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Silly nameless guy, of course I can solo people, I was talking about fighting specs that can actually give Scrapper a run for their money :rolleyes: Even after getting the 11k health pot, a US deception sin (which should beat a scrapper any day, just tooo many defensive cds) managed to bring me down a whole 2%. That's just not using abilities :p Also, I 2v1'd a US smash marauder (which fares the best as far as marauders go) and a pug arsenal merc without losing any hp. It's saddening :/ See you, random guy!


And toth, I've gone into wz's before on a shadow without even buying stealth or a double bladed lightsaber :p


Good thing this game isn't about Solo kills, then right? This is Bones btw. Yes, you've solo'd me before and I don't really care. I've let you cap nodes right in front of me if my team didn't stand a chance. I play the game for fun and don't really mind losing.

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Imagine this, if Unicorn Stampede didnt against as of right now, would the imps ever have a good day at PvP? I'm not trying to take pod shots at other guilds, I'm just trying to be honest. What other "Solid" not up and coming such as Chaotic or a few others, but a "Solid" PvP guild that can stand against the republic massive legions of well geared/well skilled PvP'ers?

uncensored (much better than you, btw), v&h, tryhards, chaotic pixels, no goon, qdodgers, soultakers. they all dominate many a rep. just because you/they get rolled by premades from the top rep guilds doesn't mean there aren't a ton of other reps in Q that you/they can and do roll every day.


furthermore, just about every decent, good, and great pub player has an imp and vice versa. so all the "woe is imp life" sheeit needs to stop.


Don't get why unicorns stampede gets all the hate but it is what it is.

superQs. there's the smack talk before they rolled CO, but the mere fact that they got rolled by the better guild(s?) was humble pie enough. so...yeah. just the superQs. it's a douche move. rationalize it all you want, mr. skrooby. it's clearly a method of cheating the system as it was designed. running into 2 premades, on the other hand, is not.


So they talk some **** and troll people to death....but it's a game. Isn't that the point of a game?

no. actually, that's abuse/griefing. believe it or not, most people do not like to be insulted, belittled, or cursed out, in-game or irl.

I do not understand how a casual ranked team que dodging you one night is making you salty. But, hey get them free ranked comms I guess?

gotta say, I'm cool with this. if there were 30 teams Q'd so that you don't end up in a rofl stomp fest every pop, then sure. but if it's LD50 and Uncensored vs what amounts to a kickball team? screw it. leave. give them their 140 comms in the empty wz. the alternative is that they didn't get a pop at all. you still eat the loss for dropping the wz, unlike regs, where there are absolutely no repercussions for dropping when you don't get your superQ.


I'm sorry you have such a poor perception of US as most people seem to have the same misconception

as long as you superQ, it's not a misconception. not saying it's "you" personally, but as a guild, you allow it. you deserve the derision you receive until you put your...hoof down.


I'm sick of this thread. If you want to justify your hate for U.S. Caprica, do it on another thread. You're entitled to your opinion, but everything I've read is false by my memory, you have no proof, and you can't or don't choose to name who has been talking trash. Screenshot or it didn't happen. .

reg hb match. our team is dominating (I was on one of my imps...think it was the pyro). score is 5-0. you and pj decide rofl stomping the rep team isn't enough. you're going to taunt them and waste everyone's time by tossing the ball onto the side balcony. you only move from there and move the ball for the final score after I ask you kindly. then ask you kindly again. then threaten to report you. and you wonder why ppl don't like your guild? you are a good player. and you have plenty of skilled players. don't act like a *** when you get the upper hand. don't superQ. don't be the scum of the game that were formerly known as <watchmen>.

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Silly nameless guy, of course I can solo people, I was talking about fighting specs that can actually give Scrapper a run for their money :rolleyes: Even after getting the 11k health pot, a US deception sin (which should beat a scrapper any day, just tooo many defensive cds) managed to bring me down a whole 2%. That's just not using abilities :p Also, I 2v1'd a US smash marauder (which fares the best as far as marauders go) and a pug arsenal merc without losing any hp. It's saddening :/ See you, random guy!


