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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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My logic is clear: if i go solo on wz and meet ranked premade, I lose with my pug.


After this, I go to Alderaan and kill several imps lowbies, just for relax.


If I cannot play with equal chances on warzone (which I love to play) and others use their unfair advantage there, than I use MY unfair advantage of high level for ganking. Eye for eye.


So.... your ego got hurt so much, that you have to gank leveling lowbies? Oh boy, this is the reason why I'm gladly on PVE server.. so no one will enlarge his small epeen on my leveling alt.

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So.... your ego got hurt so much, that you have to gank leveling lowbies? Oh boy, this is the reason why I'm gladly on PVE server.. so no one will enlarge his small epeen on my leveling alt.


You missed the irony, but whatever.


So you don't like being ganked, having to fight at a disadvantage in PvE? And you have the option to go to a PvE server to fit your playstyle? Funny how that works.


Maybe they should close all PvE servers, because only noobs play on them, who don't want to participate in the social act of fighting other players. Joking again, btw.

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nope, i solo guard fine most of the time, but anyone who can't admit that being able to communicate fully AND still go about the rest of your business is an advantage over having to type using the same hands and keyboard you use to play is delusional. or just afraid to admit the truth :)


Being able to hit three or less keys = delusional. Got it :)

Edited by ebado
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My logic is clear: if i go solo on wz and meet ranked premade, I lose with my pug.


After this, I go to Alderaan and kill several imps lowbies, just for relax.


If I cannot play with equal chances on warzone (which I love to play) and others use their unfair advantage there, than I use MY unfair advantage of high level for ganking. Eye for eye.


People am i reading this straight? lol

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So many bads in this thread the amount of stupidity is ridiculous. Gotta say though, when the op said premades are cheats and an unfair advantage I did chuckle a bit since he can easily do both. Also, I know for my guild and for many others, its a lot easier to get 3 other people to group up to pvp vs 7 other people for pvp. Sometimes I q solo and they q solo with no intention of grouping up but we end up in the same match anyway. So until we get 4 man ranked games or x server q's, expect to have premades on your side and to play against them. Bioware appeases to the mass and since this is an mmo after all, the mass just happens to be players who prefer to group up for pvp and/or pve. If fighting with and against groups in a game designed for group play is fustrating to where you have to bring this thread up again (which the devs made clear before this game even launched), /uninstall and save your money tbh Edited by Rilok_Singz
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if communication wasn't an advantage, humans wouldn't have learned to communicate. voice communications are much more convenient than written, especially when dealing with a situation where communicating and playing the game are all done with the same two hands. voice comms are an advantage, anyone who can't see this is fooling themselves.


If typing three characters places such a stress on your abilities that you become effectively over-taxed perhaps PVP is not the game for you...

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So.... your ego got hurt so much, that you have to gank leveling lowbies? Oh boy, this is the reason why I'm gladly on PVE server.. so no one will enlarge his small epeen on my leveling alt.


most of the leveling planets are phased specifically to prevent this. it's not very prevalent, imo. hoth, voss, belsavis and tatooine are the only "open" worlds that come to mind, and only tatooine would be considered low level.

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the more a premade plays together, the better they are going to be. of course that's natural as you learn to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. voice comms is another advantage.

having 2 or 3 stealthers pop up is the prime example. without voice comms, there is going to be a delay in my message going through. if someone is coming to help, they can't tell me otherwise they delay coming to help. if i'm away from the node slightly and notice another stealther sneak up to the node, i can't communicate this without stopping what i'm doing to tell people.


these are all small advantages, but over the course of a warzone they mount up, especially when sometimes you're dealing with fractions of a second between capping a node and an interrupt.


look at the response you're getting to this. it's not helping your major issue in the least. in fact, it's counterproductive. it's a distraction. you're arguing over a minor, insignificant, virtually non-existent factor, while the fact that the 4 best players on the server are always on the same team. the latter issue is debatable enough without taking issue with ppl using voice.

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My logic is clear: if i go solo on wz and meet ranked premade, I lose with my pug.


After this, I go to Alderaan and kill several imps lowbies, just for relax.


If I cannot play with equal chances on warzone (which I love to play) and others use their unfair advantage there, than I use MY unfair advantage of high level for ganking. Eye for eye.


do you gain anything from killing people in open world pvp apart from perverse pleasure?

