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Double XP sucks!


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Play a 50 for a weekend.


Not everyone has a 50 to play, but that's beside the point, really.


The solution to the whole thing is trivial and utterly non-intrusive:


Allow it to be disabled for those who want to. It'll remain on for everyone else. Everyone ends up happy. No big deal.

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I lost more than 8 days of paid time because of the XP days. I DO NOT WISH to powerlevel my characters forcedly. Bioware has to realize that and make it at least a buff or a potion that you can cancel.


I had a level 28 agent and I only got her to level 29 over the weekend and it was nice for the double xp but it was extremely that high.


I have other characters so I alternated between them and even though it was the weekend I still can't spend 24/7 on the game.


You can alternated between characters so none of them get that high. That is a solution to your problem.

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Allow it to be disabled for those who want to. It'll remain on for everyone else. Everyone ends up happy. No big deal.

Anyone who wants to CAN disable it, by just playing the content they want to play and ignoring the XP gain. At some point the quests and mobs will go grey, and you won't get anything more for doing them. But you can keep right on doing them anyway. If you want to do every quest on every planet, you can do that, and because you'll spend a lot of the time not getting any XP at all, you'll be in exactly the same spot you would have been with "normal" XP playing through the same stuff.

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Anyone who wants to CAN disable it, by just playing the content they want to play and ignoring the XP gain. At some point the quests and mobs will go grey, and you won't get anything more for doing them. But you can keep right on doing them anyway. If you want to do every quest on every planet, you can do that, and because you'll spend a lot of the time not getting any XP at all, you'll be in exactly the same spot you would have been with "normal" XP playing through the same stuff.


Not having everything go grey is the point, in case you missed it.


Being able to disable it, if you want to, solves it for those who want to disable it.


Not disabling it keeps it nice and fast for everyone else. Win-win.

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Not having everything go grey is the point, in case you missed it.


Being able to disable it, if you want to, solves it for those who want to disable it.


Not disabling it keeps it nice and fast for everyone else. Win-win.

"Not power leveling" is what you're whining about. Nothing is forcing you to "power level." Play the weekend the same way you would have played it without double XP, and you'll wind up in exactly the same place you would have wound up without it. The only "problem" with this is that you're still whining about it.

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Not having everything go grey is the point, in case you missed it.


Being able to disable it, if you want to, solves it for those who want to disable it.


Not disabling it keeps it nice and fast for everyone else. Win-win.

This isn't a bad idea, and had the OP come in with that sort of suggestion, it would have been received better.


Instead he was whinging about how terrible it sucked b***s and made the game "unplayable", and how people who disagree with him are morons.

Edited by Khevar
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I personaly love double XP went from lvl 4 to lvl 20 before end of coruscant and am lvl 28 and just started nar shadaa.

Mostly usinf PVP and a few FP and the dailies. If not for this lvling alts for me would be so repetative cause of all the side quests. Skiped two planets worth of side quest thanks to this.

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you're whining


No, I'm not. I like the feature, personally. I'm just suggesting an improvement, so that people can decide for themselves if they want to use it or not. Calm down.

Edited by DarthDak
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Reading this thread made it pretty clear the forum player base is 90% retarded. 9/10 answers are. Double exp is so good for x,y,z reasons... No one out of people who complained is asking to turn this feature off FOR YOU. You like it? great, enjoy it. All we want is a way to turn it of FOR ME. it does not affect you in any remote way. And if you don't see why some people might not like, well... you are in the 90%.
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anyone else think it really suck balls? I do. I started new char, but it's unplayable, as there is no challenge at all to anything.


Give me option to turn this stupid feature off.


thank you


The rate at which you gain xp has no impact on the challenge of the game's content, just the rate at which you level when completing said content.

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anyone else think it really suck balls? I do. I started new char, but it's unplayable, as there is no challenge at all to anything.


Give me option to turn this stupid feature off.


thank you


double xp weekends are excellent. we need more double thing weekends. Like loot. and credits!

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Purely matter of opinion. You entitled to yours, but given your huge array of unstoppable arguments your opinion clearly is very well supported

Not sure if trolling for a reaction or willing to listen to reasoned arguments. (Of course, your earlier comments about ret**ds were so erudite and compelling that Demosthenes himself began to stutter). I'll bite.


