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Trust me when I take 300k-700k damage , still do a 600-900k average(only twice got over a mil:(..) over all healing average in stun bubble spec in matches and the other healer only takes 300k damage less than me and even in ranked something is wrong...lol I mean I get told I am the most focused because I can be a pain supposedly idk.. I think I am okay and annoying watching other healers not get as focused unless they are too

Derpy and like to face tank.


It's probably the bubble stun. That's about as popular as a stray cat behind a Chinese restaurant.

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Lol well I am always in a group with Decimate/Sileen and mostly Vasyel too with a mix of desull, Kayllos and more often than not Ditto or Hugon. So any one of them will peel for me or they do not get heals :p lol! I swear I am the most focused healer sometimes over other healers.. Is it cause I am a girl?! ;)


Oh honey, its is most definately because we are girls, you know for a fact i have the same problem:p. I think there is too much testosterone in this game lol jk. All epeens aside, the fact is they dont want to get beat by girls:D

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Oh honey, its is most definately because we are girls, you know for a fact i have the same problem:p. I think there is too much testosterone in this game lol jk. All epeens aside, the fact is they dont want to get beat by girls:D


Fact is: we want women to eat dirt. Hence, grenades.

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It's probably the bubble stun. That's about as popular as a stray cat behind a Chinese restaurant.


Haha ya I know it is about stun bubbles too but man even as aoe spec too which I would usually always been still tunneled focus argh!!

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Haha ya I know it is about stun bubbles too but man even as aoe spec too which I would usually always been still tunneled focus argh!!


It is fun to watch tho, as they all of like mind say "Screw the node, we must go kill that healer!"

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Oh honey, its is most definately because we are girls, you know for a fact i have the same problem:p. I think there is too much testosterone in this game lol jk. All epeens aside, the fact is they dont want to get beat by girls:D


Haha so true! Now since Leijae had to leak the video of Candy.. Now ppl know I am not using a voice modulator!! Bah:p

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It is fun to watch tho, as they all of like mind say "Screw the node, we must go kill that healer!"


Haha so true I laugh in TS all the time when it happens.. Especially when they can have like Vasyel and Sileen killing them they still attack you hoping you will die with them lol!!

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This is a game. There are things much more important than it.


Eumelia, I like you, but didn't you quit the game like 2-3 times to play WoW when you got upset? Pot...meet kettle.


You're correct but those times I did quit the game it wasn't with bad terms within the guild. It was more of being pissed off and wondering why I play this game. I certainly feel like a battered house wife playing this game sometimes. Got devs who don't say crap to the community and broken crap that has been around for months that are finally being addressed in 2.0. Hell I still question why I play it but hey I enjoy the company I have here so it keeps me coming back. Also when I did stop playing the game for WoW I was still around to fill in if they needed a healer for Operations (We were stressed for healers at that point and if I didn't go then there would have been no raid for those few and proud PvE only members in LD50). I am in LD50 for PvE mainly after all :p though I PvP more because the content is stale as hell. I don't like to leave a guild that has done good for me stray for my own reasons.


Couldn't be further from the truth. I haven't been available for a lot of their ranked games since I came back and no one has said anything about it. They are completely cool with it, because unllike LD50 they will run with a lesser comp. I'm sure they'd want me there, but are understanding that certain things are more important than me being online in a game. Certainly never threatened to get booted.


Fair enough, I certainly understand that. I rarely hear of US doing ranked these days. The last time I remember hearing about it was a couple of weeks ago where Fatcat came into Reppvp asking if anyone was doing ranked since US was queuing. Uncensored formed up and US ended up forming two groups and only facing each other after 2 games. I respect that Totherkins is doing what he can to make the guild into something respectable. So I certainly apologize for being a ***** to the guild anytime I see them in pvp but of course the way the guild came to this server will haunt them for a while eh. lol


I would like to reiterate, I like you Eumelia, but you have no right to exaggerate about my reliability when you quit this game out of rage on multiple occasions.


I have a lot of respect for you also, it has been fun pvping with you the short time you were in the guild. As for the reliability part it was addressed earlier. Well if you're happy with US then that is good.

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To address the whole US thing and this may bite me in the *** since I am posting this in the forums. But a lot of the times when I seem to que with some unicorns, not all. The pugs are beating my group that I am running with and it starts to take a toll. By no means am I saying that I do not mess up little things on every wz or I am even in the slightest of an above average player. I do miss having the whole team talking and communicating though, that is when I seem to have the most fun with this game now. Because as much as I like to run with friends I would much rather run with good pvpers for the 3 wzs a day i do nowadays. Edited by totherkins
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Oh honey, its is most definately because we are girls, you know for a fact i have the same problem:p. I think there is too much testosterone in this game lol jk. All epeens aside, the fact is they dont want to get beat by girls:D


on the contrary, I prefer girls beating me.


(oh yeah. he went there)

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Trust me when I take 300k-700k damage and the other healer only takes 300k damage less than me and even in ranked something is wrong...lol I mean I get told I am the most focused because I can be a pain supposedly idk.. I think I am okay and annoying watching other healers not get as focused unless they are too

Derpy and like to face tank. Even when I was on Barbiegirl still the same crap lol. I used to solo que so I know the feeling. Ask the tanks who guard me lol! They laugh at how hard I am focused and how ppl tunnel me allowing for

Caps or what not lol!



where are all these other dps who like to focus healers? theyre never on my team when i see you guys...



its always... engage/force pull candygirl, get raped by 3-4 PDs, look around and see my team running around doing pointless 1 v 1s vs bubbled rep players, get 3 capped, respawn.

