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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Selecting need for loot


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Better example:


4 people work together to hunt and kill an animal. There is only enough meat to feed one person. 3 of them would use it to feed themselves, for they are hungry. The 4th would use it to feed his pet. He gives the meat to his pet and all 4 are hungry as a result. And the 3 are angered.


Summary: It's not that your needs are less important, it's that your companion is an NPC. And npcs are less important than real people.


Feed the pet, so they can hunt better and get more food for everyone!


And, seeing as how need is "for your character" I could easily see how a player would consider the companion "Their character"


It's a tool of your character, and don't you want to maximize your tools? Of course you do!


To the OP, my suggestion, roll need, live with the consequences. You know there is a group vote to kick option, you know they may vote to kick you if you NEED on an item that isn't for your class.

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Actually, the concept of using someone's help and then denying them the opportunity to benefit from their efforts is far from polite. It is an extremely entitled attitude.


If your work group completes a project jointly, and earns a major bonus, do you feel that you none of the rest of the group are entitled to the bonus because you deserve it more or have a car payment to make? How would you feel if another member of the group told you that you get no bonus because another member deserved it more? After all, if a member of the group has a car payment to make this week and your car payment isn't due for another two weeks, wouldn't the polite thing to do be to let the person who needs it now have it?


You could have chosen to roll for greed but you chose to roll need - automatically denying everyone who used greed for what it is for.. That is the action of a selfish person. And to then say that for others to deny you the right to deny them is extremely entitled is the height of hypocrisy.

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Feed the pet, so they can hunt better and get more food for everyone!


And, seeing as how need is "for your character" I could easily see how a player would consider the companion "Their character"


It's a tool of your character, and don't you want to maximize your tools? Of course you do!


To the OP, my suggestion, roll need, live with the consequences. You know there is a group vote to kick option, you know they may vote to kick you if you NEED on an item that isn't for your class.


yeah true :)

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You could have chosen to roll for greed but you chose to roll need - automatically denying everyone who used greed for what it is for.. That is the action of a selfish person. And to then say that for others to deny you the right to deny them is extremely entitled is the height of hypocrisy.


But i would never force others to choose need or greed, one or the other, I would let them make that choice rather than attempt to dictate to them the decision they have to make.

As for that is what greed is for, can someone, anyone who knows this please show me a link on this site by the developers where it says exactly that? That greed is meant for companions only? If someone can direct me to a link that says (By developers) that greed is for companions then fine, i will do exactly that because that is what the game design is for.

If I were able to choose to play flashpoints with my companion rather than my character to need for the loot then I could see the point being made, but I dont have that choice, I HAVE TO play with my character therefore I play with my character to benefit my companion. Thats the choice i have.

Edited by Jonrobbie
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So OP - just to clarify, you're happy with


1) Going into a flashpoint with 4 other players,

where you are the only consular

where the only columi piece that drops at the end is a willpower one that is a significant upgrade for you

and a jedi knight needs this item and takes it for his/ her Kira?


2) Repeating the above scenario three more times, with the consular piece dropping only once more and again you losing the roll to someone who says they need it for their Kira?


3) Going into a flashpoint with 4 other players, where everyone needs every single drop?

Because after all each player should be able to determine how they roll for themselves?


I'm curious what you would consider unreasonable or unfair behavior.

Edited by Elyssandra
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Its not so much the fact that they might put me on ignore, thats fine if they want to do that, but rather their reaction towards me winning a roll. If someone wins a roll on something i tried for, then hey cool good for them, no problem.


But heaven forbid if i win it i hear nothing short of childish and pathetic comments of fair play, name calling and how im not playing fair.

Cant they just get a grip


but when you choose need instead of greed it is NOT a fair roll - so your statement doesnt stand.


By choosing need you automatically deny everyone who chose greed.... so they have a right to express their unhappiness at you choosing need if they felt you did not actually need it. Because need puts you at a higher position than greed - you have to be able to justify your actions to the group; and if they do not deem your explanation satisfactory they have every right to boot you.


