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Can a Non-Force Sensitive activate a lightsaber?


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For all of you saying it is just a matter of the 'weight' look more into the gyroscopic effect. The energy fields used to contain the energy beam, and double it back to complete the circuit also create the gyroscopic effect being referred to. This effect makes the lightsaber want to stand vertically at all times, which in turn makes even these 'simple swings' people keep bringing up, very difficult and unpredictable. Some sources site the effect as being so strong that a wielder of a light saber must use the force to augment his or strength just to hold the blade.


That isnt to say it is entirely impossible for a non-force sensitive to learn to compensate and eventually use a lightsaber... just that it is a little pointless. A non-force sensitive would be diverting their attention between fighting their foe, and fighting the lightsaber itself. Which means rather than being the elegant, precise weapon the lightsaber is revered as, it would be little more than a clumsy bludgeoning tool.


Using the lightsaber for 'simple' swings only makes it doubly useless. Who would a non-force sensitive really need to pull a lightsaber on? Only someone wielding a lightsaber. (as we already agreed they wont be deflecting blaster bolts.) And what is the point in fighting a jedi/sith and your own weapon at the same time. Might as well just learn to use a vibrosword, and you know, actually stand a chance.


Which is what I am saying, that its better for a non-force user to just use a blaster then try to use a lightsaber.

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Which is what I am saying, that its better for a non-force user to just use a blaster then try to use a lightsaber.


Oh I understood your point. I quoted you, because it seemed you were hitting on ideas that people werent fully grasping. My post was more to support your thoughts, than argue against them.

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Oh I understood your point. I quoted you, because it seemed you were hitting on ideas that people werent fully grasping. My post was more to support your thoughts, than argue against them.


Ya I realize that...I really should try and make my points clearer lol, apologizes.

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I like the fact that you can make these choices and shape your character. When I played my Sith Warrior he felt loyal to the empire and emperor, oh sure soemtimes he would kill someone to make a example, or because that person deserved to die, but for the most part he was fairly light sided.


My Bounty Hunter was almost entirely white, if you weren't a bounty I probably wouldn't kill you. Even if you were I'd rather take you alive to show off my awesome skills.


My Trooper upheld republic law so he was pretty much a good alignment as well, I wasn't the judge jury and executioner, just because someone was a traitor or scum I didn't execute them on the spot, that was up to the Republic.


My SI he's another story,. he's become pretty evil because its his path to power. Everyone talks about the dark side being about using the negative emotions, like Rage and hatred and envy to call on the force with great power, but that's not a Sith's way, a Sith needs to be able to use those emotions but rise above them and his morality to attain his end goal. The path to power so to speak is to not be afraid to do something no matter what the cost to your soul to take what you want.


So my SI will usually kill you once he's gotten what he wants to eliminate a rival, to spread fear, to get someone else angry enough to make a mistake.


The Empire will eventually fall because the Sith lack the single mindedness to do what must be done to gain the power over a person, a group, a world and a galaxy. Darth Baras for example needed to die not because he was a traitor, but because removing him was a path to greater power. The Wraith has gained great power, but he's held down by the chains of the Emperor as are all of the Sith, swearing loyalty to a person like the Emperor for all eternity is a weakness. You can swear yourself to the emperor or a Dark Council member until he can't help you reach your goal then he mush be tossed aside. So yes, playing a Sith with that mind set makes you evil in a certain point of view. But I prefer to think of it as the strong dominate the weak, and in that action you are breaking the chains that drag you down.


The Sith Warrior is a fool for chaining himself to the Emperor once he's gained enough power to overthrow the emperor. The SI starts out on a mission for his mater, but eventually makes the mission his own on his path to power, and if people die on the way they weren't worthy of life. People who beg for mercy are not deserving of mercy and of no further use.


So its ok to play light side as long as your willing to rise above the morality that makes you choose the light options on the path to power.


You can play dark side choices as long as it suits your needs.

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I wonder why didn't Durge use Lightsabers.


