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Can a Non-Force Sensitive activate a lightsaber?


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This has been a point of debate for several of my friends. I've seen Lightsabers used by several non-FS in episodes of the Clone Wars and even Han uses Luke's in Empire, but I've heard some people that in this era, a lightsaber can only be activated if one can use the Force?


If anyone has any sources to help answer this, that would be great. I've heard that Guss Tuno is proof that you need to be a Force Senstive to use a saber, but I can't see to find proof with that.



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lightsabers have a push button activation, one that is used with digit. Unless the LS is specifically built by the wielder to /ONLY/ activated by the force, anyone can use them. The problem doesn't stem from whither or not they can use it but whither or not they are able to be able in wielding it properly as the weight distribution is COMPLETELY different than a traditional swords, which almost requires the Force to do so.
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Assuming its a standard, fully operable lightsaber, a non-Force-sensitive should be able to activate it. It's components don't point to requiring Force-sensitivity to activate. It's just energy from a power cell focused through a lens, which becomes plasma that is projected through focusing crystals into a coherent beam from an emitter and held within a containment field, which then arcs back into a continuous circuit.


For construction, maintenance, and proper usage, I'd say Force-sensitivity is required. But just turning it on and off, probably not. Then again, if the person constructing the lightsaber replaces its activation stud with some sort of internal mechanism that requires the Force to activate, then yes a non-Force-sensitive would not be able to even turn it on.

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For construction, maintenance, and proper usage, I'd say Force-sensitivity is required./QUOTE]

No, the construction and maintenance can be done by any qualified engineer, force sensitivity would help, especially with alignment of the crystal, but is not actually necessary.


Using it is just a matter of skill and practice, it is after all just a weightless sword that can cut through virtually anything, and people have been weilding swords since the bronze age.


The force aids with construction, maintenance and use, but is not a prerequisite, it is the fact that it is dangerous to use until you're conditioned that puts non-force users off, that and the fact that Sith will assume you are a Jedi.

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For construction and maintenance requiring Force-sensitivity, I was thinking of some of the sources I've seen that state the lightsaber crystals need to be 'imbued' with the Force by a Force user in order to function properly.


Relevant to the original question posed is this quote: "The crystal is not, by itself, the power source of the weapon. Like the Force user, the crystal is attuned to the Force. Without that attunement, the crystal is just a rock. And while a non-Force user could probably ignite and wield a lightsaber, provided the crystal was properly attuned to the Force, all that lightsaber would be for him is a shaft of superheated plasma. But for a Jedi, the lightsaber becomes more: it is a manifestation of a Jedi's connection to the Force."


So anyone could activate a lightsaber, and assuming one could get their hands on 'naturally imbued' crystals, I'd say you could even take out any requirements of Force-sensitivity in crafting the device.


But then again, given that most of what we know about this particular era is passed through the distorting lens of game mechanics, it's hard to say for certain if lightsaber construction and materials in the Old Republic conform to the same standards present in the later eras, or if they even should.

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Perfect Example.


Han Solo uses Luke's Lightsaber on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back. He uses it to gut his dead ton ton to keep luke warm while he sets up the shelter.


See, even a movie example of a non force senetive using a lightsaber.


Infact it is entirely capable for a non force user to eventually learn how to fight with one. Granted they won't be blocking blaster bolts, but i am sure a first rate fencer could learn how to use one just fine.


In the SW RPG, i had scout/antarian ranger who eventually learned how to use a lightsaber cause he continually ran into sith[it was our own little universe, kind of like running into the "One Sith" before that concept came about]. And to keep from dying or stay in the fight, My Ranger learned how to fight with a saber. Just couldn't block blaster bolts or learn full on lightsaber forms, but could fight with one just the same.


Like picking up a vibro sword. At first don't know it very well, after a while and getting used to it, any person could USE a saber. Not as good as a sith or jedi, but could still learn to use one.

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Perfect Example.


Han Solo uses Luke's Lightsaber on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back. He uses it to gut his dead ton ton to keep luke warm while he sets up the shelter.


See, even a movie example of a non force senetive using a lightsaber.


