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It's not surprising the CM business model works


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I myself was a bit disappointed that so much effort is put into the CM. Then I saw that with every addition to it people were saying in the forum how they are so happy and will spend a few hundred dollars on it. It's the mass of gamers that has changed. I see so many people so happy about the CM and expecting more things. You know, other MMOs made you do minigames back in the day for such rewards. Those required time, now they require money. All the arguments in the world won't be enough to convince BW to stop this as long as people state: " Oh, I just bought 100 cartel packs". As Galadriel was saying in the beginning of LOTR :"The world has changed" and us traditional MMOers will have to get used to that...

We just have to be ready to live with it.

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I think BioWare is too fast with their packs, people will eventually get burned out... wonder if that will kill the game in a few months.


Greed can make companies do extremely dumb things. I can only imagine that after EA saw the revenue reports off the first packs the conversation went something like:


"OMG, Make more packs right now!!!"

"But sir, she'll fly apart!"

"Fly her apart then!!"

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Generation mmo gets older. so mmo-developers convert time into money. i, for instance dont have time to play a mmo for 2000 hours per character any more. so i´m actually happy to pay for some perks.


but i agree that bioware´s cashshop is not that good. they should take a look at star trek onlines or lord of the rings onlines cash-shops. they are actually great. you can spend your money exactly on the thinks you personally want.

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I myself was a bit disappointed that so much effort is put into the CM. Then I saw that with every addition to it people were saying in the forum how they are so happy and will spend a few hundred dollars on it. It's the mass of gamers that has changed. I see so many people so happy about the CM and expecting more things. You know, other MMOs made you do minigames back in the day for such rewards. Those required time, now they require money. All the arguments in the world won't be enough to convince BW to stop this as long as people state: " Oh, I just bought 100 cartel packs". As Galadriel was saying in the beginning of LOTR :"The world has changed" and us traditional MMOers will have to get used to that...

We just have to be ready to live with it.


A few things i want to point out here:

1: You say they used to requre time, not money, in the old days... but in MMO's time IS money.

2: You dont HAVE to buy stuff from the cartel market for real money... you can buy it on the GTN for in-game money, requiring time and not money for you to gather.

3: Subscribers get 500 (or 600) free cartel coins each month, so technically you dont have to spend a dime.


4: all those points are lost, of course, if you are a F2P player, but in that case you shold realize that games cost money to make and maintain so you need to contribute somehow...

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4: all those points are lost, of course, if you are a F2P player, but in that case you shold realize that games cost money to make and maintain so you need to contribute somehow...


And that's what a lot of folks don't get. It's fine people want stuff for free, and more content, and better designed/quicker/original/class content and what not. So do I. But that takes money. In an f2p model, that money largely comes from that percentage of the playerbase that has the disposable income to buy the items and packs (and the subs). They're the ones that make it possible to be f2p in the first place, because they spend more a month than they would have in a sub-only model. Because they can.


I'm gonna buy another hypercrate. You're welcome. ;)

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And that's what a lot of folks don't get. It's fine people want stuff for free, and more content, and better designed/quicker/original/class content and what not. So do I. But that takes money. In an f2p model, that money largely comes from that percentage of the playerbase that has the disposable income to buy the items and packs (and the subs). They're the ones that make it possible to be f2p in the first place, because they spend more a month than they would have in a sub-only model. Because they can.


I'm gonna buy another hypercrate. You're welcome. ;)


You are welcome to spend as much money in the CM as you want. That's my point, if people are super happy with that we have to accept that the MMO industry has changed. Some of us old schoolers might not like it, but then again the CM is full of useless things I won't ever spend money on. As long as they don't make P2W we should be fine :)

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I would love for EAware to recolor an item and put it as unique...let's say Satele's Robes. They would make it a one-only item on each server and put a price of 1 million dollars on it. If someone buys it then we should run from MMOs and go play something else :) It will like an alarm that the next level of cash shops is coming.
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