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I personally would like to see Obi-Wan or count Dooku win the contest. Simply because they are the most interesting characters in my opinion.


Despite, I still anticipate Vader wins though, the popularity of the OT is beyond that of the Clone Wars. (By Clone Wars I mean the time period, not the animated series)

Edited by Kameki
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I predict it will be Vader vs. Boba on the Dark Side and then R2 vs. Yoda on the Light Side. Final round will be Yoda vs. Vader with Vader winning (even though I want Boba to win...).
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I will shake my head until it falls off if Boba beats Sidious.


I really don't get why people like that guy so much. He has such a tiny role in the movies (and such a dumb death, until you go "nooooo in the EU he survived blah blah blah!"), but people latched on to him cause he looks cool (I disagree) and turned him into the bees knees through pretty much just head canon.

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I will shake my head until it falls off if Boba beats Sidious.


I really don't get why people like that guy so much. He has such a tiny role in the movies (and such a dumb death, until you go "nooooo in the EU he survived blah blah blah!"), but people latched on to him cause he looks cool (I disagree) and turned him into the bees knees through pretty much just head canon.


Hey its the EU that propped him up to where he is, I wouldn't have minded so much that he survived the 1st sarlacc...that I could let slide(even if looking at it, was nigh impossible). But then to have survive 2 more times? Just no, and then he is propped up even further by fighting Vader and other jedi(he pretty much lost against Vader, but still that fight shouldn't have happened regardless of the outcome) when in ROTJ he acted pretty stupid against Luke.


But anyway not wanting to derail the thread here.

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I will shake my head until it falls off if Boba beats Sidious.


I really don't get why people like that guy so much. He has such a tiny role in the movies (and such a dumb death, until you go "nooooo in the EU he survived blah blah blah!"), but people latched on to him cause he looks cool (I disagree) and turned him into the bees knees through pretty much just head canon.


Sidious isn't much better. He's just a crazy evil egomaniac who gets thrown down a pit by Vader.

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Answer this. How does one lightsaber (held by Vader) block four lightsaber thrusts or blaster bolts at once? Simple geometry shows that it is impossible.


It wouldnt matter if Greivous had 20 lightsabers when Vader force chokes his *** to death. LOL Btw Obi-Wan didn't have much problem blocking Greivous with one lightsaber.

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Sidious isn't much better. He's just a crazy evil egomaniac who gets thrown down a pit by Vader.


Who managed to single handedly take over the galaxy through political maneuverings and then turned the populace against the jedi to exterminate them.


But ya some dude who transported a carbon frozen other dude and then fell into a sarlac pit cause a blind dude randomly wacked his jet pack with a pole is just as good. Cause ya, he has *****in armor so thats all that matters.

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Who managed to single handedly take over the galaxy through political maneuverings and then turned the populace against the jedi to exterminate them.


His political maneuverings weren't exactly subtle or brilliant. He basically just relied on everyone else in the Republic being so monumentally stupid that they never figured out the obvious plan he was executing. The Trade Federation, the Jedi Order, the Senate, everyone around him was borderline retarded.


He didn't "turn the populace", most of them had no contact with or understanding of Jedi anyways, so he just threw out some propaganda and had his brainwashed clones gun them down.


He played both sides of the war, sure, but that was hardly challenging. No one was even bothering to investigate the war, or the Clone Armies, or anything, really. Palpatine succeeded because no one bothered opposing him until the very last second, when it was much too late.


Then after taking everything over, he wastes it all constructing huge battle stations that get blown up easily.

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His political maneuverings weren't exactly subtle or brilliant. He basically just relied on everyone else in the Republic being so monumentally stupid that they never figured out the obvious plan he was executing. The Trade Federation, the Jedi Order, the Senate, everyone around him was borderline retarded.


He didn't "turn the populace", most of them had no contact with or understanding of Jedi anyways, so he just threw out some propaganda and had his brainwashed clones gun them down.


He played both sides of the war, sure, but that was hardly challenging. No one was even bothering to investigate the war, or the Clone Armies, or anything, really. Palpatine succeeded because no one bothered opposing him until the very last second, when it was much too late.