Infact it is entirely capable for a non force user to eventually learn how to fight with one. Granted they won't be blocking blaster bolts, but i am sure a first rate fencer could learn how to use one just fine.


In the SW RPG, i had scout/antarian ranger who eventually learned how to use a lightsaber cause he continually ran into sith[it was our own little universe, kind of like running into the "One Sith" before that concept came about]. And to keep from dying or stay in the fight, My Ranger learned how to fight with a saber. Just couldn't block blaster bolts or learn full on lightsaber forms, but could fight with one just the same.


Like picking up a vibro sword. At first don't know it very well, after a while and getting used to it, any person could USE a saber. Not as good as a sith or jedi, but could still learn to use one.


Problem with that, you kinda do need to have The Force to be able to sense where the blade is going to go and all that noise, but of course for RPG games you can do as you will. As I recall, a Jedi Master lost his connection to The Force and even with his years of saber combat he wasn't able to use his saber to its fullest extent at all. (I'll see if I can find him again, though no promises.)


A saber is more dangerous to a non-Force user then it is a Force user. (Exceptions of course made for beings like Grevious and the like due to mechanical parts.) Now does that mean non-force users, can't do simple swings or use it as a tool? No of course not, but they can't fight well at all using one.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Problem with that, you kinda do need to have The Force to be able to sense where the blade is going to go and all that noise, but of course for RPG games you can do as you will. As I recall, a Jedi Master lost his connection to The Force and even with his years of saber combat he wasn't able to use his saber to its fullest extent at all.


Yes, pretty much this...ONLY reason General Gervious can use them is because of his droid and computer systems is able to process the information fast enough to use them.


Swords (vibro or otherwise) have weight distribution where Lightsabers don't at all.

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Wasn't the danger with sabers that they "pull" in different directions thanks to the powerful fields that create the beam in the first place? A Force user can sense and compensate before it becomes a problem, a normal human might be late in correcting the pull and hit something he didn't want to hit. Or not hit if the hilt twists at the wrong time.
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Problem with that, you kinda do need to have The Force to be able to sense where the blade is going to go and all that noise, but of course for RPG games you can do as you will. As I recall, a Jedi Master lost his connection to The Force and even with his years of saber combat he wasn't able to use his saber to its fullest extent at all. (I'll see if I can find him again, though no promises.)


A saber is more dangerous to a non-Force user then it is a Force user. (Exceptions of course made for beings like Grevious and the like due to mechanical parts.) Now does that mean non-force users, can't do simple swings or use it as a tool? No of course not, but they can't fight well at all using one.


well granted you wouldn't be able to do force light saber forms like form II, but wielding it like a normal sword you can actually.


The only difference between a light saber and a vibrosword when it comes to sword play, light saber all the weight is in the hilt. So for swinging, once you get used to it, yeah you actually could use a lightsaber like a sword, you just won't do the flashy lightsaber forms and blocking blaster bolts.

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Problem with that, you kinda do need to have The Force to be able to sense where the blade is going to go and all that noise, but of course for RPG games you can do as you will. As I recall, a Jedi Master lost his connection to The Force and even with his years of saber combat he wasn't able to use his saber to its fullest extent at all. (I'll see if I can find him again, though no promises.)


The reasoning he wasn't quite so good anymore is because he was cut off from the force. Jedi are more capable fighters with a saber due to the fact that they can use the force to resonate with the crystal and thus have better precision and instinct when using the blade because of such.

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Yes, pretty much this...ONLY reason General Gervious can use them is because of his droid and computer systems is able to process the information fast enough to use them.


I don't know where you got this. He has no computer; his brain was left unmodified. Only his body and emotions were meddled with.

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well granted you wouldn't be able to do force light saber forms like form II, but wielding it like a normal sword you can actually.


The only difference between a light saber and a vibrosword when it comes to sword play, light saber all the weight is in the hilt. So for swinging, once you get used to it, yeah you actually could use a lightsaber like a sword, you just won't do the flashy lightsaber forms and blocking blaster bolts.


Well there is also the problem with the strong gyroscopic effect, so not just the weight is the problem. But ya..I suppose you'd be able to do simple swings....but at that point, if your just not Force Sensitive you may just wanna stick with a trusty blaster. Also I can't seem to find that guy, which makes me sad though it was so long ago.....oh well.

