include videos and convo of PvP specs and rotations.


Good luck


yes i have them but both are tanks so im not really up to date on the best rotation for dps as a shadow/assassin

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Wondering which spec would be better for dps as a shadow for pvp wz's ?

ive been told balance is really good but i have a friend that kicks butt as an infiltration spec.

So if someone could give some advice on which spec is good and a good rotation for the attacks of that spec. It would be much appreciated :o


Hybrid tank is for ranked.


For pug stomping a hybrid madness build is better for duels, an all out infiltration spec is what I personally like, since most imperial on my server like to run away from me and let me maul the @#$% out of them in pugs on my shadow. Both have their pluses and minuses. I would never go full madness though for pvp.


Anything without low slash as a dps spec I just don't enjoy.


I say try them out, check out the forums. Lot's of builds to choose from. Read the patch notes and see how the spec will be in 2.0. I think infiltration looks really, really good in 2.0 with the new changes.

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