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Add a "Healing Received" Column


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Ever wonder why an above average skilled player like yourself does so little damage compared to others? Is your WZ healer 99% healing just themselves? Are you really receiving the healing you deserve for throwing your guard on healers?


A "healing received" column detailing just how much healing each character gets could help hold healers accountable for their actions on the battlefield. Example: If you're a ball carrier in Huttball and you receive less than the guy fighting off to the side. Wouldn't that be nice to know?


Or how about that guy (or girl!) who is just murdering you at every interaction and they think they are top **** because they roll with a pocket healer. Would be nice to know these things...


What does the PvP community think?


You have my vote! :)

I would like to know that. It could also help to me as a healer to see how many heals I spent on myself, my tank, etc...If you combine it all, you can learn a lot from it.

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Another one, please:


Add a "Number of CCs done"


I like the idea! How many times were you stunned during the match, would be useful, too. You could see why weren't you able to perform better etc.


Conclusion: more columns, please! :)

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If you healer is having to spend most of their time healing themselves instead of their team then there is a good chance they were not receiving the peels/support they needed.


As a healer I am the de facto primary enemy target and I've gotten into the habit of mousing over the deaths column at the end of the warzone to check the 'damage taken' numbers. I wish that number was actually shown without the need to mouse over it- people might then realize just how much punishment your healers are taking to do their jobs. 300-500k+ damage taken numbers were common for my semi-retired commando healer (lack of escapes plays a heavy factor in this, my sage takes slightly less due to her mobility). I can't count how many times I've raged in helpless fury as I have watched tanks die merely from overbleed guard damage as i'm stunlocked under heavy focus fire.


That being said, there are a lot of very poor healers out there but there are also a lot of factors that go into the mix- Are you a squishie low geared dps trying to facetank a BiS smasher/pyro far from the node/objective? Are you a dps who dives blindly into the middle of a sea of red without waiting on support? Are you aware of where you healer is and if you are consistently line of sighting them? Are you trying to kill that full spec'ed tank with free casting healer support while your own healer is running for their lives from the enemy teams' untaunted/free-ranging dps? Are you a tank that slaps a guard on the healer at the start of the match and then runs off at seemingly random?


I can typically save 'Idiot'... but no matter how hard I try I just can't heal 'Stupid'.

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If you healer is having to spend most of their time healing themselves instead of their team then there is a good chance they were not receiving the peels/support they needed.

This. A dead healer does zero healing. We have to preserve ourselves when you fail to do your job.

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I'd like to see other columns as well:


- Time spent out of LoS of healer


- Damage done within X meters of an objective


- Damage done to people attacking healer


People seem to forget how the healing numbers work at the end. Only actual healing counts (doesn't matter if you are in combat or not). So if I healed myself the whole time that's because I was being damaged the whole time. If I'm dead I'm not healing you so yes I have to keep myself alive.


People seem to forget that I'm not a robot in the corner that exists to heal them (despite all the stupid crap they are doing). I heal who needs to be healed. If you are in recruit gear but you are the only one left trying to cap a node or paying attention at mid to people capping, you're getting healed. If you are a DPS but you are protecting me because no tanks are, you are getting healed.


I think it's kind of bogus to try and call out healers at the end of the match and not take everyone else into account.

Edited by Capt_Beers
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Healer accountability.




"I'm mad I don't get heals, grr! So let us see who you're really healing buddy! Omg you healed yourself for 80% of your total amount! noob statpadding cheater" -silly pugs.


Silly humans.


Pretty much this. I'm in favor of this once we can get a column called "number of peels" for DPS'ers. I want macro support just so I can put a macro in for "HELF HELF GET THESE GUYS OFF MY NUTS" when I'm pug'ing with a heal spec.

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