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My thoughts on this game (new player)


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Two of my friends play this game and they recently convinced me to try it out.

I can start by saying it's a bit entertaining story wise, and the story quests is fun to play.

I got a lvl 42 Sith asassin and a lvl 43 marauder, its been quite enjoyable, but the game some what dies at lvl 40 for me.

But the things that ruins this game for me, and in my eyes make this game fail miserably is the amount of bugs that exists, and the random crashes. Nobody seems to develop this game any further..


*Disc. from the game and try to reonnect to your server: Crash.

*Do random thing in the game and i crashes, sometimes just pressing up the map with "M", or clicking on a *ceration NPC makes the game go bye bye.

*Invisible Characther is considiered a "rare bug" even tho it happens to me quite frequently.

*Screen randomly turns black during conversation.

*I have a SSD and loading screens still takes very long time which is a sign of bad programming.

*I get randomly stuck between a pole and a wall and die, even thou there's clearly a good 2 meters on every side.

*Playing three people with the same class and trying to join the same class quests areras just don't work, 1 or 2 of us dont get the ojbecive completed...


Why can you dodge or parry an attack in PVP thhat is dealt from behind? 'Maul' for example, how is that posssible to parry from behind? Bad programming or just pure lazyness?

The amount of stuns is ridiculous. Diminishing returs exits, I know, but not nearly as much as it should. Beeing stunned from one skill 5 sec, and then the next class comes with another type of stun and its also 5 secs makes this game incredibly stupid. I often call it "Stun the game" when talking about it with my friends.


And then seriously, its an MMO, Micropurchaes, really? I excepted that from EA cause they always looks for the cash and not for customer satification, but seriously? That's like farmville or Smurfs Village on Iphone...


This game could have been good, but nobody cares about balance or even fixing simple bugs. It's doomed to fail and I guess EA will kill the servers as soon as they dont make a profit from it anymore (as always)


This is _some_ of the things that makes this game quite bad.


Ps. (I know that I dont have to play it, I', just giving the developers my feedback)

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*Playing three people with the same class and trying to join the same class quests areras just don't work, 1 or 2 of us dont get the ojbecive completed...

Joining a CLASS quest with multiple players of the same class is openly advertised as NOT giving quest progress to anyone but the instance owner. This is not a bug, but working as intended.

All the other bugs you mentioned, did never happen to me so far in the 9 months of playtime I got. Maybe I am just lucky, or your system is crappy.

Micropurchases do exist in almost every MMO by now. So ? Absolutely nothing that is bought of the cartel market, does in any way change the power of your character. It is all just looks.


This game could have been good, ,,,

.. and it is good. Maybe not fantastic and surely not "to die for", like a certain christmas special... but good and entertaining for me.

Oh and every publisher will pull the power cord, when they are not making profit from it. Doing elsewise would be totally idiotic.


This is _some_ of the things that makes this game quite bad.

... in your opinion.

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This game could have been good, but nobody cares about balance or even fixing simple bugs. It's doomed to fail and I guess EA will kill the servers as soon as they dont make a profit from it anymore (as always)


I disagree with your assessment and I feel you are being harsh and harsh out of context about the state of the game. I get it if you do not like the lore, or the style or design of the game...... but your complaint list I personally find to be inaccurate.


The game IS good. Excellent in fact. Not perfect.....no MMO is perfect


Balance has been pretty well managed in this game to date. Balance is never perfect... it is an evolving state in every MMO.


Being new here, you are probably not aware of the many many bugs that have been fixed via patch updates over the last year. Maybe take an hour to read through all the patch notes since launch to get a better feel. Your crash issues are atypical for most players. Personally, I have played since launch and never experienced a crash. I've lost server connections from time to time, but never a client crash.


It's not doomed to fail. In fact... it has moved nicely past the locust spike that affects all new MMOs and has been stable and growing modestly month_over_month for months now. It's positioned to thrive and appears to be doing so nicely at this point.


EA always make profits on MMOs. They just scale operations to match revenue (evidence the decade old DAoC MMO that is still alive and kicking... long after it's original design studio is long gone).


You talk like MMOs are/need_to_be bug free or something. They all have bugs... some of which are never fixed (even *cough* WoW).



Edited by Andryah
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Two of my friends play this game and they recently convinced me to try it out.

I can start by saying it's a bit entertaining story wise, and the story quests is fun to play.

