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Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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But when you leave you cost other people the match, so its ok right?


It's ok to have a opinion and leave the mess you was in correct?




when 6 people don't play objectives, don't call incs, 2 assassins get ninja'd, 4 people don't grab the ball, break mezzes, ignore healers, smash monkey doesn't stop cap cause he is 'doing dps', me quitting this 'mess' doesn't cost a win, that game would be lost no matter what you do (yes, it still can be won if I go heroic and super ninja pylon 10 sec before explosion, get super lucky with doors on voidstar, but why should I jump hoops and bridges if others clearly don't care?). I could be 3 man in one, and would not change result of this game.


In school we had to deal with stupid, in Uni we had to deal with stupid (but to a lesser degree), at work you have to deal with stupid... we don't have to deal with stupid in game.


Hard game is hard game, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, it's life, but why stay and try to win while others don't?


ofcourse there is type of players who will leave cause we capped east 2 seconds later then other team, or we didn't grab ball first, but usually that player is replaced with some one better, so it's not a loss.

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I don't mind losing the game, I hate playing with stupid players. In ancient hypergate i tell them that me and my mate will try to cap their pylon 40 secs b4 explosion (he is a shadow, i am a scoundrel) and there is no need for others to go there, because they will die and give them points. But funny thing, at 1:30 three players (non stealth) go for their pylon, others follow, the enemy caps our pylon 15 secs b4 explosion. And after that i quit. If you want to play with those kind of players then play, but dont enforce it on me.
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I realize we are all living in the 'ME world, where everyone feels entitled and they believe everyone and anyone should be punished if they upset you, but rather than punishing quitters and whatnot, perhaps a better tact would be to have incentives for people staying in the WZ. Edited by mulzii
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An extension to the pre-match (when the barriers are still up) timer when someone quits would help, say 10-20 seconds extra when someone quits to give time for joiners to load in. This would stop the many instances I've seen of the match starting with with only 4 or 5 people on my team. We then get steam-rolled at objectives and either more people drop, or the new people loading in see that we're 'losing' (even if we're still in the open moments of the match) and drop straight away.
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So another words you don't give a crap about nobody else, and if you don't like the way a warzone starts you quit?


That's called rage quitting, a that type of leaving needs punishment.


Feeling justified to ruin a complete winnable game needs a deserter buff.


Least your honest about rage quitting games.


Your logic is excuses.

Thank you for not understanding a word I typed and completely twisting my words to suit your needs.


You are talking about a ' winnable game' and I agree. But when most of the team just starts defense medal farming during a winnable game instead of actually trying to come back from behind and win, they are the ones ruining the warzone. I simply don't put up with such people and go and see if players in another warzone actually, y' know, play.


You also completely and, what I feel intentionally, glossed over the fact that I usually try to continue even when behind. That, dear sir, pretty much invalidates everything and anything you type.

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when 6 people don't play objectives, don't call incs, 2 assassins get ninja'd, 4 people don't grab the ball, break mezzes, ignore healers, smash monkey doesn't stop cap cause he is 'doing dps', me quitting this 'mess' doesn't cost a win, that game would be lost no matter what you do (yes, it still can be won if I go heroic and super ninja pylon 10 sec before explosion, get super lucky with doors on voidstar, but why should I jump hoops and bridges if others clearly don't care?).


It's apart of the game you subscribed too, same game I play.


Should you care? Yes


Should you stick it out and play the game? Yes


Should you leave the game being butthurt about those things? No


Thank you for not understanding a word I typed and completely twisting my words to suit your needs.


I understand you clearly, because you go on and say here,


But when most of the team just starts defense medal farming during a winnable game instead of actually trying to come back from behind and win, they are the ones ruining the warzone. I simply don't put up.


You want perfection, instant gratification in warzones, and when things get rough you quit.


Same reason why you need a deserter buff.


Quitters not only make the game unwinnable, but also make backfill in games.


I am tired of quitters, tired of geting into 10 games per day already in session.


You and other people here make excuses for ruining games, and something needs implemented when that happens.


Deserter buff, or reward for people that stay, or something needs to be enforced.


A lock down in warzones where you cant leave, and when you dc you get locked out of anything but that game.



Edited by Caeliux
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You never what will happen in a WZ, especially Huttball. The other day, 1,30 minutes before the end of the match the enemy team scored and immediately 3 people left. What happened next is that 15 seconds before the end I managed to score for our team, someone from out team then took the ball and held it until we won ;)


I always stick around until the end, because I consider it training :)


People who leave that late in the game are just stupid. What's ironic is leaving too early is stupid too. I see people quit when we lose 2 nodes right away. Not at 100-78, literally at 100-96. That's annoying. I understand the people who want to quit when it's 100-60. When you do it at 100-24 though, you're just wasting your own time at that point.


