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Viable Assassin Hybrid DPS Spec's


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Hi Guys, I know there is a lot to be disappointed about with the changes we have received to our DPS tree's.


Firstly My reasoning behind these 2 builds, I believe there is not much point going up the Darkness tree unless you place the full 36 points. In my opinion there is just no point in stopping short of 36 points because every time i try a darkness hybrid spec I tell myself "2 more points I can get this" so hence these 2 hybrid specs is what i believe are the best 2 Hybrid DPS specs available to us.


Note* these are foremost PVP spec's ok lets take a look.


Build 1 : Surging Maul Proc




This build is a complete lock down spike build, Opening from stealth with a spike u get a free maul proc, and low slash granting a maul.. you opening would look like this Spike>Maul>Low slash>Crushing Darkness>Maul>other abilities This Opening provides a huge spike play locking down the opponent getting 2 maul's and a Crushing. from this point resolve is still not full and they have lost 50% health you completely control the fight from this point on.


Build 2 : Lighting Dot Proc




This Build is a Massive control Dot spec, Still get the Maul procs for spike damage, however you get the double Dot damage from Lighting Charges's Overcharge and crushing darkness. you still get the utility of low slash. This Build should be used to simply out play your opponent in a 1v1 you still get all the usual utility but the constant pressure of 2 Dots and ur ability to kite and stealth..


Remeber that after a spike or Low slash you can full cast crushing Darkness in both spec's use this to your advantage


I have tested both of these builds extensively and find them both extremely viable for PVP. These have just been tested in Normal warzones not Ranked... so competitive play could change my opinion on these.. It's really up to the individuals play style.


Thanks hope these builds Help out all you assassin Hybrid specs :)

Edited by Novarium
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I still don't understand why people in their dps specs don't grab Thrashing Blades and Charge Mastery. The 9% damage boost to Thrash and the bonus to accuracy and crit% is a definite yes in my book. Not by any means a waste of skill points. I have noticed in in many hybrid builds that was the case. And there are also those that say the damage increase in not significant enough and I have tried them both out and yes there IS indeed a generous damage boost. with both talents.
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I still don't understand why people in their dps specs don't grab Thrashing Blades and Charge Mastery. The 9% damage boost to Thrash and the bonus to accuracy and crit% is a definite yes in my book. Not by any means a waste of skill points. I have noticed in in many hybrid builds that was the case. And there are also those that say the damage increase in not significant enough and I have tried them both out and yes there IS indeed a generous damage boost. with both talents.


Its Because you clearly dont understand the build.. In both of these builds, in one build the damage comes from duplicity procs and Crushing darkness the other builds around Dot's and Duplicity proc.. Why would I waste 5 points going after those pointless talents? what do you suggest we give up? give up Deathfield or Impose Weakness in build 1? LOL then your just asking for the build to fail.. spend 5 points on 6% trash damage and 9% armor pen completely useless.. I would take 1 point in exposed weakness over those 5 points any day of the week.. and if you give those talents for 6% and 9% armor pen then you clearly dont understand how to build a strond PVP spec.. i am using trash maybe 10% of the time.. what wasted points it would be.. This is not PVE


In build 2 Would i give up deathmark? lingering burns or low slash for 6% trash damage and 45% increased critical strike chance on lightning charge? im sorry but you clearly dont understand how to build a strong PVP spec.. Not having a go at you or anything but my 2 builds are way more viable then any builds you could post including those 5 talent points.. And thats a Fact

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Hi Guys, I know there is a lot to be disappointed about with the changes we have received to our DPS tree's.


Firstly My reasoning behind these 2 builds, I believe there is not much point going up the Darkness tree unless you place the full 36 points. In my opinion there is just no point in stopping short of 36 points because every time i try a darkness hybrid spec I tell myself "2 more points I can get this" so hence these 2 hybrid specs is what i believe are the best 2 Hybrid DPS specs available to us.


Note* these are foremost PVP spec's ok lets take a look.


Build 1 : Surging Maul Proc




This build is a complete lock down spike build, Opening from stealth with a spike u get a free maul proc, and low slash granting a maul.. you opening would look like this Spike>Maul>Low slash>Crushing Darkness>Maul>other abilities This Opening provides a huge spike play locking down the opponent getting 2 maul's and a Crushing. from this point resolve is still not full and they have lost 50% health you completely control the fight from this point on.