Some of the people on this thread have made sensible requests about making the double xp optional. The OP doesn't fall under that category, starting with the post title. There's a bunch of whinging instead.


"OMG content is too easy!"

"Why don't you skip over optional sidequests instead?"

"No Wai gotta catch 'em all!"

"You can roll more alts to see the sidequests"

"Not my style man"

"Don't upgrade your gear them"

"Stop telling me how to play"


Hey, if someone likes to grind and feels the double xp is taking that away from them, more power to them. It wouldn't bother me one tiny bit if Bioware made the xp optional. Don't care. Lobby away.


But the arguments that complain how it "sucks b*lls" in the brilliant manner of the OP are just silly. Look, even without the double xp, if you do all the sidequests you're going to vastly overlevel everything. I should know, I did it on my first toon. Did every quest. Was massively overleveled despite having no double xp, no rested xp and no bonus xp consumables.


Feel like griding? Sure go ahead. Feel like whinging about how sucky double xp is because it makes everything too easy? Expect people to poke holes in your sillyness.

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Not sure if trolling for a reaction or willing to listen to reasoned arguments. (Of course, your earlier comments about ret**ds were so erudite and compelling that Demosthenes himself began to stutter). I'll bite.


Some of the people on this thread have made sensible requests about making the double xp optional. The OP doesn't fall under that category, starting with the post title. There's a bunch of whinging instead.


"OMG content is too easy!"

"Why don't you skip over optional sidequests instead?"

"No Wai gotta catch 'em all!"

"You can roll more alts to see the sidequests"

"Not my style man"

"Don't upgrade your gear them"

"Stop telling me how to play"


Hey, if someone likes to grind and feels the double xp is taking that away from them, more power to them. It wouldn't bother me one tiny bit if Bioware made the xp optional. Don't care. Lobby away.


But the arguments that complain how it "sucks b*lls" in the brilliant manner of the OP are just silly. Look, even without the double xp, if you do all the sidequests you're going to vastly overlevel everything. I should know, I did it on my first toon. Did every quest. Was massively overleveled despite having no double xp, no rested xp and no bonus xp consumables.


Feel like griding? Sure go ahead. Feel like whinging about how sucky double xp is because it makes everything too easy? Expect people to poke holes in your sillyness.


He is expressing his dislike for double exp, just the the other 9000+ cry in joy over and don't want to hear anything about it. It is is his opinion and he is entitled to it. He might not be the most stable individual and his wording isn't amazing. However keep in mind HE GOT SHORT END OF THE STICK, in this situation. So yes his reaction is actually somewhat justified. While reaction of the "pro" double exp is not.


As for massively overleveled... it is easily avoidable if you skill side quests one .5 planet every 10 levels. I should know i did it on my first toon.


P.S. I was referring to reading forums in general there is more then one thread on the issue, and actually only this one worded as such rest of them are worded i want to turn if off. Yet responses are identical. So ya..


P.P.S The fact is the end game for swtor is well.. lets be polite and say not the best around. So rushing to 50 does not get you too amazing world of endgame, it gets you few grinds. Every game has people who want to run to max level in fact that is a majority (even in GW2, lawl...) There is also a fact that some people enjoy leveling, there are a good chunk of those people. And in the game that is BUILD on leveling experience, that threw 100+ millions on it, to deny it to people is strait up retarded.

Edited by Beastfury
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He is expressing his dislike for double exp, just the the other 9000+ cry in joy over and don't want to hear anything about it. It is is his opinion and he is entitled to it. He might not be the most stable individual and his wording isn't amazing. However keep in mind HE GOT SHORT END OF THE STICK, in this situation. So yes his reaction is actually somewhat justified. While reaction of the "pro" double exp is not.


As for massively overleveled... it is easily avoidable if you skill side quests one .5 planet every 10 levels. I should know i did it on my first toon.


P.S. I was referring to reading forums in general there is more then one thread on the issue, and actually only this one worded as such rest of them are worded i want to turn if off. Yet responses are identical. So ya..


P.P.S The fact is the end game for swtor is well.. lets be polite and say not the best around. So rushing to 50 does not get you too amazing world of endgame, it gets you few grinds. Every game has people who want to run to max level in fact that is a majority (even in GW2, lawl...) There is also a fact that some people enjoy leveling, there are a good chunk of those people. And in the game that is BUILD on leveling experience, that threw 100+ millions on it, to deny it to people is strait up retarded.

