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Jedi Sentinel feels a bit underwhelming?


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I only choose sent. for RP reasons and not gameplay reasons and therefore didn't expect all to much, I chose combat also mainly due to roleplay.

From my experience so far it does seem underpowered, compared to some others, but only because you seem to need to put ~ 60% more effort into what your doing and the fact, that I kind of rather hate, that you don't get any real force powers like throw/push, lack of good or really any stuns, and very little aoe.

And yes I know knight especly sentinel, is made for saber/sword damaging on single targets, but in all the movies and everything when do you not see one at least doing the following:

-Using some force powers (especialy force push which is ridiculosly useful-> a total killer in huttball and pretty good in the many high areas) and not battling a small "army" at same time especily with duel sabers ("aoeing"). (stuns are just ridiculose in the game (like they are in a ton of games so no fault really to this one) and that is why I included the sadness of not having much of it, like a person has already said you can end up easily losing 60% of your health or be kept out of the fight/ not be able to keep a powerful npc out of the fight.



Also it kind of seems a lot of posts here were just saying well if you go watchman you get the one move that is really powerful, while I am kind of sorry to say that alone does not make the whole class not underpowered etc...


But this is just my 2 cents/opinion, and I do still enjoy the difficulty it brings and think if they added/changed it a dot to include a bit more of the 3 stated things it would/could still be a fun difficult class.


Again, I do enjoy the class and think its good even agree it should be more difficult than using a gun or something.

But still do agree it does seem slightly underpwoered.:cool:

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Yep I couldnt even take out the elite at the one part of Catching up with Watcher One as combat spec. I died 5 times trying everything from spreading damage between me and T7, using call on force, and a med pac and still got owned. I made it a point to get T7 the best gear I could to tank crap as I level and it still didn't help during the fight.


Switched to watchman and the guys a joke, I had nearly full HP at the end of the fight. I don't know why bioware is gimping combat so much at low levels. They might as well put a tip you can choose from 3 specs as Sentinel, but choose watchman if you don't like dieing to elites.


Then you are doing something VERY wrong on combat spec, that fight is LOL easy. The problem with Sent's are its players, not the class. If your dieing to ellites on Combat spec then im sorry, you are playing the class wrong.

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The only problem with Sentinels are that Combat is a very weak spec. Watchman is just worlds better in every category, yes including burst. Use Zen when you have three stacks of Overload Saber and Cauterize on your target and you can laugh your way through Elites.
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The only problem with Sentinels are that Combat is a very weak spec. Watchman is just worlds better in every category, yes including burst. Use Zen when you have three stacks of Overload Saber and Cauterize on your target and you can laugh your way through Elites.


then again, you dont allways have 30 stacks to use Zen before or in time when you fight a elite/player and even if u get Overloadsaber and Cauterize up, what if you pop Zen to late? the debuffs lasts only a few seconds. (6 to be exact) There are even flaws in Watchman that even a dedicated "pro" player can make at times.

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Bah, never ment to sound offencive when I wrote that. But Ill brake it down.


1. The Healing you do (especialy after the nerf) is so little that it realy does not mater much. Not to forget that Watchaman is all about DoT's.

So if in the same fight, if you were Combat speced you would have killed the enemy much faster and that way make your team take much less damage than if you were Wathcman spec and fight for a longer time making your team take more damage. Your heals in this case wont realy stay up to outheal the amount of damage your would take over that long battle.


2. Yes, so does Combat spec. But Combat spec also get "Cripling throw" to stun, so ranged stun is a always a win. Not to mention you get Immobelize on Master Strike. So thats already 2 more CC than Watchamn. Maybe its just me, but CC > Dot's at any time.


3. The only realy ultility Watchamn has is that not so awesome heal. While like stated before, in Combat you get 1 Debuff, and 2 CC, not to mention some great Burst damage.


Again sorry if I sounded pissed last post... Just got disconnected than, and had to sit in 1k man que. But this is what I think. I find Combat just a little more usefull for PvP than Watchamn, just for the fact that you can stun lock enemy Healer and get out massive damage quick to make him panic.


PS. About the easier to play Wathcman than Combat. What I mean is to get most out of Combat you have to actualy keep track of your abilities (For instance to crit with Blade Storm). Not to mention that you have to build up for great burst damage. (Precise Strike>Blade Rush>Blade Storm, ect).

While Watchman only needs to get all his DoT's out and keep them there. As you dont realy need to Debuff to make DoT's hit hard.