And toth, I've gone into wz's before on a shadow without even buying stealth or a double bladed lightsaber :p


Amazing observation:


"he sounds more and more like Ron Jeremy with every post on the forums".


Lol'd at that one.

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uncensored (much better than you, btw), v&h, tryhards, chaotic pixels, no goon, qdodgers, soultakers. they all dominate many a rep. just because you/they get rolled by premades from the top rep guilds doesn't mean there aren't a ton of other reps in Q that you/they can and do roll every day.


Of course uncensored is better. They are the best PvP guild on server. We all know that. How about you ask Panzer Maus, Darkmagician how many try hards actually log on now? Chaotic Pixels are getting better I will say that, but still not close to rep PvP yet. No goon is good! But I haven't seen many of them on, I know a few of them are in PD and thats where I see them when I log in. Qdodgers is still fairly new, and they haven't had time to build a name yet. I don't even know Soultakers and I play every day. You honestly think these guilds are a match for Republic gentlemen, Prime Defense, LD 50, Legendary, Thundercats, and a plethora of other republic guilds? If you think PvP is even on this server, you may need to get your head checked. Rep PvP > Imp PvP. Oh I almost forgot! Bad rep as well is pretty good. And by dominate you mean win 3 out of 10 games I hope? lol

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Of course uncensored is better. They are the best PvP guild on server. We all know that. How about you ask Panzer Maus, Darkmagician how many try hards actually log on now? Chaotic Pixels are getting better I will say that, but still not close to rep PvP yet. No goon is good! But I haven't seen many of them on, I know a few of them are in PD and thats where I see them when I log in. Qdodgers is still fairly new, and they haven't had time to build a name yet. I don't even know Soultakers and I play every day. You honestly think these guilds are a match for Republic gentlemen, Prime Defense, LD 50, Legendary, Thundercats, and a plethora of other republic guilds? If you think PvP is even on this server, you may need to get your head checked. Rep PvP > Imp PvP. Oh I almost forgot! Bad rep as well is pretty good. And by dominate you mean win 3 out of 10 games I hope? lol


I queue all the time. mostly solo. I see a LOT of lopsided matches where those guilds roll. yes. there are many more good rep guilds. newsflash: there are MANY more rep pvpers. those guilds all run premades that DO roll rep teams. I should know. I'm in them.


edit: no. they win lopsided victories. they are also the victim of lopsided victories. did I say it was even? no. but the mass of reps also means you draw a lot of bad reps.

Edited by foxmob
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Every single person in US is s***. All you have ever done as a guild is que dodge and super que.


Sorry if the largest collection on the server of would be's and have been's have good intentions, your actions as a guild are s***. Any person who speaks negatively of US over any platform has just cause to do so, and in doing so only reciprocates your own actions.


US, you are all terrible. You are all retarded.


Whats best is that this is no secret to anyone on the server. I'm certain you guys circle jerk each other every night in mumble coming up/figuring out justifications for making this game that much worse and less enjoyable for any receiving party of before mentioned actions.


I personally don't care about your super ques because you guys are so *********** terrible that it only takes me and a healer to destroy your entire team, this is more about your que dodging bulls***.


So we are talking about the select actions of a few in a guild and ruining the game for other. This coming from the guild has been proven as harboring players who have actively hacked the game and been caught on video. Then you have the balls to say that because of what some of our members do we in fact ruin the game.Kettle? Pot?


Lol I find that a rather funny concept. Not to mention the fact that some of your members actively /say abuse to our guildies who run in 4 mans when we reply purely with a "GG", win or lose.


Stop sitting up on your ego imposed pedestal and realize that not every single person in Unicorn Stampede superqueues intentionally, we don't sit in mumble stroking each other (much like you guys do in these forums :rolleyes:) , in fact we had a karaoke session going on while we all levelled our lowbies tonight enjoying the double XP weekend!


Coming from the GM of a guild i though you might have been capable of showing some restraint and not just utterly nerd raging in a post that has nothing to do with what you are talking about.


stay classy dargos.


