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heroic gameplay - where is it?


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Ok, to be straight, I am having a blast again in SWTOR, was in at launch then left as it started to fall apart, popped back once or twice then arrived back a few weeks ago.


Overall the game has improved, its also still got a hell of a lot of really broken stuff and lots of problems. F2P and the CM I guess are working but I am alos guessing with a handful of servers the populations now are a lot lot smaller than ever expected at this point. PvP is really just an instanced war zone game, which I enjoy, but its pretty small scale, limited and it doesn't feel much like a war, more like a friendly game of football in the park on Sunday with jumpers for goal posts!


So I'm wondering why I'm fighting a war with BIG *** boss mobs like its me plus 15 others against ONE crazed droid/monster/thing? Where is the war?


Where is the epic combat? Shouldn't there be OP's that are 16 of us against 20 or 30 of the other side (be it hutt, empire, whatever) a fight that is a bit less about everyone learning the right dance steps and actually having to fight. In the game world every planet is basically the same fight, couple of mobs, a strong maybe an elite, where is the heroic fight?


I want to line up in an Operation and watch 40 Sith come charging at us, have to actually fight not dance, get through them rather than dismiss them as an inconvenient trail of trash.


I seem to recall it was one of the early game objectives, not to have a game where a raid was just you and a dozen friends beating on a boss for loot..... oops!

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I want to line up in an Operation and watch 40 Sith come charging at us, have to actually fight not dance, get through them rather than dismiss them as an inconvenient trail of trash.


A nice idea, but not gonna happen with this engine...

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