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Jedi Sentinel feels a bit underwhelming?


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So I rolled a Jedi Sentinel because I tend to prefer highly offensive melee types.


I'm level 22 now, and my damage seems...disappointing. As far as I can tell, I'm doing my rotation right, and I'm in decent gear.


Does Jedi Sentinel just have low damage right now, or is the class not designed for high damage?


I tend to prefer spiky, hard-hitting quick attacks.

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Are you upgrading your weapons as you level?



If you've got moddable sabers, you should be replacing the Hilt every time you visit a new planet with the highest possible hilt.


Use credits for green hilts when you're below x5(so below 15, 25, 35, etc). Use commendations for the hilts that require, for example, level 27/28/29.



If you're artifice, you need to make blue might hilts and keep them up to date, matching or exceeding the best purchasable hilt on whatever planet you're leveling on.

Edited by Faolon
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I agree, I have a 24 shadow, and a 17 Sith Marauder.


Marauder seems stupidly underwhelming. In EVERY aspect. Its damage is crap.. and relying on a companion for my downfall of an inbalanced class is terrible...just terrible.


Lack of CC, reliance on mitigation Cooldowns to survive being pummeled and kited to death in Warzones ruins the entire aspect/idea that the Sent/marauder was suppose to have for me..

I charge in, try to get a bleed off, bladestorm , vicious slash.. All that and I feel like a wetnoodle..


But then a shadow comes by, stuns me..backstabs me twice for 60% my health..

Blows me away and then throws rocks/lightning at me for a finisher.

Powerhouse I am!:confused:


Back to being everybody elses ragdoll and cooldown absorber. I prolong my death a little bit with Saber ward and cloak of pain...

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Are you upgrading your weapons as you level?



If you've got moddable sabers, you should be replacing the Hilt every time you visit a new planet with the highest possible hilt.


Use credits for green hilts when you're below x5(so below 15, 25, 35, etc). Use commendations for the hilts that require, for example, level 27/28/29.



If you're artifice, you need to make blue might hilts and keep them up to date, matching or exceeding the best purchasable hilt on whatever planet you're leveling on.


And yes, I'm up to date on all my gear

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ABSOLUTELY go Watchman. It blows the other two specs out of the water.


Whenever I'm in a group with no tank I'm always doing the most damage(I can tell because the mobs usually aggro me ;)).


Popping Zen when you have 3 stacks of the Overload Saber dot on your target is ridiculous damage. Hit them with Master Strike at the same time and it's goodnight.


Watchman Sentinels are the king of single target DPS in lengthy ish fights(aka vs. elites).

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ABSOLUTELY go Watchman. It blows the other two specs out of the water.


Whenever I'm in a group with no tank I'm always doing the most damage(I can tell because the mobs usually aggro me ;)).


Popping Zen when you have 3 stacks of the Overload Saber dot on your target is ridiculous damage. Hit them with Master Strike at the same time and it's goodnight.


Watchman Sentinels are the king of single target DPS in lengthy ish fights(aka vs. elites).


Yep I couldnt even take out the elite at the one part of Catching up with Watcher One as combat spec. I died 5 times trying everything from spreading damage between me and T7, using call on force, and a med pac and still got owned. I made it a point to get T7 the best gear I could to tank crap as I level and it still didn't help during the fight.



Switched to watchman and the guys a joke, I had nearly full HP at the end of the fight. I don't know why bioware is gimping combat so much at low levels. They might as well put a tip you can choose from 3 specs as Sentinel, but choose watchman if you don't like dieing to elites.

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Combat sentinals mature (very) late in pvp. Watchmen is great in long single target duels and definately killing elites. Watchmen is probably more damage over all but its close. Combat is more bursty.


Either way its a long learning curve when you have 30 buttons you can push and a 1.5 gcd. I'm glad I stuck through the lean times personally.

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Combat sentinals mature (very) late in pvp. Watchmen is great in long single target duels and definately killing elites. Watchmen is probably more damage over all but its close. Combat is more bursty.


