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Calling ppl useless in pug WZs.


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No, it is counter-productive. It evolves into a rage ****** fest clogging up the ops channel. Insulting someone public will only result in them replying in an undignified manner. This kind of behavior never helps anyone get better. It only forces them to entrench themselves becoming defensive and ignoring anything and everything you say to them. That helps no one and certainly does not promote a learning experience for the offender…ever.


The tried and true way to help any one person is by 'praising in public and correcting in private.' If you want to help someone by showing their error (i.e.: leaving a node unguarded, breaking someone's CC with a direct attack or AoE or for not wearing gear with expertise), do so via a whisper in such a manner that "should" be received as helpful. If they respond like an arse hat, then you know what you're dealing with. Nominally, most people with common sense will respond with a thank you or some kind of excuse. If that's the case just reinforce what you said and offer to help them if they need it. Being confrontational never increases productivity nor will it help others improve.


Regardless how someone responds to you, if you remain non-confrontational and respectful with that person, I can almost guarantee you they'll come back later and apologize for being an arse hat. I've seen this personally when I've encountered a few people in PvE and helped them out offering some pointers. At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself. If you are happy to be confrontational with others because you like pushing buttons, then my message falls on deaf ears. However, if not, then you can help improve our own community environment one person at a time.


This is an awesome post. If more people had this outlook, PvP would be an awesome experience each and every time, win or lose.


You sure you're a PvP'er...?

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You, sir, should be guarding a node right now.


I personally love pocket-healing the most useless person I can find in a warzone and try to inflate their ego. I found a 17k hp focus guardian in Soresu form, wearing a mix of tank and dps recruit gear, and pocket-healed the hell out of him :) He never died and did 34k damage.


This really did make me LOL... I do the samething!!!! :D

Edited by RoninKetch
LoL'd so much i quoted the wrong person!
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The real problem is that no one in the world has shame anymore, so calling them out for being bad and staying bad doesnt even help.


I had a WZ lowbies last night on my 49 Operative healer. I say clearly that ill heal mid at the start. I notice NO ONE goes to the pylon to cap it...so i go back and do it. This same thing happens again next round... I say in chat- nicely- "hey im a 49 op healer, anyone else want to do guard duty so i can heal you guys?"




So round 3...I say "Im not going node, we will lose unless someone else caps it"




I go mid, no one caps, we lose.


Now I could have prevented our loss by just going and capping and being the bigger man, but... nah. The funniest thing was that like 3 people spouted off in chat after we lost about how much everyone sucked...lol I type "oh...now you are paying attention!" and leave.


so, yeah, calling them useless wouldnt have helped, even calling out for what was needed in strategy didnt help, why would they read chat saying how useless they are?


I honestly can barely even enjoy pvp in this game anymore. Too many maps with objectives, and too few people with brains.

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