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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Key binding: Multiple actions


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I was wondering if it's possible to bind two actions to one key so they occur at the same time.


For example.. I want to be able to use the right key on my mouse for directional control and to move forward at the same time. Clearly this would be a kind of binding that you would not use very often but in this case I think would be handy. The purpose of this is so I could use my right hand to move my character but also use the left hand to hit my hot keys for my attacks.


Otherwise I'd be left with my WASD keys for movement or whichever keys I assigned those actions to. My left mouse key would still be open to select other actions if need be...


Any suggestions?

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In game, you can't do this.


My suggestion: Buy a gaming mouse/keypad that enables macro-commands (for example: Razer Naga). You can put multiple keys on one click. Bind each click to a certain action and you have yourself multiple actions.


For example: I have one of my sidebuttons macro'd to hit F1 + F2, which in turn are keybound to Buff + stim respectively.

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left+right mouse keys at same time = mowing forward.

there aren't many abilities in SWTOR that could be used with makros, only examples I can get right out of my head are cover+snipe for MM sniper (ss slinger), rakata medpack (+25% hp)+hp buff+self heal for jugg/guardian (or PT/vanguard), or stim+adrenal (not usable in warzones any more?)+some power abiliti+on use relic combo, but for that , you need mouse with special software (I use logiteh, so I have 2 extra buttons under index finger and 3 buttons under thumb).

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Pro Tip: Dont keyboard turn, use your mouse. my wasd is as follows I dont use w I use the mouse to go forward.


A and D are straffing I do use S for moving forward when i do have to use my mouse to click on one ability. I dont use any key for moving backward. My advise is get a naga and a nostromo key bind as much as possible. I still find a need for more buttons to use for keybinds. If you need any further help hit me up on Prophecy of the Five/Fatman server.

Edited by Kahndraga
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left+right mouse keys at same time = mowing forward.

there aren't many abilities in SWTOR that could be used with makros, only examples I can get right out of my head are cover+snipe for MM sniper (ss slinger), rakata medpack (+25% hp)+hp buff+self heal for jugg/guardian (or PT/vanguard), or stim+adrenal (not usable in warzones any more?)+some power abiliti+on use relic combo, but for that , you need mouse with special software (I use logiteh, so I have 2 extra buttons under index finger and 3 buttons under thumb).


another good macro idea if you are an operative concealment spec is acid blade+backstab, as the two moves should always be used at the same time for max damage. (acid blade gives a buff to backstab damage and adds 30% armor pentration to all moves)

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