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Screwed over by Bioware!


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Either the OP got banhammered, or just suspended for a while. Well you know, I'm just going to be a bit compassionate here. I can understand where he's coming from. I mean, there are names that you are attached to for so long that the thought of losing them can be quite the disappointment.


I do blame EAWare for their very poor prioritization of the naming, and I wish they could make an announcement of apologizing about this mess and hopefully getting names fixed (somehow).

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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I lost some good names with the merge but I'm over it. Sucks as the people who have the names now are inactive. I would love nothing more to get them back, but I don't see that happening, oh well. Edited by Ryeko
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I find it incredible that everyone who has lost a name, has lost it to someone that is either lvl 1, hasn't played in a decade or more, and just overall has no business with any name at all..


And with the number of times I have read that same thing over the forums.. I am guessing that almost every name in existence is on some lvl 1 nobody that is inactive and unsubscribed??


Why is that??


Just because a character is lvl 1 and not very active doesn't not mean in any way shape or form that they should lose that name and it should be given to you.. No.. Nodody in this thread has said that, but that appears to be the implication.. Why else point out they are lvl 1 and haven't played the game since the 70's??


I would also like to know how someone can tell if someone else is subscribed or not.. I am curious as to how some folks can make that claim?? If I am not mistaken, you don't have to be subscibed to use the Game time cards..


It sucks that folks lost their names.. It really does.. And while some want to blame Bioware for all this, I must point out that people wouldn't have been happy no matter how they did it.. It wouldn't have been fair to someone.. My guess is the person that lost the name.. We should be adults here.. This entire naming issue kinda silly.. If you lost a name, then make a new one.. But sitting around telling everyone that their name was lost to a lvl 1 character than hasn't played in a century or that they are not subscribed any more is getting old.. I am quite certian that someone out there lost a name to someone that is actually playing the character.. I know.. That doesn't sound as good does it?? :p

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I find it incredible that this thread is still going

It's still pretty relevant. Although by this time I know a majority of the players here have since gotten over losing their first names, but EAWare should have done these transitions with character transfers and server mergers a whole lot better. Heck, they should have given something back to us. I know possibly that a lot of role-players that lost their characters' names felt a bit disgust towards EAWare after these consolidations occurred. This shouldn't have happened in the first place.

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It's still pretty relevant. Although by this time I know a majority of the players here have since gotten over losing their first names, but EAWare should have done these transitions with character transfers and server mergers a whole lot better. Heck, they should have given something back to us. I know possibly that a lot of role-players that lost their characters' names felt a bit disgust towards EAWare after these consolidations occurred. This shouldn't have happened in the first place.


Oh I agree with that. If the OP had stated his post the way you did, maybe he wouldn't have received such negative feedback. I was very lucky to have been able to get the names I wanted for my characters since I've been using most for several years in other MMOs.

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Add another b to Bane so it can become Bbane,or some other letter .Problem solved. :) Noone is going to say the actual pronunciation of the spelling in ventrillo or whatever you are using.They are still gonna call you Bane.

Almost all of my names were taken at the server merges as well and i used the above mentioned solution.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Oh I agree with that. If the OP had stated his post the way you did, maybe he wouldn't have received such negative feedback. I was very lucky to have been able to get the names I wanted for my characters since I've been using most for several years in other MMOs.

As for me this is my first MMO so I couldn't really plan. Such a shame really, since I was apart of the first wave of Early Game Access. Alas, I have characters with names I would probably never change (only 1 and that's my main :p)!

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