On a more positive note, enjoyed playing with ya the night bradleey! Hurry up and get your backside to 50 :)

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So we are talking about the select actions of a few in a guild and ruining the game for other. This coming from the guild has been proven as harboring players who have actively hacked the game and been caught on video. Then you have the balls to say that because of what some of our members do we in fact ruin the game.Kettle? Pot?


No one was caught hacking anything, You should know based upon perceptions of myself from none other than your own guild members that I care to much to allow such measures to go unchecked. If someone is or was ever caught hacking in my guild, I would kick them immediately.


I feel like thats a little much for you to accept so i'll just retort that and say, "hack to win". - quote, edit and take that out of context as you please


Lol I find that a rather funny concept. Not to mention the fact that some of your members actively /say abuse to our guildies who run in 4 mans when we reply purely with a "GG", win or lose.


Did you even read my post, or are you just to stupid to understand it?


Stop sitting up on your ego imposed pedestal and realize that not every single person in Unicorn Stampede superqueues intentionally, we don't sit in mumble stroking each other (much like you guys do in these forums :rolleyes:) , in fact we had a karaoke session going on while we all levelled our lowbies tonight enjoying the double XP weekend!


Coming from the GM of a guild i though you might have been capable of showing some restraint and not just utterly nerd raging in a post that has nothing to do with what you are talking about.


stay classy dargos.


I am not the GM of any guild, almost certainly for this reason. I do however enjoy calling people out on their s***.


In addition, I'll ask the same question twice because your stupidity warrants it. Did you even read my post or are you just to stupid to understand it?

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No one was caught hacking anything, You should know based upon perceptions of myself from none other than your own guild members that I care to much to allow such measures to go unchecked. If someone is or was ever caught hacking in my guild, I would kick them immediately.


LOL now that's rather interesting cause I've seen some rather interesting youtube videos that show otherwise lol.


But anyway I only brought that up to highlight the redundant and hypocritical things you posted....




I read it.


A lot of *******'s in it.


I get it, you're complaining about super queues.


I addressed that indirectly and directly in my post. So to be fair I could probably ask the same thing of you.


Its rather interesting that you ask if I'm too stupid to understand what you post when you yourself seem too stupid to be able to post a coherent train of thought but instead splattered nerd rage over a thread that didn't warrant it and then peppered it with a lot of: you are all (insert disgusting remark here).


So to make this simple for you;


No I'm not too stupid to understand the post, but you seem to be too stupid to write your own posts effectively without resorting to making points that you can't justify when a candle is held to your own guilds actions. Along with resorting to petty insults and quite frankly comments that might offend people purely based on your lack of a more appropriate vocabulary alone.

Edited by Ekoado
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LOL now that's rather interesting cause I've seen some rather interesting youtube videos that show otherwise lol.


But anyway I only brought that up to highlight the redundant and hypocritical things you posted....




I read it.


A lot of *******'s in it.


I get it, you're complaining about super queues.


I addressed that indirectly and directly in my post. So to be fair I could probably ask the same thing of you.


Its rather interesting that you ask if I'm too stupid to understand what you post when you yourself seem too stupid to be able to post a coherent train of thought but instead splattered nerd rage over a thread that didn't warrant it and then peppered it with a lot of: you are all (insert disgusting remark here).


So to make this simple for you;


No I'm not too stupid to understand the post, but you seem to be too stupid to write your own posts effectively without resorting to making points that you can't justify when a candle is held to your own guilds actions. Along with resorting to petty insults and quite frankly comments that might offend people purely based on your lack of a more appropriate vocabulary alone.


You've been hanging around Neb too much, have a nice day.

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Good thing this game isn't about Solo kills, then right? This is Bones btw. Yes, you've solo'd me before and I don't really care. I've let you cap nodes right in front of me if my team didn't stand a chance. I play the game for fun and don't really mind losing.


BONES!!!!!!!!! Hey buddy :D Sure solo kills are useful, especially when they result in me capping the offnode quickly afterwards :) Also, for a guy that doesn't care, you sure complain in /say alot :p


-- Much love

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You've been hanging around Neb too much, have a nice day.