Either way its a long learning curve when you have 30 buttons you can push and a 1.5 gcd. I'm glad I stuck through the lean times personally.



Yeah, I caught on pretty quickly. WoW hate aside, the Sentinel plays kinda similar to a Feral Druid, which is what I mained in WoW. The reliance on a priority algorithm and juggling lots of timers is familiar to me.

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Bah how was that an offecive post, when it was facts. You community mods might want to implenet some sort of limit on how "stupid" (not in a offecive way) post you can post"... But ok... Let try 1 more time, this tie "constructive"


Watchman: Is for those that seeak easy mod PvE, dont have to think when doing PvP and dont care to help the team because of no extra CC. Cant see a difference between Good and Bad players as good players cant use this spec to dominate.


Combat: Thoes that look for a challange in PvE (just as good as watchamn if mastered), have to think a head when doing PvP and plan what to do to actualy shine. All others will fail if they cant manage this and good players will shine.


Focus: Useless for sentinel, should only be used by guardian. One of the facts, Guardian having way better defence, and FOcus not realy beeing a offencive tree..


So yeah chose what you want to do. And that random who talk about doing 50 two times. It does not mater how many times you have been to 50, it does not make you an expert at Sentinel class. I have seen tons of max level players in every MMO that dont know anything about theire class (Not that you dont know anything.)

Edited by OldxLady
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Watchman: Is for those that seeak easy mod PvE, dont have to think when doing PvP and dont care to help the team because of no extra CC. Cant see a difference between Good and Bad players as good players cant use this spec to dominate.



Are you serious?


Healing your party when your burn effect crits is very strong. Example: When defending a node in Alderan Warzone. You are outnumbered (2 vs 3). The healing a watchman can provide with centering up can turn the tide of the battle.


Regarding CC/utility in pvp (The abilites I have at lvl 25): Force leap (interupt), leg slash (slow), force stasis (chaneled stun, building focus, dmg), kick (interupt), cripling throw (healing debuff)).



Allready at lvl 25 the watchman specced sentinel have a lot of utility in PvP which can/will help his team mates.




So can you please elaborate on what you mean with :dont have to think when doing PvP and dont care to help the team because of no extra CC.



Edit: My mistake regarding force sweep, removed.

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Basically what it comes down to is a matter of perspective and play style. We can all argue up and down about 1 being better then the other, that's because our play style makes it that way.


I prefer combat over watchmen and do just fine with it, in beta I was 50 and had 0 issues leveling and hated watchmen.


Basically until the number crunching is done (And I think rough numbers have been crunched stating Combat=random burst with sustained DPS, watchmen= up and down due to dot ramp up time and dot tick time) we can't say for sure which is better beyond out actual preference.


You can also ALWAYS tell which people played the overpowered EASY classes on previous MMOs because the moment they feel 1 spec is better then the other they either cry underwhelming. Even though there are tons of people saying they do just fine. Or they reference how good they are at the other spec and how everyone doing the spec that isn't theres is bad.


Basically it comes down to this, the game is new, everyone is still figuring out what works for them and what doesn't and NO ONE is right simply by saying they are, if you have no statistical proof your opinion is null, myself included. This is just the rant of a seasoned MMO-er who see's this on every game and it's always the cause of overbuffer, nerfing, balancing, nerfing, overbuffing.

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Just to keep threads streamlined:


Does overload saber effect the 5 hits of force sweep? Basically can I overload saber and then force sweep, thus applying a dot to each of the enemies (up to 3)? Basically a questing move, but maybe a viable pvp move.

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Just to keep threads streamlined:


Does overload saber effect the 5 hits of force sweep? Basically can I overload saber and then force sweep, thus applying a dot to each of the enemies (up to 3)? Basically a questing move, but maybe a viable pvp move.


No it doesn't.


Has to be a Melee Attack, and even Cyclone slash only applies it to one enemy, not all hit by the AoE.