I got a lvl 42 Sith asassin and a lvl 43 marauder, its been quite enjoyable, but the game some what dies at lvl 40 for me.

But the things that ruins this game for me, and in my eyes make this game fail miserably is the amount of bugs that exists, and the random crashes. Nobody seems to develop this game any further..


*Disc. from the game and try to reonnect to your server: Crash.

*Do random thing in the game and i crashes, sometimes just pressing up the map with "M", or clicking on a *ceration NPC makes the game go bye bye.

*Invisible Characther is considiered a "rare bug" even tho it happens to me quite frequently.

*Screen randomly turns black during conversation.

*I have a SSD and loading screens still takes very long time which is a sign of bad programming.

*I get randomly stuck between a pole and a wall and die, even thou there's clearly a good 2 meters on every side.

*Playing three people with the same class and trying to join the same class quests areras just don't work, 1 or 2 of us dont get the ojbecive completed...


Why can you dodge or parry an attack in PVP thhat is dealt from behind? 'Maul' for example, how is that posssible to parry from behind? Bad programming or just pure lazyness?

The amount of stuns is ridiculous. Diminishing returs exits, I know, but not nearly as much as it should. Beeing stunned from one skill 5 sec, and then the next class comes with another type of stun and its also 5 secs makes this game incredibly stupid. I often call it "Stun the game" when talking about it with my friends.


And then seriously, its an MMO, Micropurchaes, really? I excepted that from EA cause they always looks for the cash and not for customer satification, but seriously? That's like farmville or Smurfs Village on Iphone...


This game could have been good, but nobody cares about balance or even fixing simple bugs. It's doomed to fail and I guess EA will kill the servers as soon as they dont make a profit from it anymore (as always)


This is _some_ of the things that makes this game quite bad.


Ps. (I know that I dont have to play it, I', just giving the developers my feedback)


I guess you must be new in the world of MMROPG,these kind of games always come with some bug,and actually BioWare in time to time fix some of them,i come from 7 years of SWG and that game was the king of bugs,and for some of them it took literally years before they fixed them,i played for quite a while GW and GW2,and it was the same soup.

So these kind of problems are kind of ordinary in a game like this.

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One of the reasons that might be causing you to crash is because your computer can't process things fast enough. Try putting the graphics on a lower setting, the way you describe things I think it's your processor not being fast enough to handle the amount of data going between you and the servers.


That should fix what you described.

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The game is Excellent?! I wouldn't go that far. Not even close in fact. Its not bad by any means. But it doesn't deserve an "Excellent" rating either.



Off the top of my head. Here are my thoughts on this game + some critiques as well:


I expect bugs. But never ever the amount that persisted for as long as they did, in this MMO. Admit it. It was bad. Patches sometimes broke more than it fixed or didn't fix, what was said was fixed. UI needs to be refreshed in order to see friends online. in status bar.


Failed designing successful open world PvP. Twice...


I read but still need to experience the new expertise stat changes for PvP Warzones. Before the change/now as it is however, it is horrid after hitting level 50. Nowhere near as entertaining as Warzones during leveling up to 49. So we'll see how this new upcoming change improves the experience.


Guild functions and good reasons to be/stay in a Guild. They also need identities other than just some words floating above the characters heads.


4/8/16 players attacking a single enemy (+some adds every now and then) with a ridiculous amount of health. Rather than fighting what seems like impossible odds and certain death with no escape or survival. A more appealing scenario than spamming many attacks on a single boss while avoiding the bad. I'm not talking about waves of enemies either. We need that omg... factor when you see what kind of odds you're up against. Much more intense.


Graphic design... for the most part needs a lot of work. Months upon months of man hours to fix it all. Just because you're going for a simplified stylized appearance, doesn't mean it has to suck. I'll start with the outside. Tree's look satisfactory now that the light shines through. Sky looks very good. Ground dirt textures are ok, and some grass textures are ok as well. However, the overall look of the fields/landscapes are poor at best. Textures seem rushed and look unfinished. Like a solid color. I don't see a finished product when I take my character outside. Poor effort of shrubbery, stones, twigs, moss and plant life. I would like to know what photos you drew your inspiration from when creating landscapes in the game. The most noticeable in poor effort has to be the Rock face design, and Rock textures in general. Some say it looks clay'ish, unrealistic. I say it's unsatisfactory. Almost no discernible texture, and one solid color for a whole rock face. All in fact the same color, and same poor design on every planet. sample of rock & surrounding light and shade for reference. Indoors, is a lot of the same. Unfinished looking and rushed. Solid colors with very poor usage of light and shade sources.


