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Question: Fresh 50's pvp PREP needs for 2.0? Help if you are able...


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I have two chars that will be fresh 50's by friday.... The following is what I want to acomplish... Please advise on a fresh 50's goals to prepare for 2.0 Pvp


I want to be able to acquire the max of coms both ranked and regular before 2.0 goes live ... Pretty easy to do


What Im unsure about is do i need to burn through all the pvp progression armors to be ready day one of 2.0 or will the new armors be able to be bought day one by a fresh 50 skipping EWH?... How does it all work


A step by step guide by a PTS player or someone very familiar with 2.0 I believe would be of great assistance to many players through this thread trying to get ready for 2.0 without doing unwarranted steps or wasting Comendations in the process ...


Thanks for any help and direction


Edited by Trushott
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The new PvP gear is for lvl 55's. They will get rid of all the existing gear. So even if you buy gear now you'll have a couple of levels to earn new comms for lvl 55.


What will fresh 50's do with no expertise then if they are getting rid of all level 50 pvp gear ... Are they just deleting everyones EWH with all the expertise on it?


If not then i guess a fresh 50 should get full EWH gear before 2.0 to be competitive from 50-54 in pvp?

Edited by Trushott
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Get ewh weapons. Max comms. Its better to run naked at 55 with only weapons equipped due to bolster than using fully min maxed war hero. 55 will truly level the playing field. Keep in mind that if you want to max comms on two fifties, you can't buy gear for just one and legacy it over from the second unless both are fifty.
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I would say 2.0 is still at least 3 weeks away since thats how many dbl xp weekends are left so unless you plan on not pvping during that time I would just buy some gear, mh/oh first and whatever else you can (relics would help) and fill the rest with recruit and you can casually build them back up.
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It seems as though this question will apply to anyone circumstantially. If it's true the xpac isn't for a few more weeks then it will depend on how much play time you have. In my case I don't play very often so I'm going to be saving my comms here on out and will be maxed out when it arrives. I don't want to spend a lot of time PvPing 50-54 and will just focus on leveling to 55 so I prefer to be maxed out when 2.0 arrives.
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