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Off to a bad start


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For one I made a post complaining about how I enjoyed beta then I had to wait till release to play again, well they fixed that with pre-order early release play - "thank you guys!"


Although I do agree with a lot of people about the confusion with the release date. EA/KOTOR claims that the official pre-release date is on the 13th, which puts it exactly 7 days until the big release. Now they also claim that when you pre-order you get to play 5 days before the official release. Now they are opening pre-order in waves? *** guys seriously?


is it 5 days or 7? I understand the waves and the server load problem but come on, if you honor your word on the 13th it should be released to ALL that pre-order on that day.


This brings a lot of disappointment to those who have not gotten in the game who feel cheated out of money, while others are already playing what they paid for.


(Just speaking out, but if it was going to be a problem they should have just stuck with the 5 days pre-order and released the game on the 15th to everyone)


Thought: or offer the guys who will not get in on the 13th a bonus something *color crystal or something* this will probably curb the cheated thought.

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For one I made a post complaining about how I enjoyed beta then I had to wait till release to play again, well they fixed that with pre-order early release play - "thank you guys!"


Although I do agree with a lot of people about the confusion with the release date. EA/KOTOR claims that the official pre-release date is on the 13th, which puts it exactly 7 days until the big release. Now they also claim that when you pre-order you get to play 5 days before the official release. Now they are opening pre-order in waves? *** guys seriously?


is it 5 days or 7? I understand the waves and the server load problem but come on, if you honor your word on the 13th it should be released to ALL that pre-order on that day.


This brings a lot of disappointment to those who have not gotten in the game who feel cheated out of money, while others are already playing what they paid for.


(Just speaking out, but if it was going to be a problem they should have just stuck with the 5 days pre-order and released the game on the 15th to everyone)


Thought: or offer the guys who will not get in on the 13th a bonus something *color crystal or something* this will probably curb the cheated thought.


or you could have, you know, pre-ordered when the pre-orders began? They said "first-come first-serve", don't really know why you guys are complaining and moaning so much.


Really says a lot about this community, and it's a shame.

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The old ads still say 5, but yes, it was changed to 7.


They haven't even guaranteed the guys that preordered the very first hour it was possible to do so that they would get in today. Exactly to prevent people from feeling cheated. But people are feeling cheated anyway?

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The old ads still say 5, but yes, it was changed to 7.


They haven't even guaranteed the guys that preordered the very first hour it was possible to do so that they would get in today. Exactly to prevent people from feeling cheated. But people are feeling cheated anyway?


Folks will always grumble about something. Don't know if you played Star Trek Online at launch; their forums had an insane level of complaints from folk demanding to have the same perks as those that preordered.


No one should be surprised by what is happening with Star Wars early access. Bioware told everyone up-front how it would go and made NO promises for exactly when we would get into early access.

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I don't feel like there has been any confusion at all. They have been very clear, at least for me that you may get up to 5 days early depending a lot on when you redeemed your code. Also, it was easy to understand when they increased that may to 7 days instead. I don't understand why people complain really.
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For one I made a post complaining about how I enjoyed beta then I had to wait till release to play again, well they fixed that with pre-order early release play - "thank you guys!"


Although I do agree with a lot of people about the confusion with the release date. EA/KOTOR claims that the official pre-release date is on the 13th, which puts it exactly 7 days until the big release. Now they also claim that when you pre-order you get to play 5 days before the official release. Now they are opening pre-order in waves? *** guys seriously?


is it 5 days or 7? I understand the waves and the server load problem but come on, if you honor your word on the 13th it should be released to ALL that pre-order on that day.


This brings a lot of disappointment to those who have not gotten in the game who feel cheated out of money, while others are already playing what they paid for.


(Just speaking out, but if it was going to be a problem they should have just stuck with the 5 days pre-order and released the game on the 15th to everyone)


Thought: or offer the guys who will not get in on the 13th a bonus something *color crystal or something* this will probably curb the cheated thought.


They never indicated that ALL preorders would get access on the 13th. They made it very clear that it would be staggered.

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To all those who feel cheated or crying that they can't play yet. You like me have probably been waiting for this game for at least 2 or more years and you can't wait for a few more days? That is just plain ridiculous. I just like everyone else am checking my e-mail every hour waiting on that invite even though I am pretty sure I won't get in til thursday or friday but what you don't see is me whining on the forums about when I'll get to play. I got to play the beta test weekend right around thanksgiving and it was total awesomeness! I cannot wait either but I am content in the knowledge that by tuesday of next week no matter what I will be able to play and that is good enough for me.
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