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help with avoidance tactics


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Hey this isn't a QQ I'm not complaining about 5k flame bursts and 8k smashes, that's all fine and good.


I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong in WZ's in heal spec. No matter what i do, where i run, how much I cc how much I kite, i can't seem to get away from anyone when I'm focused. Is this a positioning problem or are am i just running into better players who actually know to mark/kill/focus healers.


When I spec dps it's a lot of fun and i don't get focused as often obviously. I want to be a healer though, i play a sage, and i don't want to run the stun bubble build. I just want to heal, but it's nearly impossible sometimes cause lets face you guys rock and even with full warhero there are 3 or 4 of you who can still kill me through my bubble and rejuvenate buff with 3 or 4 gcd's lol. I'm not the best pvper but I'm working on it. I get my daily's and weekly's done ok for the most part and I try to complete 9 or 10 wz's a day just on this toon alone.


I guess my biggest deal is i want to heal my team but i feel helpless most of the time. I have a scoundrel healer, which i love to play too, but my sage is my main and my favorite toon. I'm wondering if I made the wrong choice on class for pvp.


I don't mind not being guarded, i don't mind when people don't taunt for me, and i don't' mind losing. I just want to be helpful as a healer, any advice from healers who I see throw 800k healing consistently would be appreciated!


Thanks! Take Care and see ya on the battlefield! :)

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A couple of things to keep in mind while healing in PvP. I'm not the best ever, but I'd like to think I'm above average.


1) Don't focus just on your raid frame.

-Be aware of what's going on. Just healing in a wz will not help you win. Use your stuns/mezzes/other utilities to help your team win. Big numbers are cool, but they are not the only thing that wins wzs.


2) Pillar humping!

-This is the most basic, yet underused tactic in the healer's book. LoS! LoS! LoS!


3) Know your enemy.

-When someone attacks you in a wz, know what they do and what to do to counter it. Go to Dromand Kaas or whatever the pub counterpart is off of fleet and duel people. You will learn what to expect and when. A healer is not expected to kill others, but to survive long enough for help to arrive (I know this really doesn't happen in regs). While you are kiting, you can spam some heals to your teammates or draw them off the node for a cap or whatever the situation demands.


Hope this helps some.

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Hi. The difference between scoundrel healers from sage healers is that they are more "independent" and can heal better on the move. On the other hand sage healers can heal some big numbers and have the best aoe heal. Being not as independent it means that they need the assistance of the team, which in any case someone should be helping any healer when attacked. If you see good premades, the minute that their healer is attacked the person attacking him is CCed and wiped out ASAP by his teammates. As a healer you will be getting more attention than as a dps. The usual good positioning and LOS things help. Another thing that helps is not to chase people to heal them and in the process putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Know that if they complain they are the ones that are doing it wrong, at least most of the time. You will notice that good dpsers try to stay within the range of their healer without putting him at risk, and if they are in a premade and happen to get out of healing range, the healer lets them know (via voip) that they are out of range. As a sage guard from a tank helps immensevely so don't feel shy to ask for it.
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