Who needs lightsabers, when your pretty much a walking death machine that can survive anything short of being shot into a star? :p Besides Durge seemed to do well without lightsabers anyway....and dare I say it?


















































Durge > Boba

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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A recent issue of Dark Horse's comic series Dawn of the Jedi featured a "Forcesaber" that could only be activated through channeling the Dark Side. Of course, that was 20,000 years BBY.


So it appears that there's some wiggle room allowed, as it technically depends on the individual lightsaber.

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No, the construction and maintenance can be done by any qualified engineer, force sensitivity would help, especially with alignment of the crystal, but is not actually necessary.


Unless of course we are referring to Sith Lightsabers which require force sensitivity in order to properly construct the Synthetic Lightsaber Crystals. Without such Force Sensitivity then you are far more likely to get a dud than you are a working Lightsaber Crystal. Which means that the construction and Maintenance of Sith Lightsabers can only be done by force sensitives.


As far as using the Lightsaber, yes, a certain amount of practice will enable a non-force sensitive to wield a lightsaber without cutting off their own limbs. However, it is only through Force Sensitivity that you get the truly acrobatic feats of Lightsaber Combat and Blaster Bolt Repulsion that you see in the Movies (and Video Games). While Han Solo was able to use Luke's Lightsaber to cut open the gut of an animal, it is infinitely unlikely that he would have been able to use the same lightsaber to successfully repel a Blaster Bolt fired by an Imperial Storm Trooper.


Also, there is an incredibly important example of a Non-Force Sensitive who uses Lightsabers effectively in combat. General Grievous by default is not Force Sensitive due to the fact that he is 99% machine and thus cannot be attuned to the force. Even if the parts of him that are still human could be attuned to the force, the stuff enabling him to utilize Lightsabers in Combat is likely largely reliant on Droid Technology and not Force Sensitivity.

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Darca Nyl was a retired mercenary, not Force Sensitive, but a Dark Jedi killed his son, and a dying Jedi he helped left behind a perfectly good lightsaber. Well, Nyl wasn't one to turn down a perfectly good weapon, especially if it was the most effective type of weapon to nail his target.


People mistook him for a Jedi, and he started liking doing the good deeds and the reputation for a while. Of course, things went south (as they usually do wioth any Star Wars stuff written lately) , and he's back to being a vengeful jerk...but still packing a lightsaber and still Force deaf.

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I don't know where you got this. He has no computer; his brain was left unmodified. Only his body and emotions were meddled with.


You realize your emotions are controlled by your brain chemistry. So if his emotions were modified, then so was his brain.


Also, to all of you who are saying that a Lightsaber has no weight anywhere except the hilt... I kindly point you to the Training Sabers that all our Sith and Jedi characters get to use from Levels 1 through 10. It may surprise you to know, but those Training Sabers, are not original to our game. They originate in the form of Sith Training Sabers which first appeared in the novel "Darth Bane: Path of Destruction" which while set after our game does indicate that these things actually do exist outside of the game.


Point is, these training sabers, were physical blades made out of durasteel. Therefore they had to of had weight elsewhere aside from just the hilt. Anything else would defy logic. That said, they were designed to mimick the weight and balance of an actual Lightsaber.

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Only a Jedi would be dumb enough to bring a sword to a gun fight.


You've obviously never watched Aria of the Scarlet Ammo suffice to say, in that series the main character brings a pocket knife to a gun fight and promptly proceeds to cut an inflight bullet aimed at his head in half saving his life by diverting the path of the bullet around his face instead of into his face, he does this in one of the early episodes.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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You've obviously never watched Aria of the Scarlet Ammo suffice to say, in that series the main character brings a pocket knife to a gun fight and promptly proceeds to cut an inflight bullet aimed at his head in half saving his life by diverting the path of the bullet around his face instead of into his face, he does this in one of the early episodes.


Try watching X-Men Origins Wolverine. Deadpool in the first 10 minutes, Ryan Rhenolds. Can we say yeah, you can bring a sword to a gunfight?

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