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What about Pre Vizsla? He doesn't really fight like a normal swordsman. He has fought a fair few jedi and Maul managing to hold is own. I'd imagine he is a rather more a special case but I'm not an expert. Perhaps it's down to the design of the Darksaber or just his Mandalorian training? :rak_02:
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I don't know where you got this. He has no computer; his brain was left unmodified. Only his body and emotions were meddled with.


They enhanced his agility as well.


Also I wasn't meaning that he had a droid brain, only that there was computers in his cyborg body that would work with his brain to enhance his abilities.

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What about Pre Vizsla? He doesn't really fight like a normal swordsman. He has fought a fair few jedi and Maul managing to hold is own. I'd imagine he is a rather more a special case but I'm not an expert. Perhaps it's down to the design of the Darksaber or just his Mandalorian training? :rak_02:


Well according to the article, the Darksaber is different compared to a regular lightsaber. Now weither there is more to the differences, then just what is stated who knows. It probably doesn't have the huge gyroscope effect, so Vizsla probably would just have to worry about the weight of the hilt is all. If not then I am surprised Vizsla didn't lop off a limb as he was fighting, and dare I say call PIS just to make him be even able to not only wield but fight with it against Obi-Wan and all them.

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Well there is also the problem with the strong gyroscopic effect, so not just the weight is the problem. But ya..I suppose you'd be able to do simple swings....but at that point, if your just not Force Sensitive you may just wanna stick with a trusty blaster. Also I can't seem to find that guy, which makes me sad though it was so long ago.....oh well.


gyroscopic effect? Could you explain that a tad more? I'm genuinely curious about that one. I mean in know the original concept for the lightsaber is that they were supposed to be heavy as broadswords, but that got retconned so you the audience could see the amazing duels in eps 1-3.

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gyroscopic effect? Could you explain that a tad more? I'm genuinely curious about that one. I mean in know the original concept for the lightsaber is that they were supposed to be heavy as broadswords, but that got retconned so you the audience could see the amazing duels in eps 1-3.


I can't really find anything on it, but what I have found is that it makes the saber feel like a real sword but since all the weight is in the hilt and nowhere else your only going to feel the sword part from the hilt. Pretty much from what I gathered, since the weight is only in the hilt and your not Force Sensitive your not going to feel the saber at all thus making the blade difficult to detect, the only thing your going to feel is the hilt.


Its pretty much your going to feel like your swinging around a deactivated lightsaber.

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I can't really find anything on it, but what I have found is that it makes the saber feel like a real sword but since all the weight is in the hilt and nowhere else your only going to feel the sword part from the hilt. Pretty much from what I gathered, since the weight is only in the hilt and your not Force Sensitive your not going to feel the saber at all thus making the blade difficult to detect, the only thing your going to feel is the hilt.


Its pretty much your going to feel like your swinging around a deactivated lightsaber.


Like i've said all along. But an expert swordsman would take over time and learn how to deal with such a weapon.


It's like going form a broadsword to a rapier. The weight is completely different and requires a completely different set of fighting.


I still think given time and proper training, a non force user could get the hang of a saber. Afterall you have to watch where your sword goes and most swordsmen know not to let the blade touch them or BAD things happen.


I see what you are saying, i merely think that a duelist could use a lightsaber. Again nowhere near what a force user could do, but I think they could fight effectively with it.


But hey agree to disagree right? :D

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Like i've said all along. But an expert swordsman would take over time and learn how to deal with such a weapon.


It's like going form a broadsword to a rapier. The weight is completely different and requires a completely different set of fighting.


I still think given time and proper training, a non force user could get the hang of a saber. Afterall you have to watch where your sword goes and most swordsmen know not to let the blade touch them or BAD things happen.


I see what you are saying, i merely think that a duelist could use a lightsaber. Again nowhere near what a force user could do, but I think they could fight effectively with it.


But hey agree to disagree right? :D


The problem though is a broadsword, has weight from the tip to the handle does it not? A lightsaber your only going to feel the hilt, just because someone would be a master swordsmen doesn't mean they are gonna be able to wield a lightsaber effectively because they wouldn't be used to pretty much only the hilt as being the weight.


