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ya know... after actually reading your posts i can remember stomping you out a number of times on my vg :D but than again theres very few sages that are really hard to kill for a vg.. gratz on your WORLD RECORD *insert echo here* inmortal, kalak, Utopi only sage healers worth peeling for imo.


lol - kiss ***. :p

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Do ya thing, Simple... **** the haters.


If you don't celebrate you, who will?


Agreed, I haven't really played WITH Simple myself but he seems like a pretty cool guy.... Doesn't trash talk about his numbers being higher than others and so on.




I hate to brag or ask for attention.



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Barbie doesn't as for attention, she demands attention. Kinda like I don't ask you to Force Camo when I open on you, I DEMAND it :)[/quote

Hahahaha shh I want all the attention dammit! Blunti stop hating on me because of my stun bubbles dammit!

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Agreed, I haven't really played WITH Simple myself but he seems like a pretty cool guy.... Doesn't trash talk about his numbers being higher than others and so on.








Thx blunti and ace. I try to be a decent person. With this post I was just trying to celebrate my achievement really. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone's ego or challenge anyone. Apparently this was wrong of me and people took it as me bragging, and maybe I was a little, but I definitely didn't do it in an attempt to attack anyone or say "I'm better than you". I don't think I've ever blatantly told anyone that I was better than them or that they were even a bad player. However the elitist nature of the pvp community seems to prevent most from praising others achievements and instead takes these achievements as challenges to their own egos making it so that these elitist people think they have to justify every screen shot or forum post that isn't even about them instead of admiring something that someone else is genuinely proud of.

I will admit this, I'm not an arrogant person, and this is the first time I've beaten any kind of record. It made me a little too arrogant and even though I don't think I was an ******e out of this arrogance I admit that it even annoyed me at times. Its good that I got this arrogance out of my system as I can go back to just being that relatively quiet guy who enjoys to relax and play the game rather than get involved in the community of "I'm better than you." AKA the pvp community.

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Thx blunti and ace. I try to be a decent person. With this post I was just trying to celebrate my achievement really. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone's ego or challenge anyone. Apparently this was wrong of me and people took it as me bragging, and maybe I was a little, but I definitely didn't do it in an attempt to attack anyone or say "I'm better than you". I don't think I've ever blatantly told anyone that I was better than them or that they were even a bad player. However the elitist nature of the pvp community seems to prevent most from praising others achievements and instead takes these achievements as challenges to their own egos making it so that these elitist people think they have to justify every screen shot or forum post that isn't even about them instead of admiring something that someone else is genuinely proud of.

I will admit this, I'm not an arrogant person, and this is the first time I've beaten any kind of record. It made me a little too arrogant and even though I don't think I was an ******e out of this arrogance I admit that it even annoyed me at times. Its good that I got this arrogance out of my system as I can go back to just being that relatively quiet guy who enjoys to relax and play the game rather than get involved in the community of "I'm better than you." AKA the pvp community.


yeah you have proven to be statistically the best swtor pvp healer in the world. who cares if people think you're bragging. some of these people have created videos to show how awesome they are at what they do in this game.


if you're proud of it, own that ****, yo...

Edited by juleswinfield
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yeah you have proven to be statistically the best swtor pvp healer in the world. who cares if people think you're bragging. some of these people have created videos to show how awesome they are at what they do in this game.


if you're proud of it, own that ****, yo...


I would argue that he's statistically the highest exceptional output healer in this game, which is different than being the best. As a salv spec sage, he's the squishiest healer in the game and any respectable dps could tear right through him, which may make him more of a liability than an asset in dangerous situations.

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yeah you have proven to be statistically the best swtor pvp healer in the world. who cares if people think you're bragging. some of these people have created videos to show how awesome they are at what they do in this game.


if you're proud of it, own that ****, yo...





and im still waiting for that pocket healer lol

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I would argue that he's statistically the highest exceptional output healer in this game, which is different than being the best. As a salv spec sage, he's the squishiest healer in the game and any respectable dps could tear right through him, which may make him more of a liability than an asset in dangerous situations.


I tend not to let people kill me as I see many sages do,

(sorry for self promoting, it just seemed relevant) and I refuse to use a crutch of a broken spec in order to compensate for my squishiness. I come out of most of my games with 0 deaths (as long as my team isn't too terrible) because being a good kiter is something I've become relatively good at. Don't worry, in 2.0 all the sages will have to learn how to kite again as the class isn't meant to be able to survive without this skill set.