Unless of course you were referring to people whining that you got an item when you selected greed - in which case i totally agree with you:)

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when group is playing by one set of rules and you change it on them, without even telling them? you are being selfish and entitled yourself. which you are correct, is your choice. however, the consequence of that choice is people getting annoyed and booting you from a group. contrary to your opinion, it is NOT a childish reaction.


group content is about working as a team and communication. you know unwritten rules you are aware of them. you chose to break them. YOU are whining about them reacting to your actions in an understandable way.


again. the solution is super simple. "would you mind if I roll need for my companion?" funny story. you are not the only one with companions. most players have 5 of them by the time they reach 50, and even while leveling, you have at least one. they may have wanted a chance to gear their companion as well, but because they follow unwritten rules, you took that fair chance away from them.


you may not like those rules, but you cannot just decide to ignore them and not expect retribution. YOU are being childish about not accepting consequences of your actions.

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So OP - just to clarify, you're happy with


1) Going into a flashpoint with 4 other players,

where you are the only consular

where the only columi piece that drops at the end is a willpower one that is a significant upgrade for you

and a jedi knight needs this item and takes it for his/ her Kira?


2) Repeating the above scenario three more times, with the consular piece dropping only once more and again you losing the roll to someone who says they need it for their Kira?


3) Going into a flashpoint with 4 other players, where everyone needs every single drop?

Because after all each player should be able to determine how they roll for themselves?


I'm curious what you would consider unreasonable or unfair behavior.


Ok i will put it like this


1) good for them if they get it for their companion

2)sure I would be miffed but no loss, id just shrug and say good on them while i quietly drool over the item

3)If that is their choice to click need for each gear. who am i to refuse them? A gamer sure, but i wont presume that my needs outweigh theirs. I say let the dice roll and land where it may. In the end thats the fairest way to do it


Let me put it in further perspective

In my last flashpoint i clicked need on 2 out of 13 items because i wanted those 2 for my companion. I chose to pass on the others because i either didnt need those items for my companion or chose not to for myself. Shouldnt freedom and discretion to choose be more important than one gamers view of their importance and need outweigh another gamers view? As long as each rolls a chance to win it, i dont see the problem

Edited by Jonrobbie
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I can't wait until the OP gets to 50, then wont ever get into any hardmode flashpoints / raids to gain any gear for end-game stuff because every single tank in the game has him on ignore because of his selfishness.


People can claim whatever they want about their companion is an extension of themselves yadda yadda, a Player Character > Companion Character. How someone can be completely ignorant of that is beyond me. This was the first MMO I ever tried, and I did hit need on an aim item once while on my juggernaut because hey, I saw a lot of green numbers :rak_03:

I was then told not to do that, because it was poor etiquette. I never rolled need on anything that is not a direct upgrade for my own character ever since.


Better gear for character: Makes it easier to do group content

Better gear for companion: Makes it easier to do solo content

MMO -> Group Content -> Solo content. If you want solo content, COD is ------> that way.

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However if the developers designed greed for that exact purpose of being for companions only instead of need then I will agree to it because that is the games design. If someone could enlighten me to this with a link i would appreciate it, otherwise ill send the developers an in game email with that question
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I can't wait until the OP gets to 50, then wont ever get into any hardmode flashpoints / raids to gain any gear for end-game stuff because every single tank in the game has him on ignore because of his selfishness.


People can claim whatever they want about their companion is an extension of themselves yadda yadda, a Player Character > Companion Character. How someone can be completely ignorant of that is beyond me. This was the first MMO I ever tried, and I did hit need on an aim item once while on my juggernaut because hey, I saw a lot of green numbers :rak_03:

I was then told not to do that, because it was poor etiquette. I never rolled need on anything that is not a direct upgrade for my own character ever since.


Better gear for character: Makes it easier to do group content

Better gear for companion: Makes it easier to do solo content

MMO -> Group Content -> Solo content. If you want solo content, COD is ------> that way.


I had no idea it was selfish to have the freedom of choice

I say its more selfish of someone like yourself to dictate to other gamers what they can or cannot do. What they can or cannot roll on.

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Society functions on unwritten rules.


Holding the door open for people. Giving up your seat for people. Letting the kid catch the baseball. Stuff like that.