Build 2 : Lighting Dot Proc




This Build is a Massive control Dot spec, Still get the Maul procs for spike damage, however you get the double Dot damage from Lighting Charges's Overcharge and crushing darkness. you still get the utility of low slash. This Build should be used to simply out play your opponent in a 1v1 you still get all the usual utility but the constant pressure of 2 Dots and ur ability to kite and stealth..


Remeber that after a spike or Low slash you can full cast crushing Darkness in both spec's use this to your advantage


I have tested both of these builds extensively and find them both extremely viable for PVP. These have just been tested in Normal warzones not Ranked... so competitive play could change my opinion on these.. It's really up to the individuals play style.


Thanks hope these builds Help out all you assassin Hybrid specs :)


Both of these builds have been hashed out many times. The first build you basically stole Wakajinn from live. This build in 2.0 fails because of how they changed the Surging Charge Discharge. It is now pointless to run Surging Charge with out Voltaic Slash. No matter how you slice you now have to have some type of set up before you can burst. You also have to waste too many points in the Madness tree in order to get DF.


The second build is a Mad Maul build. You do have some points that you messed up. Not taking Induction for the boost to Maul is just fail. No reason to go all the way up to Duplicity and not take Induction, even if you are not going to run Surging Charge. Now this spec does perform well compared to the other specs in sustained dps and burst. I parse higher with a version of this spec than I do with full Madness or Deception. For pvp, its just too squishy. The heals will not be enough. When Blackout is on cd you will be a free kill. Just too much to try and set up before the crit train gets rolling.


There are two Mad Maul builds that might work for pvp. The first is http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/222/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000322230221112031001022000010000003222100012200000000000000000000&ver=20 This build your running in Lightning Charge and spamming Thrash for Raze and Duplicity procs. Your Shocks have 50% increased crit damage and you get 6% dmg reduction from Entropic field. On top of that reduced CD on Blackout and Force Cloak with Fade as well as 30% mitigation on AOE damage. Hard hitting Mauls with a hard ticking Dot. It will take a skilled player to be successful with this spec, but it will also be really fun when everything goes right.


The next is http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/222/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000122230121100030000000000000000003020322012200210122030000000000&ver=20 This spec is closer to the name Mad Maul as you are obviously using more Madness talents this time. Your trading your harder hitting Shocks for harder hitting Deathfields and dot crits. You are also trading Fade and Entropic Field for heals, which will make you much much more squishy. This spec will take even more skill to play because the slightest mistake and pretty much anyone will be able to turn on you and blow you up. This spec will probably yield the best dps with the harder ticking dots and will be a nightmare for healers. But most other dps will kill you pretty easily.

Edited by Xethis
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Are you Kidding me? Both builds you linked are exactly the same as build number 2 that i linked and the points that you made in your comments is the exact abilities i have point my talent points into.. And saying that i have just copied someone is just plain stupid because i do not look at other people's builds i construct my builds around my own playstyle and both of these specs are completely viable in normal warzones I have not tested in ranked which I stated in my post so keep your self righteous comments to your self especially after you linked builds that were exactly the same as mine.. The only valid point you made is to put 2 points in induction.
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So bassed on your comments I have made the following change to build 2




The only thing i changed in this build is adding 2 points to induction... just a tip before you comment next time try actually looking at my build before you just assume whats wrong with it because half the comments you make are just plain stupid seeing as how i already have points in those abilities

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If i had to play a Darkness Hybrid spec it would be this one.




using low slash to cast Crushing Darkness, and still have most of the tankiness from the Darkness tree.


Crushing darkness? you mean maul?. or is there a change i don't know of?

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Crushing darkness? you mean maul?. or is there a change i don't know of?


