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So, I was in regular beta since August. And I honestly cannot believe that the pvp in this game, at least the Warzones, are such a mess. Still. What happened to the Resolve bar that was supposed to justify all the massive amount of CC? Why do we still not have brackets in warzones? Why can I still only queue into random warzones? I am seriously sick to death of Huttball, I absolutely despise that Warzone but my god, can I please play some Alderaan or Voidstar? You know, I've still not one single time got queued into a Voidstar. I literally don't even know what its like because 90% of the time I get put into Crapball and 10% of the time, when I thank god, I get Alderaan which is actually pretty fun.


Sick of Huttball. It's not as good as people say, it's pretty terrible. It's ruined by CC and I wouldn't even mind it if I could at least queue into the ones I actually like. Why is this not in? is it ever going to be in?

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I don't expect the game to be flawless, but I just don't understand why a simple feature like 'Queing for individual warzones instead of all of them randomly' is not in the game at launch. Because I can deal with hating Huttball as long as I could, you know, play another warzone. It's not a difficult concept to grasp, troll.
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So, I was in regular beta since August. And I honestly cannot believe that the pvp in this game, at least the Warzones, are such a mess. Still. What happened to the Resolve bar that was supposed to justify all the massive amount of CC? Why do we still not have brackets in warzones? Why can I still only queue into random warzones? I am seriously sick to death of Huttball, I absolutely despise that Warzone but my god, can I please play some Alderaan or Voidstar? You know, I've still not one single time got queued into a Voidstar. I literally don't even know what its like because 90% of the time I get put into Crapball and 10% of the time, when I thank god, I get Alderaan which is actually pretty fun.


Sick of Huttball. It's not as good as people say, it's pretty terrible. It's ruined by CC and I wouldn't even mind it if I could at least queue into the ones I actually like. Why is this not in? is it ever going to be in?




sick of huttball? then stop acting like one of the cool kids and play republic


i get each warzone equally,huttball is to punish imp players who cant bare to be underdogs

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i get each warzone equally,huttball is to punish imp players who cant bare to be underdogs


Or it could be that some of us, while being PvPers, also happen to like plot and aesthetics. I'll take a few million extra games of buttball over playing a scoundrel.

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Or it could be that some of us, while being PvPers, also happen to like plot and aesthetics. I'll take a few million extra games of buttball over playing a scoundrel.



doubt that.

dont explain the smuggler DP lol..


but if you want a challenge ill'd suggest republic

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what still amazes me is the fact there are no lv brackets for the warzones.


I just did a Voidstar against 2 lv50s 1lv46 1lv43 1lv38 and the rest were lowies... on the other side was our group...I was top lv (28).

I don't need to say we were destroyed...they got to the cpu in 2mins and we barely blowed the 2nd door.

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i agree with the brackets i also thin k that being rep is way more difficult than sith ..yes i play both i win 80% of all matches as sith may be 60% in republic could be the class of players maybe not but it seems to be a trend




i played imp in beta


and won 80%


and now i play republic and win 60% of the time. and a few games we have one due to me (not boasting this is more of something to be ashamed of )


republic tend not to even talk in chat!


but every now and then i will be lucky to play with one or two good players who use the chat and work as a team.. rest are "lets fight mid brah"


sad but true.

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