Np mate. I am all for a productive discussion, but you basicly said watchman is easy mode. I am of the impression that any of the sentinel trees are hard to master.


Regarding "The Healing you do (especialy after the nerf) is so little that it realy does not mater much."


With cauterize and overload saber you are looking at a 9 % heal. If we continue to use my former example, outnumbered 2 vs 3, and for simplicity lets say that both have 10 000 max hp. Then you have healed for 1800 hp. Or if you have 4 guys nearby 3600 hp healed. I reckon that this has a significant impact on the outcome of a pvp skirmish.



Regarding which tree can burn down a target faster in PvP is difficult to say without any form of combat logs etc. So I will not start a discussion regarding that.

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I hear people say "watchman watchman watchman" ive bin playing mostly Focus, a tree spec never mentioned it seems.. people go "watchmen or combat" and dont even ask for it?


Ive HAVE tried Watchman, but not combat and i failed hard.. I did do rotations/priority things right, but i didnt seem to do what i wanted which was getting things.. killed.


As focus its another story aswell as giving group preasure in PvE and PvP i allso hit hard as i can spam slash and Blade Storm while Force Sweep even if it is a AoE Ability played right can hit like a truck making people flee becuse they see their getting pressured sending them in their own demise.


As for hard PvE stuff, people are all about poping cooldowns every fight jada jada, Ofc an elite or so? thats why we have defensive cooldowns to begin with, and the game is allso kinda balanced about us using companions.


If i see a elite or a Strong foe i can easly still use Kira just sending her in first and then jump in for a easy kill and allmost never have to use any cooldowns unless extra trash gets pulled. (As watchman this seem harder for some reason)


Go ahead say that focus wont work, it works for me and it have done so far up to 30+ ;)


QUICK EDIT: Just to mention about elites and so on, if you see a elite casting Aimed shot or something like "DEATH RAY OF INTERUPT MY FACE" You got a interupt that you can easly pull off with or without focus, since Strike+kick allmost only have 0.5sec or less on use if you are quick with it :)



Yeah, the more I play focus, the stronger it gets. I'm on a focus kick atm. Getting info on it out.

Its strong. really strong.

I have singularity now for those 100% damage/crit sweeps. wow. Instant aoe master strike? ok. Different levels, but for reference, my blade storm crits for 900. those buffed sweeps crit for 1200. Level 28. (dont even have the 30% crit damage buff)

Stasis for focus is pretty beast too. the extra crit chance, and shorter cd. 47s is still big. but a good chunk less then others. Its damage isn't even that poor, esp when leading into the mega burst. or just setting up kira. It ticks damage 4 times. About 900 for me. Which isn't huge, certainly over 3s not huge. but, it is a stun.


Zen and slash damage is just constantly high.


preliminary looking at the talents, I did not note how much damage zleap did. I assumed it was like precision strike. A weak attack, which was primarily for utility. But nope. it hits harder then bladestorm. Same with the +damage sweeps. Knew it would be a big buff. but not holy crap its my hardest hitting move, big. and its aoe.

And the same applies to force exhaust. I assumed it was mostly for the sweep buff, and the slow. yet again, while its a DOT, that damage over the 5s is more then a master strike. It hits like a ton of bricks. And its being applied while you use other attacks.

I also assumed stasis was 3 ticks. not 4. so under estimated its damage as well. While its still not a high dps move, its not the dps hole I thought it would be. its viable in raid rotation, given its sweep buff, and focus gain. (as well as higher crit chance and damage then strike)

Stasis and exhaust both apply their damage, and singularity buffs to raid bosses.


I am running with kira, soloing 2+ heroics.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Np mate. I am all for a productive discussion, but you basicly said watchman is easy mode. I am of the impression that any of the sentinel trees are hard to master.


Regarding "The Healing you do (especialy after the nerf) is so little that it realy does not mater much."


With cauterize and overload saber you are looking at a 9 % heal. If we continue to use my former example, outnumbered 2 vs 3, and for simplicity lets say that both have 10 000 max hp. Then you have healed for 1800 hp. Or if you have 4 guys nearby 3600 hp healed. I reckon that this has a significant impact on the outcome of a pvp skirmish.



Regarding which tree can burn down a target faster in PvP is difficult to say without any form of combat logs etc. So I will not start a discussion regarding that.


Yeah, gues nothing wrong with that heal indeed. And yeah you are gith, cant realy tak burst damage before we get combat logs >.<

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