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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

so I hear L50 warzones have been unusually horrible lately


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Depends what you mean.


I've noticed a massive amount of fresh 50s joining warzones, and I know everyone has to start somewhere but it's just so damn frustrating when you get more than 3 people in your team with like 15k hp and 1k expertise. More often than not I always seem to see fresh 50 Sorcerers, not sure why this class is so appealing to the masses.

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Depends what you mean.


I've noticed a massive amount of fresh 50s joining warzones, and I know everyone has to start somewhere but it's just so damn frustrating when you get more than 3 people in your team with like 15k hp and 1k expertise. More often than not I always seem to see fresh 50 Sorcerers, not sure why this class is so appealing to the masses.


It is frustrating but alot of those fresh 50,s have a few mains and know their place when playing in war zone the problem is new 50,s have ranked up fast like me most like me got their recruit plus WH gear but I am seeing lots without even recruit like you pointed out in your thread it's shocking tbh

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Yep premade steam rolls happen quite often away from prime time I been finding for the past month. As a pugger myself, if I see 15k HP surrounding me...I leave and reque hoping for a hybrid premade. Usually not hard to find during prime time. Ie...I got my weekly done in one night as a pug last week by being patient with reques.
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Depends what you mean.


I've noticed a massive amount of fresh 50s joining warzones, and I know everyone has to start somewhere but it's just so damn frustrating when you get more than 3 people in your team with like 15k hp and 1k expertise. More often than not I always seem to see fresh 50 Sorcerers, not sure why this class is so appealing to the masses.


I always quit (pre-match) when I see more then one true recruit so...I should stick to leveling my two alts in the near future then, thanks!

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Temp solution: since you're willing to pug pvp, roll an alt and sub 50 pvp to reduce the impact of gear and expertise.

Also, you can't control for everything in this game, let it go.


Depends what you mean.


I've noticed a massive amount of fresh 50s joining warzones, and I know everyone has to start somewhere but it's just so damn frustrating when you get more than 3 people in your team with like 15k hp and 1k expertise. More often than not I always seem to see fresh 50 Sorcerers, not sure why this class is so appealing to the masses.

Edited by ubermouth
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Temp solution: since you're willing to pug pvp, roll an alt and sub 50 pvp to reduce the impact of gear and expertise.

Also, you can't control for everything in this game, let it go.


Why did you quote me? I don't get it.

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I was guarding Snow last night in CW. This 14k Sage came up and tried to attack me. She squished real good.


She came back and changed her strategy. Instead of attacking me, she went straight to the node and tried repeated attempts to cap it while I was attacking her. She failed to cap, and I splattered her again.


Round three, same as Round 2. Straight to the node, trying to cap in between my GCD. Once again, her plans were thwarted, and she splattered again.


I looked for her on the scoreboard when the match was over. She was dead last, with 15k damage and like 1 or 2 medals. I counted players, the enemy team had 8. No one had left, she was there from the beginning.


I think she was fresh 50, and had no idea what was going on because she's never done PvP prior to 50. Players like her are cropping up in a lot of games, so beware!


Good players are seeking refuge in premades! Or bad players. It depends who you ask.

Edited by Arlanon
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To be honest, it's probably a result of the Double EXP/Gree Event issue that's been happening on Ilum. I've seen threads of people saying they are getting to Level 10, shuttling/using a pass to get to Ilum (bolster applied) and then power leveling to 50. This would result in severely under geared and inexperienced 50s, clearly people that were too lazy to reach 50 the right way in the first place. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I know they are turning of bolster on Ilum in the next fix to try and help remedy it. Edited by Kestalas
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To be honest, it's probably a result of the Double EXP/Gree Event issue that's been happening on Ilum. I've seen threads of people saying they are getting to Level 10, shuttling/using a pass to get to Ilum (bolster applied) and then power leveling to 50. This would result in severely under geared and inexperienced 50s, clearly people that were too lazy to reach 50 the right way in the first place. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I know they are turning of bolster on Ilum in the next fix to try and help remedy it.


Apparently with the double XP and an XP stim people can go in 24 man Ops groups and camp those nodes and are getting like 5k XP for each of those droids that comes out. Like 4 spawn I think and the node respawns every minute. So people are flying through levels.

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Apparently with the double XP and an XP stim people can go in 24 man Ops groups and camp those nodes and are getting like 5k XP for each of those droids that comes out. Like 4 spawn I think and the node respawns every minute. So people are flying through levels.


Exactly. However, Eric posted and said they are turning off Ilum boster as a temporary fix. So they will get minimal EXP gains even in a group. Should slow down people getting to 50 without a clue about playing Lvl 50 warzones.

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Some people, like myself, play this game for PVP at level 50.


I'm not interested in anything between 1-49.


I'm saddened that they are fixing this because I only got to leveled my powertech from 28 to 45 and didn't level any of my other toons.


Anyone who considers this an 'issue' can shove off. I like wasting my time playing PvP, not doing mindless ******** for a month.


Thank You!

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Temp solution: since you're willing to pug pvp, roll an alt and sub 50 pvp to reduce the impact of gear and expertise.

Also, you can't control for everything in this game, let it go.


the only problem with this is double xp weekends run for 3 more weeks.. the majority are going to be in the 50-54 bracket so coming into 10-49 queue times might be extended after the event is over. Lest we forget the other faction is going to be up against the same obstacles. Lots of fresh 50's both sides.


Well if your going to have a world event it should be open to everyone not exclusive to those high enough to get to Ilum. If you played an MMO wow, rift or whatever the general mechanics are similar. Bad players are bad players.. simple as that. getting them to 50 the easy way or the hard way isnt going to change that.


Personally, I'm using the double xp in wz and class quests to get to 50 Im 40 now so I'll be 50 soon and having played at 50 I know being rick rolled in recruit gear is not fun but I'll take my lumps like i did before and get the proper gear.

Edited by Jedibediah
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