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Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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You do understand afk players can be kicked right?


You do realize that people sitting at a node collecting medals cannot be kicked, right?


And even IF they could, you simply do NOT solve the problem because getting kicked is the same as someone quitting a WZ, and the system would get abused.

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Your concept is well "We have a mess, if someone leaves that mess its up to someone else to clean it up"


In the real world that would sound wonderful, like lets say I destroy my kitchen and a random person walks right in and cleans it up for me.


In reality it is my job to clean it up since I created that mess, same metaphoric phrase for this game, problem is people duck out and make excuses why they don't want to clean their own mess up.


My 6 year old already understands the make your mess you clean it up routine with his room and toys...


what if your 6 year old makes a mess like spilling juice or something on the carpet? or brakes the tv? do you not have someone else fix the problem? don't you want someone who understands how to do the job to do it?

anyway, have fun playing the game you wanna play. if people want to quit, let them. don't expect quitters to have a penalty just because you don't like it.

like i said before, you don't like it don't play

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You do realize that people sitting at a node collecting medals cannot be kicked, right?


And even IF they could, you simply do NOT solve the problem because getting kicked is the same as someone quitting a WZ, and the system would get abused.


It's this simple, quitters are the same breed of bad players that make excuses in life, either way they don't contribute nothing but heartache and pain for everyone.


Lets just say a deserter buff was added, and some players out of spite decided to be baddies and goof off all match because of the buff, it would not last long.


Children when they get punished sometimes rebel against their parent for punishing them, after awhile that child finally gives in to the rules because they all of sudden know the parent isn't kidding and the rules are not bending for anyone.


That is the same thing Bioware could of done when this game was made, made a deserter buff to quitters just like Warcraft.


But, they didn't and now alot of people are suffering over it, as well people are loving the abuse of it and also love ruining games and other peoples time with the current leave warzone pass we have.


what if your 6 year old makes a mess like spilling juice or something on the carpet? or brakes the tv? do you not have someone else fix the problem? don't you want someone who understands how to do the job to do it?


Huh? :rak_02:

Edited by Caeliux
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It's this simple, quitters are the same breed of bad players that makes excuses in life, either way they don't contribute nothing but heartache and pain for everyone.


Lets just say a deserter buff was added, and some players out of spite decided to be baddies and goof off all match because of the buff, it would not last long.


Children when they get punished sometimes rebel against their parent for punishing them, after awhile that child finally gives in to the rules because they all of sudden know the parent isn't kidding and the rules are not bending for anyone.


That is the same thing Bioware could of done when this game was made, made a deserter buff to quitters just like Warcraft.


But, they didn't and now alot of people are suffering over it, as well people are loving the abuse of it and also love ruining games and others people time with the current leave warzone pass we have.


Deserter debuff, again, will not solve anything. If there is any penalty for quitting a WZ, players will simply AFK at a node or logout during the game and re-log back in. Both os these could be abused, and would actually make the WZ's worse than it is now. I would much rather have players exit for whatever reason, and allow another sub to take the spot.


Sorry, but I've seen nothing here (in regards to debuffs, penalties, ec) that would make WZ gameplay, better.


You need to let go of the Jedi Honor code for a minute, and realize RL stuff happens, and subs can actually benefit a team who lost a quitter.

Edited by Pistols-GS
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I will spell it out, quitters that click "I leave warzone" need some form of debuff, something.


Leaving games is a selfish move, and I don't think I need talk about how I feel about it any more, look at my history its all right there.


This mentality amuses me. I don't subscribe to the theories of hedonic calculus, so I'm not certain how my deciding how to spend my time is selfish while you demanding how I spend it for your enjoyment isn't. Keep your socialism and I'll keep my sanity by spending my time doing what I enjoy. :rolleyes:

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Deserter debuff, again, will not solve anything. If there is any penalty for quitting a WZ, players will simply AFK at a node or logout during the game and re-log back in. Both os these could be abused, and would actually make the WZ's worse than it is now. I would much rather have players exit for whatever reason, and allow another sub to take the spot.


Sorry, but I've seen nothing here (in regards to debuffs, penalties, ec) that would make WZ gameplay, better.


You need to let go of the Jedi Honor code for a minute, and realize RL stuff happens, and subs can actually benefit a team who lost a quitter.


Its not a Jedi code honor I posess, its called teamwork, drive to succeed, and a selfless attitude.


It's the same thing coaching in sports, things that mold people into understand what values are and how you tackle life on a daily basis.


I despise a quitter mentality, and unless its a act of god or a 911 I don't want to hear it period.


I also disagree and say a deserter buff would solve alot of problems, reason is rules provide stability, stability provides growth, and growth means the future.


I do all though understand your points and what you are saying, I do play devil's advocate.


Problem is quitters are causing problems in this game, and I am sick of it tbh.


Keep your socialism and I'll keep my sanity by spending my time doing what I enjoy. :rolleyes:


Your sanity quitting games should be punished, and I am being social about it in this thread.

Edited by Caeliux
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It's this simple, quitters are the same breed of bad players that make excuses in life, either way they don't contribute nothing but heartache and pain for everyone.


Same can be said for those that join WZs just to farm stabilizers or those that join with no intention of playing to the objectives and attempting to win.


Children when they get punished sometimes rebel against their parent for punishing them, after awhile that child finally gives in to the rules because they all of sudden know the parent isn't kidding and the rules are not bending for anyone.