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Being able to hit three or less keys = delusional. Got it :)


3 keys to type a message that the node is under attack and 2 guys are stealthed waiting for the reinforcements? you're good, certainly much better than i am

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If you get jumped by two stealth or they have you CC'ed and lose the node having vent wont stop that from happening. Yes it is easier to just say to the 1-3 other peeps in your channel that you are under attack but there is nothing wrong with having someone typed out for when you do get jumped you don't miss a step. I do this even when I am with a group.



having voice chat won't make or break a group. a bad group is a bad group and a good group s a good group, but voice comms can be a massive advantage, if it isn't, you're not doing it right. in a wz even a 2 second advantage can stop the enemy capping a node, and as we all know it's much easier to defend a node than attack, all other things being equal, so sometimes one lost node, even early in the match, can be fatal. even when it's not being used efficiently, voice communications are still faster and can be much more detailed than typing.

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So many bads in this thread the amount of stupidity is ridiculous. Gotta say though, when the op said premades are cheats and an unfair advantage I did chuckle a bit since he can easily do both. Also, I know for my guild and for many others, its a lot easier to get 3 other people to group up to pvp vs 7 other people for pvp. Sometimes I q solo and they q solo with no intention of grouping up but we end up in the same match anyway. So until we get 4 man ranked games or x server q's, expect to have premades on your side and to play against them. Bioware appeases to the mass and since this is an mmo after all, the mass just happens to be players who prefer to group up for pvp and/or pve. If fighting with and against groups in a game designed for group play is fustrating to where you have to bring this thread up again (which the devs made clear before this game even launched), /uninstall and save your money tbh


premades aren't cheating, they just have certain advantages over pug groups that means, if possible, they should be put up against other premades so that both sides have the same advantages and it all comes down to skill.


the argument "oh you can make your own premade" isn't valid. some people don't want to, some people like solo queueing, they should be able to face other teams made up of completely random people. the 2 or 3 or 4 man premades, likewise, should be free to enjoy their prefered method of play by facing other teams with the same make up as their own.

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I've started playing a little over 2 months now and I didn't understand why we can't run 8 people groups premade when I started and I do understand now but I don't support it. Rather just be with my guild or friends in pvp and not random people. I love pvp and that about what I do and ran on a team in the other game for years.
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If typing three characters places such a stress on your abilities that you become effectively over-taxed perhaps PVP is not the game for you...


"inc 2 west. 2 stealthers hidden beside the big gun in front of the node."


bit more than 3 characters there.



otoh, if you are unable to admit that talking to teammates is much quicker and more efficient than typing to them using the same hands and keyboard that should be being used to defend your objective, then perhaps honest conversation is not the game for you :)

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look at the response you're getting to this. it's not helping your major issue in the least. in fact, it's counterproductive. it's a distraction. you're arguing over a minor, insignificant, virtually non-existent factor, while the fact that the 4 best players on the server are always on the same team. the latter issue is debatable enough without taking issue with ppl using voice.


i'm not saying it's the biggest issue, i'm disagreeing with people who are saying it has no bearing when it clearly does. if you're on voice chat and it isn't an advantage to you then you're doing it wrong, it's a much more efficient way to communicate. a perfect solution would be if they could incorporate some form of voice chat into ops through the game interface, but that would come with its own problems.

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3 keys to type a message that the node is under attack and 2 guys are stealthed waiting for the reinforcements? you're good, certainly much better than i am


Are they out of stealth yet? If so, you already have grass typed up. You hit three keys: enter, 2, enter. "Grass 2."


Are they still in stealth? Then you shouldn't be under any pressure to type to "grass 2 stealthers."

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I've started playing a little over 2 months now and I didn't understand why we can't run 8 people groups premade when I started and I do understand now but I don't support it. Rather just be with my guild or friends in pvp and not random people. I love pvp and that about what I do and ran on a team in the other game for years.


i think you can run 8 man groups in ranked warzones can't you? i don't think groups should be banned from pvp, or even necessarily from the general queue, but when the same team is dominating every pug group thrown at them (for whatever reason) they should be put up against opposition better matched to them (ie other premade groups)

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Are they out of stealth yet? If so, you already have grass typed up. You hit three keys: enter, 2, enter. "Grass 2."


Are they still in stealth? Then you shouldn't be under any pressure to type to "grass 2 stealthers."


is it easier for me to type a message or to simply speak it?

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is it easier for me to type a message or to simply speak it?


Ah, moving the goalposts now. Nobody is denying coordiantion is helpful. However, you have presented that calling out for helping accurately and quickly without voice chat is somehow this massive hurdle that can't be climbed, and that we are delusional for thinking that we can (and do). If you want to address that, feel free. Given your posting history in this thread, I'm sure it will be fun.