Also, I think the only instance buble stun maybe should be used would be in ranked. But I've never seen this game as broken as it is right now so ranked is kind of a joke.

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I tend not to let people kill me as I see many sages do,
(sorry for self promoting, it just seemed relevant) and I refuse to use a crutch of a broken spec in order to compensate for my squishiness. I come out of most of my games with 0 deaths (as long as my team isn't too terrible) because being a good kiter is something I've become relatively good at. Don't worry, in 2.0 all the sages will have to learn how to kite again as the class isn't meant to be able to survive without this skill set.


Also, I think the only instance buble stun maybe should be used would be in ranked. But I've never seen this game as broken as it is right now so ranked is kind of a joke.


I mean, you don't have much of a choice when fighting a good dps. I could drop you in 1/3 the time of the time it takes to drop a bubble sage (which I bet my bubble sage could beat my scrapper). An assault vanguard who isn't an idiot would rip through you even faster. Now it's easy to become confident when horrible dps run around and vastly underperform in their class.

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I mean, you don't have much of a choice when fighting a good dps. I could drop you in 1/3 the time of the time it takes to drop a bubble sage (which I bet my bubble sage could beat my scrapper). An assault vanguard who isn't an idiot would rip through you even faster. Now it's easy to become confident when horrible dps run around and vastly underperform in their class.


You always have a choice. And yeah... I've already had the "I refuse to play a broken spec" talk and I don't really feel like recreating it here. I'm sure that you're completely right as you haven't played with me consistently (I can only remember one or two game I've played that you were in) and can tell me exactly how I would perform under these circumstances.

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You always have a choice. And yeah... I've already had the "I refuse to play a broken spec" talk and I don't really feel like recreating it here. I'm sure that you're completely right as you haven't played with me consistently (I can only remember one or two game I've played that you were in) and can tell me exactly how I would perform under these circumstances.


I mean, a sage was my first toon to level 50 and has about 60 days /played on him, so I know the class... just a little. As a slav specced sage, you have Force Lift, Force Stun, Force Wave w/o root, Force Slow, and Force Speed with Egress. It doesn't matter if you think you have a say in anything or not, your class doesn't have the necessary mechanics to survive against a dps who isn't horrible. I don't really know every member that you have, but your scoundrel dps pull an average of 1/3 my damage and 1/2 on a good day. Your vanguards do about 300k less than Infuriate. Your shadows do 1/2 the damage of Sileen. With such poor performances, I'm doubtful that you can grasp how deadly a dps in a good players hands is. Everyone loves to say that they have a choice, but we're playing rock-paper-scissors here, every outcome is predetermined.

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I mean, a sage was my first toon to level 50 and has about 60 days /played on him, so I know the class... just a little. As a slav specced sage, you have Force Lift, Force Stun, Force Wave w/o root, Force Slow, and Force Speed with Egress. It doesn't matter if you think you have a say in anything or not, your class doesn't have the necessary mechanics to survive against a dps who isn't horrible. I don't really know every member that you have, but your scoundrel dps pull an average of 1/3 my damage and 1/2 on a good day. Your vanguards do about 300k less than Infuriate. Your shadows do 1/2 the damage of Sileen. With such poor performances, I'm doubtful that you can grasp how deadly a dps in a good players hands is. Everyone loves to say that they have a choice, but we're playing rock-paper-scissors here, every outcome is predetermined.


Guess sages are just screwed after 2.0 then. Time to re-roll to the next flavor of the month.


Also I feel like you just assume I'm standing out in the middle of everything waiting for someone to hit me. Because sages are the weekest healing (if I wanted more survivability I'd heal on my commando) class defensively one should constantly be using the environment as one big defensive cool down as any healer really should. I get what you're saying would totally be relevant in something like a dueling scenario, but I'm a ****** dueler because I play super defensively. I'm constantly aware of where the other team is, where I need to be to hide from them, and how I need to get away as soon as someone notices me. Honestly most of my games the other healer is taking way more damage than me even if I'm marked because if I'm taking the game seriously (something I wasn't doing in the video I linked because sometimes I like to screw around and have fun) most people don't even notice me and the ones that do have to work pretty hard to get to me.