Then after taking everything over, he wastes it all constructing huge battle stations that get blown up easily.


Your entire post is just asinine attempts to deminish his success with conjecture. Where as you haven't really put up any evidense that makes Boba anything but a run of the mill bounty hunter who's apparently so broke he has to hang around in a hutt's closet, who, again, in them ovies doesn't really do anything. He transports a body, and pulls out his gun at the sight of a grenade (okay?) and then he gets wacked in the back and falls into a monster's facehole. Thats it. Now go ahead and make excuses as to why Sidious accomplished what he did, but your still admitting he accomplished stuff. Thats a lot more then what Boba can say. Boba didn't do anything. Nothing. He just stood around looking cool. Literally, thats about 95% of what he does in the entire trilogy. And fans gobbled it up like cake.

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His political maneuverings weren't exactly subtle or brilliant. He basically just relied on everyone else in the Republic being so monumentally stupid that they never figured out the obvious plan he was executing. The Trade Federation, the Jedi Order, the Senate, everyone around him was borderline retarded.


He didn't "turn the populace", most of them had no contact with or understanding of Jedi anyways, so he just threw out some propaganda and had his brainwashed clones gun them down.


He played both sides of the war, sure, but that was hardly challenging. No one was even bothering to investigate the war, or the Clone Armies, or anything, really. Palpatine succeeded because no one bothered opposing him until the very last second, when it was much too late.


Then after taking everything over, he wastes it all constructing huge battle stations that get blown up easily.

Accept they did investigate... and he evaded them. You also forgot to mention the part where he actually started the war and seem to have glossed over the difficulty that comes with managing two wars and seamless creating a Sith Empire with no rebellion. Not getting caught is only half of the trouble, manipulating just about everyone and anyone of importance in the galaxy is the rest.


Why didn't he get caught? Because he was just that good. It's obvious that the Emperor's brilliance is too great for you to comprehend, forcing you to explain it through the stupidity of others. I hope I haven't made your eyes bleed. :jawa_wink:

I would agree though, building superweapons is a dumb idea. Oh well, Lucas had to give the good guys some way of winning.

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My predictions for the Duel of Eights (clever)


Yoda vs Obi-Wan: Obi-Wan

R2-D2 vs Chewbacca: R2-D2

Darth Vader vs Jabba the Hutt: Vader

Boba Fett vs Sidious: Boba Fett... unfortunately.


I then think R2 will beat Obi Wan and Vader will beat Boba - then Vader will thrash R2 and be declared the galaxy's most popular Star Wars character! Hooray dark side! :jawa_evil:

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How did Sir Christopher Lee lose to Palpatine? I expected it to be close considering how well played they were, but it was a blow out!


Win some, lose some, I guess. At least Tano has been taken out. Come on Yoda! :D

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How did Sir Christopher Lee lose to Palpatine? I expected it to be close considering how well played they were, but it was a blow out!


Win some, lose some, I guess. At least Tano has been taken out. Come on Yoda! :D

Translation: How did Sir Christopher Lee lose to the Emperor of the Galactic Empire who has become one the greatest pop culture icons for evil, and is played by the Ian McDiarmid - the greatest Star Wars actor ever?


I don't know Aurbere, I just don't know. :jawa_wink:


Not but really, Christopher Lee is great but Dooku didn't stand a chance against the Sith of Sith's.


EDIT: *gasp* what is this? Ashoka Tano rules! OK so she doesn't rule that much, but she's in TCW so, yeah.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Translation: How did Sir Christopher Lee lose to the Emperor of the Galactic Empire who has become one the greatest pop culture icons for evil, and is played by the Ian McDiarmid - the greatest Star Wars actor ever?


I don't know Aurbere, I just don't know. :jawa_wink:


Not but really, Christopher Lee is great but Dooku didn't stand a chance against the Sith of Sith's.


EDIT: *gasp* what is this? Ashoka Tano rules! OK so she doesn't rule that much, but she's in TCW so, yeah.