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where are all these other dps who like to focus healers? theyre never on my team when i see you guys...



its always... engage/force pull candygirl, get raped by 3-4 PDs, look around and see my team running around doing pointless 1 v 1s vs bubbled rep players, get 3 capped, respawn.


I just hear my guildies talk about how hard it is to kill her ^^ The few times ive been on my carnage marauder it seems not so hard to take out healers but I have yet to face candygirl that I know of on my marauder :'(

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I just hear my guildies talk about how hard it is to kill her ^^ The few times ive been on my carnage marauder it seems not so hard to take out healers but I have yet to face candygirl that I know of on my marauder :'(


she gets a lot of peels. not so hard if you're left alone but...good team work.

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I just hear my guildies talk about how hard it is to kill her ^^ The few times ive been on my carnage marauder it seems not so hard to take out healers but I have yet to face candygirl that I know of on my marauder :'(


Marauder should die to bubble sage, so unless she is being stupid, she shouldn't die

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Marauder should die to bubble sage, so unless she is being stupid, she shouldn't die


I agree I usually do not have any issues with marauders since with bubble stun.. I mean I learn to kite well since I used to be AOE spec. I am not a face tank healer lol! It pains me seeing healers face tank unless guarded but not even. I can kite dps but it does help you have people who am peel for me. I mean it is hard when you have 6 on you at once and three or two of them smash lol!

Edited by Partygurl
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To address the whole US thing and this may bite me in the *** since I am posting this in the forums. But a lot of the times when I seem to que with some unicorns, not all. The pugs are beating my group that I am running with and it starts to take a toll. By no means am I saying that I do not mess up little things on every wz or I am even in the slightest of an above average player. I do miss having the whole team talking and communicating though, that is when I seem to have the most fun with this game now. Because as much as I like to run with friends I would much rather run with good pvpers for the 3 wzs a day i do nowadays.


I don't have a 50 imp or anything so I can't empathize with you but from what I've seen from imp side as a whole when I queue on pub side it is awful. It is like many of the pugs go in games expecting to lose and don't even bother trying from the start. It is tough to carry so if your guild wants to super queue then I understand that. Only thing that would bug me is that some of your members talk crap when they win. Its like you have 8 people on mumble with you give me a break lol.


But yeah imp side needs help and it is definitely good that Uncensored is there. I look forward to getting my powertech and operative to 50 so I can play imp games also.

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I agree I usually do not have any issues with marauders since with bubble stun.. I mean I learn to kite well since I used to be AOE spec. I am not a face tank healer lol! It pains me seeing healers face tank unless guarded but not even. I can kite dps but it does help you have people who am peel for me. I mean it is hard when you have 6 on you at once and three or two of them smash lol!


Lol, yea I used to be an AoE and bubble sage it sucks when lots of people get on you, hell for me one good PT and I was saying FML over and over again ^^. The main thing I do not like when I play a healer is more often then not people won't help you and the 1-2 people that do its like Christmas. xD

And Vas, a bubble sage is difficult to go up against at first when I just hit 50 but once you get the idea of how to break bubbles without being stunned its not to tough use force scream crippling throw then ravage a couple of massacres and its gg. It is frustrating though being a melee class and bubbles breaking everywhere lol.

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Lol, yea I used to be an AoE and bubble sage it sucks when lots of people get on you, hell for me one good PT and I was saying FML over and over again ^^. The main thing I do not like when I play a healer is more often then not people won't help you and the 1-2 people that do its like Christmas. xD

And Vas, a bubble sage is difficult to go up against at first when I just hit 50 but once you get the idea of how to break bubbles without being stunned its not to tough use force scream crippling throw then ravage a couple of massacres and its gg. It is frustrating though being a melee class and bubbles breaking everywhere lol.


No, I mean I've been dueling Ilye and bubble sage beats marauder. If you die as a bubble spec or if you beat a bubble, it means that the healer was stupid and did something wrong (which most healers do since they generally don't train for 1v1 encounters)

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Bubble stun is incredibly strong 1v1. 3 sec stun followed by 4 sec stun then another 3 sec stun. Add a knock back root and they are melee destroyers in the right hands.


Not many ppl need more than 10 secs of stunning to kill someone.

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It is tough to carry so if your guild wants to super queue then I understand that. .

dude. c'mmon. not everyone rolls with 3 other LD50s.


all the trolling aside, there are plenty of very powerful tryhard and US 4m's, equally as capable as most of the 4m grps that the reps send out. and there are (fewer than rep but still) plenty of other players from other imp guilds that roll decent 4m's. (although not of the caliber that's going to go 30/30). but superQs circumvent the system as it was clearly designed to work, AND w.t.f. should anyone else get stomped on just because we're (yeah, me. I solo q and q with casuals/alts a lot) get roflstomped by people abusing the Q system? and if I quit? I just throw another victim into the mix. it's B. S. sure, I understand it. I don't accept it. it's bushleague horsesh*t.

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No, I mean I've been dueling Ilye and bubble sage beats marauder. If you die as a bubble spec or if you beat a bubble, it means that the healer was stupid and did something wrong (which most healers do since they generally don't train for 1v1 encounters)


Very true and i will admit that i suck at true 1v1 situations. But, when it comes to most mid fights their are very few 1v1 scenarios or should be at least.

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