Quality assurance management needs to be on its toes at all times. Nothing should get past this system. As we already know. It has on more than one occasion. Most recently with some Cartel Items. One of which of note is still unfixed. ie: Revans chest piece.. the double hood, and incorrect dominating color.


Wheres the iconic Star Wars style music? Also the ambient Star Wars music as I run around in the worlds? There is too much silence, and the only time that I really hear Star Wars style music is when I engage in a fight. Sometimes. Also there is no Star Wars sounds of wildlife while running around outdoors, no randomness. Another missing ingredient to give a more fulfilling Star Wars experience.


Admittedly, there is longer waiting periods than what I'm normally used to, on a more frequent basis, during loading screens. Not a huge deal. But a little bit on the annoying side.


EA's greed for as much $$$ as they can squeeze from SWTOR players isn't even subtle. In fact its very blatant. It does not inspire loyalty or fondness from players, but rather loathing and breach of trust. So far EA has displayed the feeling that they only have a personal interest in my money, and thats it. As a customer, I don't feel like I matter beyond that. So that is one sure fire way to lose recurring business. On the flip side, the community team lead by Eric is doing a phenomenal job so far. This is where the difference is. But, it cannot be solely up to them to make sure we're all taken care of and satisfied. It's not possible. They can't keep cleaning EA's mess. In order to have success It has to start from the top. That's where the problem lies. 1-know the customers that play your game. 2-show appreciation. Listen and make them feel they are worth more to you than just a sack of money with arms and legs. Make them feel good about being a part of SWTOR. 3-sincere apologies a.s.a.p. with a customer satisfactory solution that is above what they expect, is of prime importance (sincerely good job on that Damion). The concern should be investigated and a corrective process should follow so it can never happen again.


Resolve bar is almost worthless at the moment.


It's getting late and I'm tired. So I'm going to stop there. :p

Edited by xorcist
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Failed designing successful open world PvP. Twice...

That one always annoy me, do you even know how much attempt at world pvp zone/objective Blizzard ever did with WoW, how attempt it took to be really successful?


-The plaguelands

-48 hours Alterac Valley (which had good points and bad points)



-Wintergrasp (took 4 major patch to fix it)

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*I have a SSD and loading screens still takes very long time which is a sign of bad programming.



This made me LOL... i load maps between 10 and 30 secs....

i dont use SSD ... bad sign of programming? no...you just have a very bad PC.

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I don't recall ever crashing before with this game and have been playing since right before the Chevin event. Back in DCUO crashing was commonplace.


Perhaps you should stick to PS3 or Xbox games instead of playing on a crappy/outdated computer?

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I have had maby 3-4 crashes since release...

I have played this game on 2 different computers since release with the same results.

Neither computer was a high-performance gaming rig, both were medioker but the new one is of course "better" than the old one.

Never had lag with max settings (except shadows, which i turn to lowest).


Also, just because you have one of the rarest bugs, does not make that bug any less rare or means that the game is bad, it just means you are unlucky.


Anyway, it seem like this is a very subjective view of the game from your point of view so i would almost call it a troll attempt...

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I used to play this game on a netbook, and I never crashed the client. Did experience the bad load times and disappearing NPCs. Haven't experienced either since getting a new, actually good computer. It's not the game that sucks, bro. It's your PC.
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I used to play this game on a netbook, and I never crashed the client. Did experience the bad load times and disappearing NPCs. Haven't experienced either since getting a new, actually good computer. It's not the game that sucks, bro. It's your PC.


Damn, my i5 2500k with a 660 GTX needs to be replaced already? If you say so. :(

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Two of my friends play this game and they recently convinced me to try it out.

I can start by saying it's a bit entertaining story wise, and the story quests is fun to play.

I got a lvl 42 Sith asassin and a lvl 43 marauder, its been quite enjoyable, but the game some what dies at lvl 40 for me.

But the things that ruins this game for me, and in my eyes make this game fail miserably is the amount of bugs that exists, and the random crashes. Nobody seems to develop this game any further..


*Disc. from the game and try to reonnect to your server: Crash.

*Do random thing in the game and i crashes, sometimes just pressing up the map with "M", or clicking on a *ceration NPC makes the game go bye bye.