Me personally, I focus on doing my quitting before the match. Depending on how fast people load, I usually decide if I'm staying with about 30 seconds left pre-match.


I also find it easier to do my dailies/win solo queue, because I do have some guildmates who won't quit a WZ under any circumstance...they find being queued with 2 undergeared people "a challenge". Me? I don't have time for that crap.

Edited by islander
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It's apart of the game you subscribed too, same game I play.


Should you care? Yes


Should you stick it out and play the game? Yes


Should you leave the game being butthurt about those things? No




Dealing with stupid is not part of a game I subscruibed too. You may like playing with stupid, it's a choice.

Should I care? if they don't care to play objectives, why should I care about them either?

One being butthurt is you. Probably from staying on all those idiot games. I hit 'quit' and before my loading screen ports me back to fleet, I already forgot all characters names that wasted my time, hoping next team won't be missing common sense.

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You want perfection, instant gratification in warzones, and when things get rough you quit.

Again with the word twisting. I never said anything about quitting when it gets rough. Hell, I even said the exact flippin' opposite. I wanted to actually win the warzone. But there's not much chance of that happening when I'm pretty much the only one trying to do so.


Quitters not only make the game unwinnable, but also make backfill in games.

I never once said I'm for quitters who quit simply because they get behind in the score. You seem to have a lot of trouble seperating the reasons for quitting. Let me spell it out for you;


- One reason is 'This isn't an easy win, I quit.'

- Another reason is 'People in this warzone are doing absolutely nothing to win this warzone and are instead farming defender medals while ignoring any requests for help or polite directions. I quit.


See the difference there? In the first one, the quitter is ruining the game. In the second one, the people not playing the warzone are ruining the game.


I am tired of quitters, tired of geting into 10 games per day already in session.

And I agree with you. But if you hadn't stupidly twisted my words and actually understood my words, you would've known that. Quitters that quit because they don't see an easy win, are deplorable. All I'm saying is, is that there are more than just the one reason to quit (without even touching the reason that real life can sometimes interfere).


You and other people here make excuses for ruining games, and something needs implemented when that happens.

What you are basically doing here, is defending people who farm defender medals when it doesn't go their way. This, in my opinion, is just as bad as someone quitting because they can't just stroll their way to a win.


Deserter buff, or reward for people that stay, or something needs to be enforced.

Reward for people that medal farm and don't actually play... No thank you.


As for the deserter debuff, if it means that I have to eat a deserter debuff when I quit, I will happily take it. I'd rather wait 15-30 minutes and requeue for a good game than spend nearly the same amount of time in a pointless warzone with people that don't have any motivation to actually win.


As for me having 'excuses', the best game I've ever played is a game I lost. Civil War, lost two points at the start and fell behind in the score by about 100 points. But instead of quitting or farming medals, people started coordinating with each other, calling incoming and moving as a group (in a full PUG group!!). The enemy team was also fairly coordinated. We kept taking a control point and they managed to take it back a bit after. In the end we lost by ~30 points or so. Best. Damn. Warzone. Ever.


So, please don't put me in the same column as those who quit because they couldn't get the easy win they were hoping for.

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Dealing with stupid is not part of a game I subscruibed too. You may like playing with stupid, it's a choice.

Should I care? if they don't care to play objectives, why should I care about them either?

One being butthurt is you. Probably from staying on all those idiot games. I hit 'quit' and before my loading screen ports me back to fleet, I already forgot all characters names that wasted my time, hoping next team won't be missing common sense.


Nicely put.


If EAWare institutes a 'deserter debuff', I can already describe how I will handle it, and I'm willing to bet this isn't just my way of dealing with it.


I will get placed into a Civil War game. And I will quit. Immediately. I won't wait for the match to begin, I will leave before it starts. If this happens three times in a row, I get the debuff, if I understand this 'wonderful idea' correctly, yes? (I got three Civil War placements just this last evening. Not a backfill into the same game, but fresh Civil War games. I am glad everyone else in the house was asleep or out for the evening - were my dear mother still alive, I would have gotten slapped for what came out.)


I will log out, and go to an alt. Maybe on another server. And I will queue up on a character with no debuff. If I get Civil War again, I will quit. Immediately. Before the match starts. And I will continue to do so until I get a match that isn't Civil War. If I get a debuff because of someone's insane desire for revenge against my determination not to have to suffer an excruciatingly annoying warzone where people don't understand the concept of objectives, I'll keep swapping alts until I get a non-debuffed warzone that isn't Civil War.


