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Question about the JK storyline and character's personality


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Hello folks!

I'm here for a simply, and probably, already asked question. The reason why i'm creating this thread its because there are controversies of some people, and i decided trying to settle once for all this in order to create (or not) my own JK. My question at first is simple: How is the overall in the JK storyline decisions, character's personalities and moral choices? Let me be more clear, when i was playing as a consular i couldn't get over Taris because i was hating the consular vibe of being some kind of priest in 9 of 10 dialogue options, saying all about the force, "trust in the force", "that happens because there is one conection with the force", that kind of stuff. And the moral (LS\DS) choices were obvious, save people, good, kill people, bad (without mention, the fact that is totally non-sense rolling DS consular, IMHO). There was no dilema or different interpretation, just obvious choices maded by one priest. I understood that was the consular way, then i decided to go for Sith inquisitor instead. But how about the JK? There is the same cheesiness of consular or it's one different kind of jedi on the dialogues and storyline? you know, more fun and serious and not SO religious, maybe like qui-gon or obi-wan. And the moral choices? still obvious? or kind of "kill...one assassin or terrorist to gain LS points" ? Thank you for your time. I'm really sorry for the poorly grammar, i've done my best. English it's not my native language.

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I cringed after you used the word 'priest.'


Are you new to Star Wars? If so, I suggest you read this in what ever your native tongue is.




i understand that you are trying to help, and i thank you for that. I'm not really a expert in the SW lore, but i was talking about not the concept of the jedi itself, but the jedi personality. For exemple, there's a big difference between the personalities of qui-gon and yoda. Both are jedi, but have different way of responses and ways of acting and thinking.

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All the Republic storylines run a bit cheesy though Consular was the worst. You really didn't get any good morale questions until the 3rd Act. The JK storyline is a bit better, though not by much.
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Without giving anything away as best I can

Act 1: Destroy super weapons, save the galaxy once.

Act 2: Attempt to take down the Sith, fail miserably.

Act 3: Stop the Sith before they destroy the galaxy, succeed in the end.

Essentially, its KOTOR 3 in MMO form.


Personality, he (or she) is a Jedi-the champions of the galaxy and freedom and all that. LS is basically follow the Jedi code, and enemies who don't die in combat are always given a chance to run or you can spare them so they can run or eventually help later at some point. DS is more renegade like (speculation, I myself am a LS Jedi) and you tend to want to exploit your enemies to gather info, then kill/torture them (usually just straight up kill them) and watch the council b**** about what you just did. DS is somewhat interesting, but to me seems like a Jedi/Sith hybrid that happens to be a Jedi.


Example of DS:

Defeat an enemy and then talk to him

Enemy: alright, you win, here is the info you need, please let me go!

You: thanks pal [kill them].


Example of LS:

Defeat an enemy and then talk to him

Enemy: alright, you win, here is the info you need, please let me go!

You: okay, you're free to go, just don't let me catch you again!


Hope that gave you some insight into the world of the Jedi Knight!

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Without giving anything away as best I can

Act 1: Destroy super weapons, save the galaxy once.

Act 2: Attempt to take down the Sith, fail miserably.

Act 3: Stop the Sith before they destroy the galaxy, succeed in the end.

Essentially, its KOTOR 3 in MMO form.


Personality, he (or she) is a Jedi-the champions of the galaxy and freedom and all that. LS is basically follow the Jedi code, and enemies who don't die in combat are always given a chance to run or you can spare them so they can run or eventually help later at some point. DS is more renegade like (speculation, I myself am a LS Jedi) and you tend to want to exploit your enemies to gather info, then kill/torture them (usually just straight up kill them) and watch the council b**** about what you just did. DS is somewhat interesting, but to me seems like a Jedi/Sith hybrid that happens to be a Jedi.


Example of DS:

Defeat an enemy and then talk to him

Enemy: alright, you win, here is the info you need, please let me go!

You: thanks pal [kill them].