So we all know what happens when someone decides to say "Screw these unwritten rules, I'll do what I want, and then justify it by saying everyone else can do what they want also cuz it's not written anywhere that I have to hold the door open." Society rips you a new one and rightfully so.


That's what's happening here, regardless of what the actual topic is about. People are openly and blatantly saying F.U. to unwritten rules as if they mean nothing when they clearly do.


You can't hide behind "freedom of speech/choice" to justify this kind of behaviour. Just because you *can* say/do something, doesn't mean you *should*.

Edited by PetFish
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Ho hum.


As said by others before it goes firstly to the char you play, I know mistakes happen as I'v personally misclicked need on hurry due hasty PUG midfight looters. However, pressing the need button purposedly on every item is a trademark of a ninja loot whore.

Edited by Beansoup
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I had no idea it was selfish to have the freedom of choice

I say its more selfish of someone like yourself to dictate to other gamers what they can or cannot do. What they can or cannot roll on.


Then do not raid or group with other players. We all as a majority follow a common in game rule set that *is* written. You can find those rules and what is considered to be ninja looting here. Since companions are involved in this game, we have all understood that companions are a greed role instead of a need role unless otherwise specified or asked for.


If you do not like how we as an MMO community have these rules set up, that apply to EVERYONE, not just you...then do not group with others. Simple as that. Because if you do continue with this hard headed, defiant, head butting attitude of yours when it comes to the written rules of the looting system, then you will soon find yourself unable to find a group anyway...once people start catching on to how you like to play.

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Then do not raid or group with other players. We all as a majority follow a common in game rule set that *is* written. You can find those rules and what is considered to be ninja looting here. Since companions are involved in this game, we have all understood that companions are a greed role instead of a need role unless otherwise specified or asked for.


If you do not like how we as an MMO community have these rules set up, that apply to EVERYONE, not just you...then do not group with others. Simple as that. Because if you do continue with this hard headed, defiant, head butting attitude of yours when it comes to the written rules of the looting system, then you will soon find yourself unable to find a group anyway...once people start catching on to how you like to play.


But thats wikipedia, thats not the swtor game developers design, and i couldnt read anywhere on the ninja looting part about companions being regarded as ninja looting. Okay, to try and make things more clear for myself I will ingame email the developers and ask them.

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Ok i will put it like this


1) good for them if they get it for their companion

2)sure I would be miffed but no loss, id just shrug and say good on them while i quietly drool over the item

3)If that is their choice to click need for each gear. who am i to refuse them? A gamer sure, but i wont presume that my needs outweigh theirs. I say let the dice roll and land where it may. In the end thats the fairest way to do it


Let me put it in further perspective

In my last flashpoint i clicked need on 2 out of 13 items because i wanted those 2 for my companion. I chose to pass on the others because i either didnt need those items for my companion or chose not to for myself. Shouldnt freedom and discretion to choose be more important than one gamers view of their importance and need outweigh another gamers view? As long as each rolls a chance to win it, i dont see the problem


You are the one gamer here vs the large majority of the community here.


You have the freedom of choice. You chose to pass on items you didnt care for. Good for you.


You also choose to need on stuff that you wanted knowing that NEED puts you at a higher priority than GREED.


And there is no need to "explain" what need/greed is for. The language is blatantly obvious.


Either you NEED it (ie: you would be at a significant disadvantage if you didnt get it) or you are GREEDy for it (ie: you just want it).


The community at large has decided that companions are not something which count for need. You can choose to go against it, but the people you group with can also choose to not put up with unacceptable behavior. But arent you now trying to dictate to the rest of the community that they have to put up with people like you instead of vote-kick and /ignore?


Sounds to me like you are being the entitled one.

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Greed if you want for offspec or companion. In cases where you *really* like something for your comp or offspec - ask the team if they're okay if you NEED on it only after 1) they've all hit GREED and 2) you have explained why you'd like to click NEED. Haven't seen anyone respond with a "no" to that kind of request.
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But thats wikipedia, thats not the swtor game developers design, and i couldnt read anywhere on the ninja looting part about companions being regarded as ninja looting. Okay, to try and make things more clear for myself I will ingame email the developers and ask them.


and MMOs are a community based game. Like all societies the gaming community decides what is and isnt acceptable.


