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2x hypercrates (48 packs) = 2 cartel certificates


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But again, the value of grab bags tends to be narrowly confined, with the possibility of a high outlier.


The value of cartel packs, in particular this round, is not so. Look again to the OP, who clearly assigns little value to credits (I'm guessing that they are already over-burdened by them if they are regularly buying hypercrates


Then again, for me the certificates don't hold any value at all. Don't need them, don't care for them. Should I come here complaining that in the second pack I opened there was a certificate instead of the item I had hoped to find?

If you buy these packs for one specific, rare, item then you probably should reconsider why you are buying them and resign yourself to disappointment.


Because in the end to be profitable the game needs every player to spend, on average about $15 per month. And because most f2p players do not spend much on the game at all, it means that those who do will have to spend more. Each hypercrate sold means the subcription for 3 months has been paid, or the subscription of he buyer and two moocher. And it means that to encourage players to buy these things Bioware MUST add some highly desirable but very rare things in it. They are getting better at the desirable. They are still experimenting with the rare. And anything that allows players to bypass the pack/crate system of necessity has to be both difficult and expensive too.

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shut up, dont criticize this, this is a THANK YOU from bioware do you want everything for free ? why are you even entitled to certificates. f you want give aways go to soviet russian, you are clearly a troll and has a vendetta against bioware and EA for no good reason. etc etc etc *more biodrone talk*



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Then again, for me the certificates don't hold any value at all. Don't need them, don't care for them. Should I come here complaining that in the second pack I opened there was a certificate instead of the item I had hoped to find?

If you buy these packs for one specific, rare, item then you probably should reconsider why you are buying them and resign yourself to disappointment.


No, because if you don't care about the certs or reputation items, then everything in the pack is exchangeable for anything else. You might only get 10k credits worth of items, or 1 million, but if the item isn't what you wanted you can sell it on the GTN and buy the item you did.


I opened one since I just recently returned to the game and wanted to see what the contained. It had a mount and a weapon skin, neither of which I cared about. Selling them gave me enough credits to buy a Relaxed Jumpsuit set or a +41 level 10 crystal. Since they could be exchanged for a common currency, it was functionally identical to containing an item I did want.


This is not possible if you want the certs.

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I keep wanting to ask everyone here how it feels with no lube...


If you can't afford a few dollars per month then maybe you should play video games less and work more on getting a better paying job...I blow $10 on lunch every day and I am supposed to be upset over a few bucks for entertainment?

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Maybe next patch they should step it up, and make the rep items and certs follow the normal rule of bound for a day and a half then you can sell them.

I wouldn't mind that for the certs, but don't agree on them for the rep items. Bioware might as well not bother with the rep component at all then.

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