Fair enough.


I will say, in my personal experience, that the best leveling experience is the class story itself. Some of the planetary quest lines are interesting, but they don't vary character to character. If someone isn't the type of person to get much out of whatever endgame experience there is, it seems that the best thing to do is to try out the different storylines.


Actually, if you do more than one class quest, there are points where they cross over. Those I particularly enjoy. Having known a character or a situation or a storyline in one class quest, and then seeing another side of it when you do a different one. Or when one of your companions on one toon makes a holocall to one of your companions on another toon.


To truly enjoy this experience (the class quest ones), the fewer repeated side quests you do, the better. On my second pub, Coruscant was boring. By my fifth pub it was almost intolerable. That was one of the reasons I found the double xp so helpful.

Edited by Khevar
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Here is though him and me and bunch of other people are paying customers, and why should we not play this weekend? You love your double exp? great for you, we not asking to turn it of and make YOUR experience any worse. We asking for ability to turn is of for ME. Who the f are you to tell me how i should play my char? Who are you to tell me i am not suppose to play 4 weekends in next 4 month? Here is newsflash for you, i have a job + gym + wife, i dont have alot of time on weekdays. And on weekends i have a life usually, this weekend i was alone i was looking forward to playing 20-30 hours like i use to in college, but i could not. So How is that for dont play this weekend?


got to love trolls..... feel free to play a lvl 50 it's not all time its a bonus weekend and its only for 4 weeks. this weekend helped me get my 5th and 6th level 50's so thanks deves for your help. new players might not want/need this but most players do and it was a fun weekend more people online than I have seen in a long time and that's good for the game!

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All these 'i hate double XP' threads are a bunch of trolls. They are just looking for ppl to reply to get ppl upset at them. Any 'True' gamer knows all MMOs run double XP its a part of the game. If you dont like them dont play on those days. its that easy..
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anyone else think it really suck balls? I do. I started new char, but it's unplayable, as there is no challenge at all to anything.


Give me option to turn this stupid feature off.


thank you


Anyone else think this post sucks balls? I do. I started to reply with reason, but it's impossible as there is no point in explaining common sense to stupidity.


Give me option to turn stupid people off


Thank you.

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got to love trolls..... feel free to play a lvl 50 it's not all time its a bonus weekend and its only for 4 weeks. this weekend helped me get my 5th and 6th level 50's so thanks deves for your help. new players might not want/need this but most players do and it was a fun weekend more people online than I have seen in a long time and that's good for the game!


Are you seriously that dumb or are you pretending. For your sake i hope you are pretending.

1) I do not want to play my 50, the end game blows. If i had time for a hardcore MMO end game like i use, i would play rift that has 5x more stuff to do at max level.

2) how in the gods name the fact that double is is good or not is even relevant here?????????? Am i asking it turn it of for everyone? No i am asking for a switch for ME, it does not affect your sorry dumb arse in anyway, All it takes is an hour of dev time, and it would make a small but noticeable portion of swtor community happy without affecting ANYONE else.

3) It might come as a shock to you but there are many different types of MMO players, Some are hardcore raider, to them new raids, hardmodes etc are most important, Some like leveling, some like achievement/datacron hunting. Some pvp, some are casual 5 maners, some are RP. A good MMO will try to do it's best to appease all of the groups to the best it can. Adding a switch to double exp would appease the leveling community for very little amount of dev time, and without affecting ANYONE else.

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please stop pms'ing OP.


There is no feature to turn it off: GOOD I am pretty sure if there would be you would be posting to remove it because you hit it by accident and now bioware own you xp...


Its pathetic really to watch you call everyone (90%) morons while I think you win the trophy. Please mention the word retard once again, you are such a wordsmith! For the record the way you argue lessens your chances of ever getting what you want. Before your thread I did not give 2 $*its about such a feature, now I REALLY hope they dont ever give you this choice...

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I'm not a fan of double xp. I like to do the planet and side quests. That's the game to me. Once I get a 50 they get put on the shelf to gather dust. You already get over-leveled enough as it is, double xp makes it worse. A toggle for the feature would be welcome.


The late, lamented City of Heroes had a similar problem. They did a permanent xp boost and received many complaints from people leveling so fast they were missing content. They put in an option to just flat out turn off xp gain.


The more options for the player the better.

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