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Ah, moving the goalposts now. Nobody is denying coordiantion is helpful. However, you have presented that calling out for helping accurately and quickly without voice chat is somehow this massive hurdle that can't be climbed, and that we are delusional for thinking that we can (and do). If you want to address that, feel free. Given your posting history in this thread, I'm sure it will be fun.


no i haven't. i said it's more awkward communicating solely through ops chat. it's far from impossible, if it was THAT big a hassle i'd form my own group and use voice chat. but it IS an advantage to have voice comms (one of several that premade groups have, probably not even the biggest).


maybe i did't communicate my meaning very well (another eason why i maybe think voice chat would be better, i'm possibly not a very good communicator) but, say, 2 stealthers were hiding at a certain point, with voice comms i could easily tell someone exactly where they were so they could aoe the area and break their stealth, or at least watch out for them.


i also had a guy who was about to die in voidstar run to where i was hiding in stealth watching for ninjacappers last night, the marauder he was facing of course force leapt/smashed, breaking my stealth, stunning me, and making me his next target. i ran round the corner a bit and missed the ninja stealther i knew would be coming and he capped the door.


now granted if i was in a group the guy probably wouldn't have come near me because he'd have realised my game, but it was going to take way too long for me to explain to him why i was there. voice comms would have made it pretty simple and quick to tell him not to come near me as i was hiding for a reason.

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premades aren't cheating, they just have certain advantages over pug groups that means, if possible, they should be put up against other premades so that both sides have the same advantages and it all comes down to skill.


the argument "oh you can make your own premade" isn't valid. some people don't want to, some people like solo queueing, they should be able to face other teams made up of completely random people. the 2 or 3 or 4 man premades, likewise, should be free to enjoy their prefered method of play by facing other teams with the same make up as their own.


I see your point about premades having advantages and i agree with you hence why we run them in the 1st place (along with reasons everyone else has already mentioned) . That's how the dev's intended this game to be (group play) so it makes no sense going against the grain and then complaining about it. I solo q as well but I know that means my winning % is going to go down but that's the nature of the beast. The devs wont separate the q because that wasn't the intention from the jump not to mention that would just make waiting for wz q's longer than they are now which is a negative for everyone. I would gladly run vs other premades so I can get better and have more competition which is why so many pvpers are asking for x server q's now.

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I see your point about premades having advantages and i agree with you hence why we run them in the 1st place (along with reasons everyone else has already mentioned) . That's how the dev's intended this game to be (group play) so it makes no sense going against the grain and then complaining about it. I solo q as well but I know that means my winning % is going to go down but that's the nature of the beast. The devs wont separate the q because that wasn't the intention from the jump not to mention that would just make waiting for wz q's longer than they are now which is a negative for everyone. I would gladly run vs other premades so I can get better and have more competition which is why so many pvpers are asking for x server q's now.


i think cross server queues are probably the only way you'd get premade vs premade to work. obviously if i have 5 or 6 wz's in a row, always against a lot of the same players and never seeing more than one or two players in my team the same 2 games in a row, there simply isn't a premade on my side for the other team to face.


i also agree that people shouldn't be punished for grouping with friend to pvp, but likewise people who do want to queue solo shouldn't be punished by being put up against a team much better than them match after match. there must be other pug groups to face.


also if there was a "group" queue, or if the match making mechanics were just changed, i'd STILL want to go up against premades, just with equally skilled players on our team. i enjoy the challenge, and it's way more fun to play against good players with good teammates rather than continually be faced with 3 or 4 on 1 ambushes. the only consolation i have is that every 2 mins i can combat stealth and steal their kill.

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no i haven't. i said it's more awkward communicating solely through ops chat. it's far from impossible, if it was THAT big a hassle i'd form my own group and use voice chat. but it IS an advantage to have voice comms (one of several that premade groups have, probably not even the biggest).


maybe i did't communicate my meaning very well (another eason why i maybe think voice chat would be better, i'm possibly not a very good communicator) .


Yeah, you did a bad job of getting your point across. You created a hypothetical situation about calling incomings that is functionally similar whether you are in voice chat or not (since any competent player in voice is calling out in both ops chat and voice chat when they need to).


Then you got defensive when it was pointed out that such a situation isn't as dramatic or trying as you painted it. Multiple times.


Nobody denies that coordination is an advantage. If that is your crusade, then I don't know what to tell you.

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Yeah, you did a bad job of getting your point across. You created a hypothetical situation about calling incomings that is functionally similar whether you are in voice chat or not (since any competent player in voice is calling out in both ops chat and voice chat when they need to).


Then you got defensive when it was pointed out that such a situation isn't as dramatic or trying as you painted it. Multiple times.


Nobody denies that coordination is an advantage. If that is your crusade, then I don't know what to tell you.


There's no crusade, the point is that people playing with certain advantages that come with setting up your own group should ideally be facing other groups who have those same advantages. Currently as a solo queuer there's no way to prevent yourself being in a group with no healers facing a group with 4 sorcerers/sages who can all communicate much more easily than your team. What is so difficult to understand?

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