If you don't want your stupid petty posts torn to shreds with reasoned arguments then don't start flame wars in threads that have nothing to do with you.


I'l take that as a compliment to be fair, Neb is a rather intelligent debater on forums and is particularly helpful to players in the operative forums =P


(OFC I know that's not what you meant but if your done flaming US on this thread then lets be done with it)

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You never let things go, do you?


This very statement in response to mine, knowing what I know about you is hypocritical. Try again.


For someone who supposedly abhors complaining you do an AWFUL lot of it.


There is a very very very distinguished line drawn between complaining and outright guild bashing. Try again.

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If you don't want your stupid petty posts torn to shreds with reasoned arguments then don't start flame wars in threads that have nothing to do with you.


I'l take that as a compliment to be fair, Neb is a rather intelligent debater on forums and is particularly helpful to players in the operative forums =P


(OFC I know that's not what you meant but if your done flaming US on this thread then lets be done with it)


Would you like me to tear apart your post? I was saving you the humiliation and myself the time.

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This very statement in response to mine, knowing what I know about you is hypocritical. Try again.




There is a very very very distinguished line drawn between complaining and outright guild bashing. Try again.


All I see is "WAH WAH WAH!"


Super queue(yes QUEUE, not Spanish for "what") this, and queue dodge that.....getting old. Your **** is tired. Broken record at your best and a man in need of a thesaurus at your worst. I've been out of YOUR guild for a few months, yet you menstruate all over the forums about it on a regular basis.

Edited by Ravashakk
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Would you like me to tear apart your post? I was saving you the humiliation and myself the time.


It really doesn't matter if you go back, deconstruct my posts bit by bit , point out all potential flaws in any comments I made or inferred to.


You've already made yourself look unintelligent and petty in this thread without having to resort to a sad attempt to salvage what you have left of your ego.

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It really doesn't matter if you go back, deconstruct my posts bit by bit , point out all potential flaws in any comments I made or inferred to.


You've already made yourself look unintelligent and petty in this thread without having to resort to a sad attempt to salvage what you have left of your ego.


He thinks this is a war zone, and all he has to do is yell "DARGOS SMASH!" and all will be demolished.

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I would love to see the youtube videos of LD50 members hacking. I fully expect to see videos of Acorns or Cates guardian leaping to nothing in the endzone of huttball, because people are too dumb to understand class and ability mechanics besides their own. That being said, I really hope there's a video out there that supposedly "proves" that people in LD50 hack that doesn't involve Guardian Leap, though I highly doubt there is.





(Protip: you can guardian leap to stealthed allies)

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I would love to see the youtube videos of LD50 members hacking. I fully expect to see videos of Acorns or Cates guardian leaping to nothing in the endzone of huttball, because people are too dumb to understand class and ability mechanics besides their own. That being said, I really hope there's a video out there that supposedly "proves" that people in LD50 hack that doesn't involve Guardian Leap, though I highly doubt there is.





(Protip: you can guardian leap to stealthed allies)


I'm 100% sure it's a video of acorns carrying the ball w/o a light and then scoring 6 times in the span of about 2s in a watchmen vs. ld50 rated game. and yes. that did happen. whether it was an exploit or a glitch, I cannot say.

Edited by foxmob
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I would love to see the youtube videos of LD50 members hacking. I fully expect to see videos of Acorns or Cates guardian leaping to nothing in the endzone of huttball, because people are too dumb to understand class and ability mechanics besides their own. That being said, I really hope there's a video out there that supposedly "proves" that people in LD50 hack that doesn't involve Guardian Leap, though I highly doubt there is.





(Protip: you can guardian leap to stealthed allies)


Lol I know the mechanics of a Jugg, my Jugg actually dinged 50 tonight :)


I was referring to a video i saw that was posted in these forums where a speed hack is used CLEARLY showing 4/5 goals being scored in a matter of seconds. You all know what I'm referring to.

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