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My main point is this. The line of thinking where you think you HAVE to play the broken spec in order to be competitive is baffling to me. If you have less defensive cooldowns play more defensively. If you are getting destroyed figure out what you can do to prevent it. I'm not going to change the way I play because someone found a way to take advantage of an error that developers overlooked, and I'm a better player for it. Everyone thinks that they are right, which is why I generally try to avoid arguments, but you're saying that it is absolutely true all the time that sages have to play bubble stun or else they are a liability, which I find completely ridiculous. In any case, you have your opinions and I have mine and I'll leave it at that.
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I mean, you don't have much of a choice when fighting a good dps. I could drop you in 1/3 the time of the time it takes to drop a bubble sage (which I bet my bubble sage could beat my scrapper). An assault vanguard who isn't an idiot would rip through you even faster. Now it's easy to become confident when horrible dps run around and vastly underperform in their class.

watchman sents have a lot of fun with aoe sages too. but I imagine all sents do.

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My main point is this. The line of thinking where you think you HAVE to play the broken spec in order to be competitive is baffling to me. If you have less defensive cooldowns play more defensively. If you are getting destroyed figure out what you can do to prevent it. I'm not going to change the way I play because someone found a way to take advantage of an error that developers overlooked, and I'm a better player for it. Everyone thinks that they are right, which is why I generally try to avoid arguments, but you're saying that it is absolutely true all the time that sages have to play bubble stun or else they are a liability, which I find completely ridiculous. In any case, you have your opinions and I have mine and I'll leave it at that.


I'm not arguing that you should play bubble spec over salv spec, though I did state that with salv you are trading some effective healing (at the cost of resolve) and defense for direct healing output. What I am saying is that there is no "playing more defensively" or having a say in anything. Tor and every other MMO is a giant game of numbers with pretty pictures. The only say a player has is how poorly they want to play their class, everything else must be taken as optimal performance. There is no fighting-spirit-super-powerup in this game because there is a maximum efficiency with which every class and every spec can perform and this game is designed so that regardless of how badly a player wants to win, it is entirely impossible in many scenarios. Being a good player doesn't matter as much as being a bad player, because it is when people screw up or when people don't know what to do that the perception of a player having control is introduced.

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Guess sages are just screwed after 2.0 then. Time to re-roll to the next flavor of the month.


Also I feel like you just assume I'm standing out in the middle of everything waiting for someone to hit me. Because sages are the weekest healing (if I wanted more survivability I'd heal on my commando) class defensively one should constantly be using the environment as one big defensive cool down as any healer really should. I get what you're saying would totally be relevant in something like a dueling scenario, but I'm a ****** dueler because I play super defensively. I'm constantly aware of where the other team is, where I need to be to hide from them, and how I need to get away as soon as someone notices me. Honestly most of my games the other healer is taking way more damage than me even if I'm marked because if I'm taking the game seriously (something I wasn't doing in the video I linked because sometimes I like to screw around and have fun) most people don't even notice me and the ones that do have to work pretty hard to get to me.


Sages are having additional defensive capabilities added as full seer come 2.0, so that spec will be more defensively viable. And you are making 2 mistakes in your reasoning for the second paragraph.

This first one is that you playing defensively is somehow playing better than the other healers that are good and that I run into.The correct way to put it is that the healers that are dumb enough to stand in the open or turret are playing their class below it's maximum potential, which has no bearing in my statement that full salv specced sages do not have the required defenses to survive against many dps classes. Until a player actively proves otherwise, they should be expected to perform perfectly and all outcomes against 2 players fighting perfectly against each other are predetermined.

The second is that people need to work hard to get to you because you are factoring other players into your estimates, which has no place or bearing when determining the survivability of a single player. Myself surrounded by seven other people in no way accurately depicts my survivability when I am alone.

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I'm not arguing that you should play bubble spec over salv spec, though I did state that with salv you are trading some effective healing (at the cost of resolve) and defense for direct healing output. What I am saying is that there is no "playing more defensively" or having a say in anything. Tor and every other MMO is a giant game of numbers with pretty pictures. The only say a player has is how poorly they want to play their class, everything else must be taken as optimal performance. There is no fighting-spirit-super-powerup in this game because there is a maximum efficiency with which every class and every spec can perform and this game is designed so that regardless of how badly a player wants to win, it is entirely impossible in many scenarios. Being a good player doesn't matter as much as being a bad player, because it is when people screw up or when people don't know what to do that the perception of a player having control is introduced.


Lolol. I should really start watching more tv.

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Sages are having additional defensive capabilities added as full seer come 2.0, so that spec will be more defensively viable. And you are making 2 mistakes in your reasoning for the second paragraph.

This first one is that you playing defensively is somehow playing better than the other healers that are good and that I run into.The correct way to put it is that the healers that are dumb enough to stand in the open or turret are playing their class below it's maximum potential, which has no bearing in my statement that full salv specced sages do not have the required defenses to survive against many dps classes. Until a player actively proves otherwise, they should be expected to perform perfectly and all outcomes against 2 players fighting perfectly against each other are predetermined.