Example of LS:

Defeat an enemy and then talk to him

Enemy: alright, you win, here is the info you need, please let me go!

You: okay, you're free to go, just don't let me catch you again!


Hope that gave you some insight into the world of the Jedi Knight!


Thank you! And thank you to Mr. Ryat too.


It was clarifying. The truth is that i'm looking for some class storyline to be some kind of anti-hero. Even rolled one SW LS and one SIn DS.I still didn't reach what i'm aiming for. It seems that trooper or JK DS are the most close i can get. Don't know yet.


But don't worry about spoilers, i don't care too mutch about that. Since i have little time to play, i actually prefer to know the story over regret it later.

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Light Side Knight is largely based on Luke Skywalker. As the Knight you are a pretty straightforward Nice Person, who trusts the Force and is pretty open about wanting everyone to drink rainbows and hug puppies. A fair number of Light Side choices are somewhat reproving or judgemental like the Consular's tend to be. Unlike the Consular, though, you can also be a bit more laid-back and have the opportunity to crack more jokes and be a little more sarcastic with your enemies - you're not Han Solo but you're not too serious to be friends with Han Solo either, if that clarifies anything. LS is still pretty much a goody two-shoes, but a much more realistic one, IMO, who feels like a normal person who still gets annoyed or amused by things.


As far as Dark Side JK goes, you have two choices: Protects The Republic At Any Cost, or Random Sociopathic Murderer For The Lulz. Many Dark Side choices are about putting down enemies or making civilian sacrifices for military gain in order to win the war and thus save more civilians in the long run, etc etc, and you can make a pretty consistent and believable anti-hero out of your JK by picking most of those. You're liable to still end up somewhere in LS I or II, though, even taking every pro-Republic, practical DS choice you can find. The rest of the Dark Side choices are just about shanking a dude because it makes you feel all grown-up and cool to commit arbitrary and wanton slaughter for whatever petty reason the poor NPC offers you (seriously, so many of them just make no sense for any reason other than for the Evulz), but they're pretty easy to avoid if you want a genuine anti-hero.

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My experience with the Knight is as follows.


Light Side - a down-to-earth warrior-monk. Laid-back, humble, generous and selfless. Light Side choices often involve sparing a defeated enemy, trying to redeem the irredeemable, passing on an advantage over your enemies if it is made possible via unethical means (killing innocents), etc, etc. The Light Side Jedi Knight doesn't have enemies, nor he wishes to make them. He wanders the Galaxy, righting wrongs and stopping acts of villainy and oppression, but without taking justice into his hands.


Dark Side Jedi Knight is a vindictive, determined warrior who will sacrifice anything and everything - including himself to see evil vanquished, and the fallen avenged. He will execute his enemies, he will bully his way to information that he seeks, he will strike first, and strike where it hurts the most - no matter the collateral damage.


So yeah, there you have it. Noble hero, or antihero, basically.

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I'll have to say no, because I've hit this wall multiple times myself. I've tried to get a Knight off the ground at least five times now, and the farthest I've made it is Alderaan.


It's not that the voice acting is bad - it isn't - or that the storyline's bad - it's a little cliched, but it's not bad. It's really just the whole package. Light Side is over-the-top selfless starry-eyed optimist, Dark Side is, at least to me, pretty clearly meant to be channeling Anakin during one of his moods. Even the ability names eventually get to me. Zen? Really?


I get the impression you're looking to form your Knight into a cynical, hard-bitten realist who nevertheless supports the right side and has the right goal in mind, an end-justifies-the-means type. I personally think you'll be disappointed, and it's for that reason that I always end up going back to a Warrior. Knight just has too much of a "space Buddhist with laser sword" feel to it. Which, some might point out, is exactly what Jedi are supposed to be, but still.


Bounty Hunter is probably the best bet for a pure antihero sort, but either way, you should at least play through Tython and see how you find the Knight. The personality doesn't get "better" beyond that, so, if you can stomach it, you'll be alright.

Edited by Cavell
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