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10-49 Gear questions


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you can get alot of HP also by using 'more endu' over 'more main stat' armorings. which will hurt damage output. 17k hp is not insta win.


But then again, 10-49 pvp was never about being equal or balanced, but about alternative way to level.

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It has a lot to do with using all purple mods with some augments here and there. The last two levels before 50 on my assassin I was basically killing people in 3 GCD's by gearing up this way. I was surprised by how fast their HP just melted, but it was very expensive twinking the gear, and the fun only lasts for a while, so you have to make the decision for you if it's worth it.
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The people who have only 13.5k - 14.5k health or so but stacked main stat and power are the ones who are really dangerous.


Like my lowbie sentinel (well she's like level 48 now), who can hit for over 4k (my biggest hit is 4.6k... really want that 5k medal in lowbies just once!) with Blade Storm and Dispatch (crits of course).


If you're looking to perform at a pretty high level in lowbies, you can actually do it on the cheap (especially if you have crafting skills).


Go for the high main stat (rather than high endurance) armorings (blues work fine), high power mods, and use enhancements to get some crit and surge (depends on class) before stacking more power.


You can make a dangerous character with just all blues (every couple of levels, replace the modded bits) but I would suggest spending the extra money for purple hilts / barrels (if you can afford it)


Augments also give a huge edge. I would suggest just finding a set of moddable gear from the beginning that you like, putting an augment kirt 6 in from the beginning (a huge cash investment, but it will pay off). That way you can just replace the augments themselves rather than the kits as well.


Hopefully this helps!

Edited by SilverMagnum
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I have a currently level 42 Powertech I've been leveling up in Pvp. In a warzone he has 14.7 hp and 1630 main stat with over 400 power. I have a mix of purple and blue modifications that I made myself including augments. It makes playing through the warzones much more enjoyable for me personally even though I know I'll level past that gear quickly.
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Those are very similar stats to my sentinel! (although my main stat is a bit lower because I chose to stack some power and expertise instead)


One thing I forgot to note in my previous post: get two of the cartel market crystals. The +41 stat boosts (go for power or expertise if you can afford, otherwise you can still get a huge health boost with endurance) is simply massive! Especially at lower levels.

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13-14k+ health is good in lowbies and can be achieved with minimal effort and expense using modable gear with modifications purchased using planetary coms. With a crafter, it's easy to fill the gaps, or, make a few purchases on the GTN to make sure most/all of your gear is blue or better and within 3 levels or so of your character level. Also, make sure you remember to use relics. The easiest source is from the light/dark side vendors if you can't find better ones on the GTN or from loot drops/quest rewards.


I usually gear up like this from the mid-30's onward.


Of course, I have friends who push for 15-16k+ health with full augs, purple items, etc., but it's just not worth the effort to me.

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Already have a min/max sentinel combat spec valor 80 something. Saved alot of the mods from originally leveling alts. So with that my Mara level 42 was doing 5k smashes with all purple gear, augments, stacking power, and being a monkey. I haven't tried carnage yet as I am just leveling slowly. he is levle 48 now his hp is not 15k like it was when he was level 42. I will attribute that to still using level 42 or 41 augments. Key is to keep your gear the same level as your character. Easy to keep geared with alts with maxed crew skills. But yes gear matters very much. Got the easy 5k hit with this smash monkey. Highest DMg in wz is 298000 in lowbies.
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+1600 main stat is with stim right? I've only been able to reach 1560 or somerthing on my non-biochem classes in lowbie. I'm not going to use stims that don't persist through death.


blue ones don't require biochem and persist thro death.

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