No i meant crushing darkness.. because low slash 4 stun breaks on damage. so you hit them with low slash and then the 1.5 sec Global cool down then the 2 second cast of crushing means that your making the most of their mezed state then you have a hard ticking dot that you got to free cast because they were mezed :) hope that makes sense

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What about 0/18/28 and run in Lightning Charge, This almost like the Spec i run now Live 0/13/28. I wonder if it still will hold its own.




this build is ok. and thos points in creeping death are nice i would much prefer to put 21 points in the deception tree because 1 you get Fade 30% AOE damage reduction.. and second you get low slash.. remember that low slash is classed as a melee ability so you can mez assassins and shadows through force shroud.. so that ability maked you god like in terms of ninja capping :)

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Are you Kidding me? Both builds you linked are exactly the same as build number 2 that i linked and the points that you made in your comments is the exact abilities i have point my talent points into.. And saying that i have just copied someone is just plain stupid because i do not look at other people's builds i construct my builds around my own playstyle and both of these specs are completely viable in normal warzones I have not tested in ranked which I stated in my post so keep your self righteous comments to your self especially after you linked builds that were exactly the same as mine.. The only valid point you made is to put 2 points in induction.

Not sure what happened, just clicked on my links and they are by far not what I picked for either spec. I think I tried to edit your links but it didn't change the link the way it should have. Ill go back and re link them.


I dont even know where to start. Both of the builds you linked had serious flaws in them. I am only trying to help you understand how the spec plays as I have played 100's of WZ's with these two hybrids. There are big changes to these specs that prevent them from being viable for anything in 2.0. It is quite obvious you have never played these specs, tried these specs on ptr or even read the "many" threads that have already broken down why your specs wont work in pvp or pve.


Quit being defensive and actually read into what I and many others have already written and stop blindly defending your untested theory crafting.


Now, I know you think I just copied your two specs but I didn't, look at them carefully if you want to know why I made some of the changes that I did I am more than happy to discuss them with you.


And, its funny that you think that you think you are the first person to try these hybrids. Versions of these hybrids have been around for a long time. 1.2/1.3 for the Mad Maul, and 1.4 for the Wakajinn. You can actually start reading in these forums and actually see posts where people posted the exact same thing, or really close to what you did only the date on their post is way before yours. I am sorry that offends you.

Edited by Xethis
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And you cmment about having to voltaic slash is just wrong.. you only need voltaic slash to build voltage.. surging charge can be built of trash just as easily of voltaic slash.


As of now on ptr you pretty much need 2x VS which grants you an automatic Static Charge stack when you Shock. Not sure what you think I said is wrong. With Shock being able to proc your 3rd stack is key for being able to Discharge as much as possible. On ptr I tried to see how fast I could build my Charges with out VS and I found sometimes I would wait 15 sometimes over 20 seconds on the 3rd stack to proc. Trust me, VS is a must with the new discharge. You will find that just trying to Thrash your way to 3 stacks will screw you in the long run.


Go on PTR and actually count how many times you can Discharge with VS in a 3min period, then do the same for Thrash. I was Discharging almost 3 times less without VS.

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Are you Kidding me? Both builds you linked are exactly the same as build number 2 that i linked and the points that you made in your comments is the exact abilities i have point my talent points into.. And saying that i have just copied someone is just plain stupid because i do not look at other people's builds i construct my builds around my own playstyle and both of these specs are completely viable in normal warzones I have not tested in ranked which I stated in my post so keep your self righteous comments to your self especially after you linked builds that were exactly the same as mine.. The only valid point you made is to put 2 points in induction.


My links are now working properly, maybe now what I have said will make sense.

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What about 0/18/28 and run in Lightning Charge, This almost like the Spec i run now Live 0/13/28. I wonder if it still will hold its own.




This is really close to one of the specs I tried to link in my first post. I would trade Oppressing Force for Sith Defiance, this spec is already really squishy, I would pick up more defense over a reduced cd on Electrocute. I would also trade a point from Chain Shock to Assassins Mark. Your Mauls are going to be your hardest hitting attack, Shock is going to be for crap damage, I would just leave it out of your rotation you will do far more damage with just Thrash spam at reduced force cost.

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There are two Mad Maul builds that might work for pvp. The first is http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/222/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000322230221112031001022000010000003222100012200000000000000000000&ver=20 This build your running in Lightning Charge and spamming Thrash for Raze and Duplicity procs.


This build lacks Raze though.

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This build lacks Raze though.


My bad, I miss placed a point. Take down Impose Weakness and pick up Raze. I actually messed it up pretty bad, I think I linked a build I made for a completely different post. I have like 8-9 build tabs going for different AC's. Anyways, the build for the first one I linked in my first post should be http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/222/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000322230221112030001022000000000003020302012200010000000000000000&ver=20


Sorry for the confusion.

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