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Combat: Thoes that look for a challange in PvE (just as good as watchamn if mastered), have to think a head when doing PvP and plan what to do to actualy shine. All others will fail if they cant manage this and good players will shine.


Combat doesn't even come close to Watchman until 40+ when it gets Blade Rush, even then it needs 3/3 Focus Slash to really hit that high point and break even.


Until then you're doing subpar damage with abilities that cost far too much without their associated talents.

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Are you serious?


Healing your party when your burn effect crits is very strong. Example: When defending a node in Alderan Warzone. You are outnumbered (2 vs 3). The healing a watchman can provide with centering up can turn the tide of the battle.


Regarding CC/utility in pvp (The abilites I have at lvl 25): Force leap (interupt), leg slash (slow), force stasis (chaneled stun, building focus, dmg), kick (interupt), cripling throw (healing debuff)).



Allready at lvl 25 the watchman specced sentinel have a lot of utility in PvP which can/will help his team mates.




So can you please elaborate on what you mean with :dont have to think when doing PvP and dont care to help the team because of no extra CC.



Edit: My mistake regarding force sweep, removed.


Bah, never ment to sound offencive when I wrote that. But Ill brake it down.


1. The Healing you do (especialy after the nerf) is so little that it realy does not mater much. Not to forget that Watchaman is all about DoT's.

So if in the same fight, if you were Combat speced you would have killed the enemy much faster and that way make your team take much less damage than if you were Wathcman spec and fight for a longer time making your team take more damage. Your heals in this case wont realy stay up to outheal the amount of damage your would take over that long battle.


2. Yes, so does Combat spec. But Combat spec also get "Cripling throw" to stun, so ranged stun is a always a win. Not to mention you get Immobelize on Master Strike. So thats already 2 more CC than Watchamn. Maybe its just me, but CC > Dot's at any time.


3. The only realy ultility Watchamn has is that not so awesome heal. While like stated before, in Combat you get 1 Debuff, and 2 CC, not to mention some great Burst damage.


Again sorry if I sounded pissed last post... Just got disconnected than, and had to sit in 1k man que. But this is what I think. I find Combat just a little more usefull for PvP than Watchamn, just for the fact that you can stun lock enemy Healer and get out massive damage quick to make him panic.


PS. About the easier to play Wathcman than Combat. What I mean is to get most out of Combat you have to actualy keep track of your abilities (For instance to crit with Blade Storm). Not to mention that you have to build up for great burst damage. (Precise Strike>Blade Rush>Blade Storm, ect).

While Watchman only needs to get all his DoT's out and keep them there. As you dont realy need to Debuff to make DoT's hit hard.

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I hear people say "watchman watchman watchman" ive bin playing mostly Focus, a tree spec never mentioned it seems.. people go "watchmen or combat" and dont even ask for it?


Ive HAVE tried Watchman, but not combat and i failed hard.. I did do rotations/priority things right, but i didnt seem to do what i wanted which was getting things.. killed.


As focus its another story aswell as giving group preasure in PvE and PvP i allso hit hard as i can spam slash and Blade Storm while Force Sweep even if it is a AoE Ability played right can hit like a truck making people flee becuse they see their getting pressured sending them in their own demise.


As for hard PvE stuff, people are all about poping cooldowns every fight jada jada, Ofc an elite or so? thats why we have defensive cooldowns to begin with, and the game is allso kinda balanced about us using companions.


If i see a elite or a Strong foe i can easly still use Kira just sending her in first and then jump in for a easy kill and allmost never have to use any cooldowns unless extra trash gets pulled. (As watchman this seem harder for some reason)


Go ahead say that focus wont work, it works for me and it have done so far up to 30+ ;)


QUICK EDIT: Just to mention about elites and so on, if you see a elite casting Aimed shot or something like "DEATH RAY OF INTERUPT MY FACE" You got a interupt that you can easly pull off with or without focus, since Strike+kick allmost only have 0.5sec or less on use if you are quick with it :)

Edited by Sapler
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