*Invisible Characther is considiered a "rare bug" even tho it happens to me quite frequently.

*Screen randomly turns black during conversation.

*I have a SSD and loading screens still takes very long time which is a sign of bad programming.

*I get randomly stuck between a pole and a wall and die, even thou there's clearly a good 2 meters on every side.

*Playing three people with the same class and trying to join the same class quests areras just don't work, 1 or 2 of us dont get the ojbecive completed...


Im a new player too, been playing 2 months now and will probably hit 50 on my first character today.


There was a one occasion that I wasnt able to connect to server. Two or three hours maybe. Other than that game has been working okay. No map crashes. Hell im a type of player that will press map on/off rapidly while traveling and never crashed because of that. Not once have I been stuck anywhere.


A bug that I have been experiencing 2 or 3 times is when entering flashpoint my UI disappears. I can move around, but I cant do anything else. Only thing I can do is go to windows and close swtor. But last time it happened was like a month ago.


Then there is or was the flashing public transportation vehicles. Speaking of it last time I used a speeder in the fleet it didnt flash anymore. Has it been fixed, or was it just a one lucky strike? :p


Either OP is playing with a really crappy computer, has some malware or other crap in his computer ,or is trolling. Mine is 3,6 ghz dual core processor (i3 2120), nvidia gt530-2gb and 8gb ram. So average at most. I play at average graphic setting and works like charm. Loading screens take 10 secs.

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Two of my friends play this game and they recently convinced me to try it out.

I can start by saying it's a bit entertaining story wise, and the story quests is fun to play.

I got a lvl 42 Sith asassin and a lvl 43 marauder, its been quite enjoyable, but the game some what dies at lvl 40 for me.

But the things that ruins this game for me, and in my eyes make this game fail miserably is the amount of bugs that exists, and the random crashes. Nobody seems to develop this game any further..


*Disc. from the game and try to reonnect to your server: Crash.

*Do random thing in the game and i crashes, sometimes just pressing up the map with "M", or clicking on a *ceration NPC makes the game go bye bye.

*Invisible Characther is considiered a "rare bug" even tho it happens to me quite frequently.

*Screen randomly turns black during conversation.

*I have a SSD and loading screens still takes very long time which is a sign of bad programming.

*I get randomly stuck between a pole and a wall and die, even thou there's clearly a good 2 meters on every side.

*Playing three people with the same class and trying to join the same class quests areras just don't work, 1 or 2 of us dont get the ojbecive completed...


Why can you dodge or parry an attack in PVP thhat is dealt from behind? 'Maul' for example, how is that posssible to parry from behind? Bad programming or just pure lazyness?

The amount of stuns is ridiculous. Diminishing returs exits, I know, but not nearly as much as it should. Beeing stunned from one skill 5 sec, and then the next class comes with another type of stun and its also 5 secs makes this game incredibly stupid. I often call it "Stun the game" when talking about it with my friends.


And then seriously, its an MMO, Micropurchaes, really? I excepted that from EA cause they always looks for the cash and not for customer satification, but seriously? That's like farmville or Smurfs Village on Iphone...


This game could have been good, but nobody cares about balance or even fixing simple bugs. It's doomed to fail and I guess EA will kill the servers as soon as they dont make a profit from it anymore (as always)


This is _some_ of the things that makes this game quite bad.


Ps. (I know that I dont have to play it, I', just giving the developers my feedback)


I highly doubt you are a new player. What can gather from your post is that you are a disgruntled player or a paid shill for another game that is trying to spread falsities about this game. The crashes you supposedly have had I have never experienced and no one in my former guild ever had that problem either.


Your feedback was not constructive so I highly doubt anyone at bioware will read it. It will most likely end up being locked and deleted.

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Two of my friends play this game and they recently convinced me to try it out.


I was just curious, but do your friends have the same problems as you?


I only have crash to desktop when I play the Esseles FP during the last conversation. I heard that is a game bug related to only certain video cards. The Taxi on Coru and Nar Shadaa flash while riding in them last I've tried, but that's no biggie.

I have an i5 2500k that I OC to 4.3ghz with Nvidia 460SE. It's not the newest thing anymore, but it's plenty for SWTOR. I just keep shadows on low and everything else on high. I get server lag while on the fleet near the GTN.


I've played this game since September as a sub. I think it's a good game... not excellent, but good.

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