Maybe you are right, but Sir Christopher Lee (over his career) is cooler than Ian (but only slightly). So that's why I voted for Sir Lee.

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Your entire post is just asinine attempts to deminish his success with conjecture. Where as you haven't really put up any evidense that makes Boba anything but a run of the mill bounty hunter who's apparently so broke he has to hang around in a hutt's closet, who, again, in them ovies doesn't really do anything. He transports a body, and pulls out his gun at the sight of a grenade (okay?) and then he gets wacked in the back and falls into a monster's facehole. Thats it. Now go ahead and make excuses as to why Sidious accomplished what he did, but your still admitting he accomplished stuff. Thats a lot more then what Boba can say. Boba didn't do anything. Nothing. He just stood around looking cool. Literally, thats about 95% of what he does in the entire trilogy. And fans gobbled it up like cake.


Ah, you seem to have assumed that I was somehow arguing for Boba Fett. I am not.


I am just deflating Sidious' "chessmaster/evil genius" balloon, because it's a reputation he absolutely does not deserve.

Your entire post is just asinine attempts to deminish his success with conjecture.

Asinine? Conjecture? I'm pointing out that he was essentially unopposed while he laid his "masterful" plans. His one political rival was a lame duck (Valorum), the Jedi Order bought into his obvious lies hook, line, and sinker.

Accept they did investigate... and he evaded them. You also forgot to mention the part where he actually started the war and seem to have glossed over the difficulty that comes with managing two wars and seamless creating a Sith Empire with no rebellion. Not getting caught is only half of the trouble, manipulating just about everyone and anyone of importance in the galaxy is the rest.


Why didn't he get caught? Because he was just that good. It's obvious that the Emperor's brilliance is too great for you to comprehend, forcing you to explain it through the stupidity of others. I hope I haven't made your eyes bleed. :jawa_wink:

When did the Jedi (even Yoda, with his vaunted wisdom) ever stop to question the existence of a clone army ordered by a dead Jedi master?

Starting the war was kind of easy, he just had Dooku play along pre-existing tensions and let the Jedi invade Geonosis.


He didn't seamlessly create the Empire, there were plenty of rebellions, which were apparently constant and eventually toppled the Empire... Who did he actually manipulate? Padme? Jar Jar Binks? A fourteen year old child-Queen and a mentally handicapped amphibian? Impressive.


Saying that the other characters around him didn't catch on because he was brilliant makes no sense. When it is readily apparent that his plan was obvious, this simply makes his adversaries dimwits. There is no implication of his brilliance.


Given how his downfall came about, I would say that his planning abilities are fairly slim.

Maybe you are right, but Sir Christopher Lee (over his career) is cooler than Ian (but only slightly). So that's why I voted for Sir Lee.

I would say far more than slightly. Sir Christopher Lee is the most prolific actor in the history of cinema, and not to mention one of the greatest.

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When did the Jedi (even Yoda, with his vaunted wisdom) ever stop to question the existence of a clone army ordered by a dead Jedi master?


In the books. You know, the version of the PT that wasn't terrible. Read em some time if your gonna argue about the characters.


Also, simply by stating Sidious is no better then Boba, you are propping Boba up on a very tall pedestal.

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Hey its the EU that propped him up to where he is, I wouldn't have minded so much that he survived the 1st sarlacc...that I could let slide(even if looking at it, was nigh impossible). But then to have survive 2 more times? Just no, and then he is propped up even further by fighting Vader and other jedi(he pretty much lost against Vader, but still that fight shouldn't have happened regardless of the outcome) when in ROTJ he acted pretty stupid against Luke.


But anyway not wanting to derail the thread here.


IMO, the other two falling-back-ins were not canon. Only Dengar rescuing him is canon, at least in my personal opinion. And does "best bounty hunter in the galaxy" not mean anything? Cad Bane held his own fairly well against Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos, two very powerful Jedi, and Boba is arguably a better fighter than Bane. Therefore, it is not a stretch that he could actually beat a lower-tier Jedi or two.

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