The second is that people need to work hard to get to you because you are factoring other players into your estimates, which has no place or bearing when determining the survivability of a single player. Myself surrounded by seven other people in no way accurately depicts my survivability when I am alone.


I completely understand what you are saying, the only problem with your argument is that its completely irrelevant in wzs. I'll admit it's mostly a pride thing as to why I don't play bubble stun. I feel like most monkeys can do it and though I haven't tried it it sounds boring as ****. Maybe, it is ultimately more efficient if you simulated 1 perfect player versus the other perfect player, but unfortunately for your argument this game isn't played by computers, and I'd be willing to bet that I'd be way more valuable on a team than most bubble stunners. So, I'll continue to effectively out heal the bubble stunners, keep my team alive, and do it in a manner that doesn't feel cheap.


p.s. If you love theorycrafting so much I would worry more about pve than pvp if I were you. If I really believed that I played video games to have absolutely no say in the outcome of my experience I would quit playing.

Edited by OmniParadox
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I would argue that he's statistically the highest exceptional output healer in this game, which is different than being the best. As a salv spec sage, he's the squishiest healer in the game and any respectable dps could tear right through him, which may make him more of a liability than an asset in dangerous situations.



Seems you started out questioning a full spec salv as a liability in a group setting. I mean, who are you being a liability or an asset too in a 1 vs 1 fight? Simple came back with his argument for the survivability of a salv healer in a group setting, and made some pretty good points. From that point on it looks as tho your focus turned to a more one on one fight, and I agree, you would need your head checked dueling someone as a salv healer. Don't think anyone would disagree with you on that point. Yet, you never really validated your argument that a salv healer is more of a liability than an asset in a group setting.

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I completely understand what you are saying, the only problem with your argument is that its completely irrelevant in wzs. I'll admit it's mostly a pride thing as to why I don't play bubble stun. I feel like most monkeys can do it and though I haven't tried it it sounds boring as ****. Maybe, it is ultimately more efficient if you simulated 1 perfect player versus the other perfect player, but unfortunately for your argument this game isn't played by computers, and I'd be willing to bet that I'd be way more valuable on a team than most bubble stunners. So, I'll continue to effectively out heal the bubble stunners, keep my team alive, and do it in a manner that doesn't feel cheap.


If it's a pride thing, do you think you would be more useful to your team as a bubble stunner or a salv spec. Also, the additional couple of tricks at the cost of Salvation and Resplendence is somewhat interesting.

Also, effective healing on a bubble sage is based off of the number of people that are affected by the stun from each bubble being broken, which caps way higher than salv, but also has a lower reasonable minimum value. Therefore, as far as output is concerned, I'd say that the output between the two specs is too variable to determine.

Lastly, this game isn't so challenging that players cannot perform at a near perfect rate, so the idea of computer vs computer is able to be closely replicated by very skilled player vs very skilled player. It is also a reason why I poke fun at people who claim to be awesome and make horrible decisions while dueling. Team vs team perfection is much harder to achieve, but it also increases logarithmically so two high-end ranked teams going at it would be an adequate assessment.

All of what you are saying is based off the belief that one Sage can be stronger than another and therefore certain choices can be justified. The appropriate assessment is whether one version of yourself is more or less useful than another.

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Seems you started out questioning a full spec salv as a liability in a group setting. I mean, who are you being a liability or an asset too in a 1 vs 1 fight? Simple came back with his argument for the survivability of a salv healer in a group setting, and made some pretty good points. From that point on it looks as tho your focus turned to a more one on one fight, and I agree, you would need your head checked dueling someone as a salv healer. Don't think anyone would disagree with you on that point. Yet, you never really validated your argument that a salv healer is more of a liability than an asset in a group setting.


Assuming that bubbles can be maintained on 4 people (any more is a little force exhaustive and any less is just being lazy), bubble sage provides for more possible stuns leading to escape mechanisms or splash-stuns on their healers to assist with focus fire. It also provides for a definite immobilize, either stalling or just assisting to control the enemy team. Salvation can be useful, but even having people group up within an 8 meter range can be detrimental if the team you are fighting is smart (or not brain-dead) about aoe. It gives other healers on your team more time to heal, as well as a free stun for escape.

Arguing the group utility of a salv sage over a bubble sage is even harder, considering that each bubble bypasses the lockout placed on an individual player

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