Which rules are we talking about? Because there are other rules within the WZ that people are expected to follow but do not. So, if you want to give people that quit a debuff, I want to be able to gives those that do not contribute anything to the team and their chances to win a debuff as well.


So, those 4 guys node sitting farming stabs can't queue back up for another WZ either.


But, they didn't and now alot of people are suffering over it, as well people are loving the abuse of it and also love ruining games and other peoples time with the current leave warzone pass we have.



Guarantee players that every single time that when they play a WZ, win or lose, that they have a team that tries their best to attempt to win, support their team mates, and that aren't playing just for their own epeen and you can have a quitter debuff.

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I'll abide by the penalty/consequence of quitters, when they implement the same for those who are bad, node sitters (talking about the 2-3 who are not defending and farming), come in with PvE gear and/or greens or the Jedi heroes who go for a 3rd cap not giving 2 chits about the game in progress. You allow those to be penalized and given a debuff, and we got ourselves a deal.



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Same can be said for those that join WZs just to farm stabilizers or those that join with no intention of playing to the objectives and attempting to win.


That's called PvP, it shouldn't however give anyone a excuse to quit.


So, if you want to give people that quit a debuff, I want to be able to gives those that do not contribute anything to the team and their chances to win a debuff as well.


So if your not playing like Lebron James you should get a debuff right?



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I'll abide by the penalty/consequence of quitters, when they implement the same for those who are bad, node sitters (talking about the 2-3 who are not defending and farming), come in with PvE gear and/or greens or the Jedi heroes who go for a 3rd cap not giving 2 chits about the game in progress. You allow those to be penalized and given a debuff, and we got ourselves a deal.




Same pic for you since you want things your way,




Since you want to punish people for not fulfilling your needs, that pic will enlighten you.


Nobody in a team play should be punished for having a bad game, or a bad day.


Criticism sure, punished no.

Edited by Caeliux
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So gald this thread has been constructive for so many pages. :rolleyes:


I'm actually fine how it is, so long as they make a point of no return where players are no longer thrown into a game that is over as backfill; which they have mentioned.


I'd much rather have someone quit than decide to just sit off to the side and spout BS at everyone for the duration of the match. I just don't see what they hurt if they quit, TBH; when someone else fills in. If its past the breaking point they set up in the future, it will only help me to have the match finished so I can get my earned comms and move on sooner.

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That's called PvP, it shouldn't however give anyone a excuse to quit.


Joining just to farm stabilizers is not PvP. Players that do this contribute nothing to their team nor to their chances of winning, which is the point of every WZ.



So if your not playing like Lebron James you should get a debuff right?



Never said anything of the sort. I said those that weren't contributing to their team.


It has nothing to do with how good you are, or how good you think you are. A player in recruit gear, or even someone in PvE gear can contribute as long as they are trying.

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Guarantee players that every single time that when they play a WZ, win or lose, that they have a team that tries their best to attempt to win, support their team mates, and that aren't playing just for their own epeen and you can have a quitter debuff.

This. I'd have no problem with a debuff if this would happen.

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Until they take 4 man premades out of PUG WZs, a player should have the option to drop out.


It is a FACT that a 4 man premade is more organized, able to cover points better and almost always consists of a healer (and healer guard). A PUG simply cannot compete with that. Place two 4 man premades together (like the system does) and now they are unbeatable.


When I see this in a WZ after the first couple minutes:


"Empire Guild"

"Empire Guild"

"Empire Guild"

"Empire Guild"

"Empire Guild 2"

"Empire Guild 2"

"Empire Guild 2"

"Empire Guild 2"


I quit. Not sorry. I am not going to waste my time.

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With the way you guys make excuses for quitting, I would suggest not teaching that to kids.


It will ruin our military, sports, government, and any future we have.


Working hard to the fullest without a quitter attitude built america, not being lazy and making excuses.


Go ahead quit your matches how you please, ruin everyone games cause of your greed.


But least be honest with yourself and look your self in the mirror.

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With the way you guys make excuses for quitting, I would suggest not teaching that to kids.


It will ruin our military, sports, government, and any future we have.


Working hard to the fullest without a quitter attitude built america, not being lazy and making excuses.


Go ahead quit your matches how you please, ruin everyone games cause of your greed.


But least be honest with yourself and look your self in the mirror.


It's a game dude...

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With the way you guys make excuses for quitting, I would suggest not teaching that to kids.


It will ruin our military, sports, government, and any future we have.


Working hard to the fullest without a quitter attitude built america, not being lazy and making excuses.


Go ahead quit your matches how you please, ruin everyone games cause of your greed.


But least be honest with yourself and look your self in the mirror.




All the examples you give have guidelines, procedures, and in some cases (the military), sworn oaths. I have yet to see "Though shalt not drop from a warzone" inscribed anywhere. This is because this is a form of entertainment. If I don't want to sit through a movie at a theater because I think it's garbage, I'll leave. If I don't want to participate in (insert warzone name here) because I think it's garbage, I'll leave. There's absolutely no difference. You are comparing apples and basketballs. I am under no obligation to stay simply for your convenience, which, in the end, is what this all boils down to.

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With the way you guys make excuses for quitting, I would suggest not teaching that to kids.


It will ruin our military, sports, government, and any future we have.


Working hard to the fullest without a quitter attitude built america, not being lazy and making excuses.


Go ahead quit your matches how you please, ruin everyone games cause of your greed.


But least be honest with yourself and look your self in the mirror.

If you've never served, I suggest not using that as an example. Take it from someone who has honorably.

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