Chances are if you get a reply form a GM/dev they will tell you that it is up to each group to decide what is and isnt acceptable for themselves.

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You are the one gamer here vs the large majority of the community here.


You have the freedom of choice. You chose to pass on items you didnt care for. Good for you.


You also choose to need on stuff that you wanted knowing that NEED puts you at a higher priority than GREED.


And there is no need to "explain" what need/greed is for. The language is blatantly obvious.


Either you NEED it (ie: you would be at a significant disadvantage if you didnt get it) or you are GREEDy for it (ie: you just want it).


The community at large has decided that companions are not something which count for need. You can choose to go against it, but the people you group with can also choose to not put up with unacceptable behavior. But arent you now trying to dictate to the rest of the community that they have to put up with people like you instead of vote-kick and /ignore?


Sounds to me like you are being the entitled one.


No, i never said that they should put up with it if they did not like it. What I said was all the power to them if they decide to kick me and ignore me. Thats their choice. I dont think its mature but that IS their choice. What i DO believe is wrong is that they feel they have the right to dictate to me that I cannot have the same choice to roll on an item that they do.

And I do believe that I would be at a significant disadvantage if i did not click need on an item otherwise i would not have done so in the first place. Thats my view, but i disagree with someone else stating that their needs outweight mine. I say let the die of the roll make that choice. Not some gamer dictate to me

And as for need over greed for a companion, I am YET to see any links or quote from the developers saying that is what greed was designed for. If I can get a response from the designers stating that greed is what companions are for then i will go with that because that is the game design

Edited by Jonrobbie
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I had no idea it was selfish to have the freedom of choice

I say its more selfish of someone like yourself to dictate to other gamers what they can or cannot do. What they can or cannot roll on.


So.. its selfish that I say everyone should have a chance to upgrade their own character, but its not selfish that you need for yourself and your companion, effectively needing on 50% of the geardrops?


Im not dictacting anything, Im saying if you continue playing like this, you're gonna end up not getting into any groups at endgame, because everyone will ignore you for looting stuff for your NPC.


P.S: Most classes gets characters that needs 3/4 mainstat groups, meaning by your logic, I can need on 75% of the gear on any one of my chars, and on some, like my warrior, I can need on 100% of the gear in flashpoints. Would that be nice accodring to your logic?

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and MMOs are a community based game. Like all societies the gaming community decides what is and isnt acceptable.


Chances are if you get a reply form a GM/dev they will tell you that it is up to each group to decide what is and isnt acceptable for themselves.



Okay if that is the reply that I receive from them, then from now on i will ask other gamers before going ahead with each flashpoint to make it clearer for all four of us

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So.. its selfish that I say everyone should have a chance to upgrade their own character, but its not selfish that you need for yourself and your companion, effectively needing on 50% of the geardrops?


Im not dictacting anything, Im saying if you continue playing like this, you're gonna end up not getting into any groups at endgame, because everyone will ignore you for looting stuff for your NPC.


P.S: Most classes gets characters that needs 3/4 mainstat groups, meaning by your logic, I can need on 75% of the gear on any one of my chars, and on some, like my warrior, I can need on 100% of the gear in flashpoints. Would that be nice accodring to your logic?



So would you say that .needing on 2 out of 13 items in the last flashpoint and passing on the rest was selfish? and can you please re-phrase your first question? Im not sure i follow what you are saying

Edited by Jonrobbie
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No, i never said that they should put up with it if they did not like it. What I said was all the power to them if they decide to kick me and ignore me. Thats their choice. I dont think its mature but that IS their choice. What i DO believe is wrong is that they feel they have the right to dictate to me that I cannot have the same choice to roll on an item that they do.

And as for need over greed for a companion, I am YET to see any links or quote from the developers saying that is what greed was designed for. If I can get a response from the designers stating that greed is what companions are for then i will go with that because that is the game design


You truely are the rebel without a clue. Good luck on your ventures.

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