Plus a saber is gonna cut through you if it touches, with a normal sword ya it'll cut you...but it won't completely dismember a body part unless your doing it hard.


A guy can train with a lightsaber all he wants, but during that training its a high probability that he is gonna lop off a limb or kill himself if he does anything more then simple swings. Am I saying that they can't train with a saber and get good? No...but they would be some lucky sons of a ***** if they did, and even then they still would more then likely end up hurting themselves in the end.


But alright will stop.

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Anyone can activate a lightsaber, whether they can use it effectively is a different story.


Going back to ESB when Han Solo used Luke's lightsaber to slice open the tauntaun, when he activates it, you get the impression that it is an unwieldy weapon at best and he is VERY careful with it. If he even attempted to use it like a Jedi he would probably kill himself.


As for General Grevious, he is actually trained in the use of a lightsaber by Count Dooku (reference Labyrinth of Evil , but yes Grevious's cybernetics gives him an edge over other non-force users.


It should also be noted that when Anakin was "reborn" in the Darth Vader suit, he lost a lot of his control and used his lightsaber in a more blunt overpowering manner rather than finesse (reference: Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader), much like Dooku felt Grevious used his lightsabers.

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It depends on who built the saber, you have multiple different activation triggers, there are some jedi who build the trigger inside the frame and activate it through the force. some are push on off activation with a thumb switch, some require the button to be held down. and all sorts of combinations of the above like a saber that has a trigger switch to turn it on and a pressure sensor that automatically turns it off when let go.


as for using a light saber anyone could do it but without the precision of motion and senses a connection to the force gives I know I would be afraid of cutting off my own arm and other extremities. but it is simply just a sword that has all the weight in the hilt and can cut through anything. so someone who trained enough could wield one effectivly

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I can't really find anything on it, but what I have found is that it makes the saber feel like a real sword but since all the weight is in the hilt and nowhere else your only going to feel the sword part from the hilt. Pretty much from what I gathered, since the weight is only in the hilt and your not Force Sensitive your not going to feel the saber at all thus making the blade difficult to detect, the only thing your going to feel is the hilt.


Its pretty much your going to feel like your swinging around a deactivated lightsaber.


For all of you saying it is just a matter of the 'weight' look more into the gyroscopic effect. The energy fields used to contain the energy beam, and double it back to complete the circuit also create the gyroscopic effect being referred to. This effect makes the lightsaber want to stand vertically at all times, which in turn makes even these 'simple swings' people keep bringing up, very difficult and unpredictable. Some sources site the effect as being so strong that a wielder of a light saber must use the force to augment his or strength just to hold the blade.


That isnt to say it is entirely impossible for a non-force sensitive to learn to compensate and eventually use a lightsaber... just that it is a little pointless. A non-force sensitive would be diverting their attention between fighting their foe, and fighting the lightsaber itself. Which means rather than being the elegant, precise weapon the lightsaber is revered as, it would be little more than a clumsy bludgeoning tool.


Using the lightsaber for 'simple' swings only makes it doubly useless. Who would a non-force sensitive really need to pull a lightsaber on? Only someone wielding a lightsaber. (as we already agreed they wont be deflecting blaster bolts.) And what is the point in fighting a jedi/sith and your own weapon at the same time. Might as well just learn to use a vibrosword, and you know, actually stand a chance.


The problem though is a broadsword, has weight from the tip to the handle does it not? A lightsaber your only going to feel the hilt, just because someone would be a master swordsmen doesn't mean they are gonna be able to wield a lightsaber effectively because they wouldn't be used to pretty much only the hilt as being the weight.


I also wanted to add... this just isnt the case. A lightsaber isn't weightless except for the handle. Because of the aforementioned gyroscopic effect, the blade would actually be more more like counter weighted. Meaning if you tried to make a downward slash, the powerful forces in play would be actually pushing the blade up, while you tried to pull it down. You try a fully horizontal slash, you would be fighting the effect just to get the blade horizontal, then even more so to swing it cross ways.

Edited by Hoech
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