The end result? I'll go back to Square One after the debuff is gone, queue up, and hope I don't get Civil War again. If I do, I'll drop. Immediately. Rinse and repeat, as many times as I have to. I have many, many toons, and I will eventually get a warzone that isn't the pile of excrement known as Civil War.


People may not approve of the solution. Too bad.

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So many excuses why you guys quit, makes me wonder how you deal with your real life.


I mean my personalty in real life reflects everything I do.


I assume your guys personalty is quit when things get tough.


I feel sorry for you.

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- One reason is 'This isn't an easy win, I quit.'

- Another reason is 'People in this warzone are doing absolutely nothing to win this warzone and are instead farming defender medals while ignoring any requests for help or polite directions. I quit.


But you still quit, so therefore you need a deserter buff leaving a mess you made.


Clean your own mess up, stop leaving it for everyone else.


Dealing with stupid is not part of a game I subscribed too. You may like playing with stupid, it's a choice.

Should I care? if they don't care to play objectives, why should I care about them either?


Yes you should care if you leave a game and a mess for other people to pick up.


To answer the question about dealing with stupid, its stupid dealing with quitters.


Quitters are stupid.

Edited by Caeliux
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(can i say retard here?)


and go derp somewhere


you still get comms for a loss so think of all the comms you lose by constantly leaving. add the time spent in all the warzones you eventually left every 10 minutes = 66 comms i bet it adds up

Edited by Arlanon
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So many excuses why you guys quit, makes me wonder how you deal with your real life.


I mean my personalty in real life reflects everything I do.


I assume your guys personalty is quit when things get tough.


I feel sorry for you.


Thanks, I was looking for a funny post. Hadn't seen one in a while.

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So many excuses why you guys quit, makes me wonder how you deal with your real life.


I mean my personalty in real life reflects everything I do.


I assume your guys personalty is quit when things get tough.


I feel sorry for you.


Troll attempt failed.

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People pay money to get a fun, if they do not have fun - they quit. They quit uncoordinated or weak/badly geared teams (wz, fp, ops), especially in wz whenever they face strong premade(or just good team). Weak doesn't mean dumb players, just can b lack of heals/composition or something else.


Ism a bit surprised that a number players have nazi philosophy "let's punish em". Instead of it u have to ask devs to make wz more enjoyable.


For example, I don't like yr thread, shall i ask devs to cancel yr subscription?


I have won WZ's with no heals facing a team that was co-ordinated and had heals.

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Here's why you need to stay in the game and lose the bad attitude, quitters.


Yesterday in Voidstar, someone called out a strategy and we stuck to it. We payed attention to the chat, and employed the simple, tried and true tactics that win war-zones. So much so that quitters on the other team started the abort/shutdown sequences in the war-zone before the first door was blown. Some more opponents jumped in, and some more promptly then quit.


But when we went on defense, the valiant pugs that finally backfilled in for the previous QQ's TOOK THE FIGHT TO US! It was frickin' CLOSE. It was like a whole new game. We won in the end, but it was very humbling. None of my team quit.


There are alot of good solo que'ers out there. And if you give them a chance and listen to them in the op's chat, with a little luck you are going to start winning more of these. More often than not, unlike yesterday, the quitters (whether they abandon the war-zone or whether they show your their moves or dance excitedly) essentially guarantee a loss. And the rest of suffer thorough it to the end, leapt upon by an endless stream of smash monkeys. You think THOSE GUYS are about to quit? They are having WAY too much fun, which I think is the intended purpose of the game.


John Rambo's, Bruce Lee's and 17 year-old shoplifters need not apply. We are looking for teammates.



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Clean your own mess up, stop leaving it for everyone else.

Yes you should care if you leave a game and a mess for other people to pick up.

To answer the question about dealing with stupid, its stupid dealing with quitters.

Quitters are stupid.

Assuming that the quitters are the ones causing the mess. Sometimes they are, but sometimes it's the person healing for over 200k four games in a row who's now seeing his fifth loss looming overhead like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs.


Instead of continuing to get even more pissed off, it's easier just to leave. I'd rather someone get out than flame the entire group or take up a spot they're not motivated to play anymore.


I'll give you an example: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-cmT7Py8oA30/UTZX-pg8mQI/AAAAAAAAAqA/a5fVrz2rhM0/s1352/Screenshot_2013-01-12_20_11_28_701621.jpg


Very next game I got the same group and quit. Should I be punished for that? In your eyes, yes.

Edited by justdrop
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Instead of continuing to get even more pissed off, it's easier just to leave. I'd rather someone get out than flame the entire group or take up a spot they're not motivated to play anymore.


Quitting solves nothing and actually causes problems more than it helps.


The only thing good thing that happens for the quitters is not dealing with the mess they created.


For everyone else they have to pick up the slack of losing quitters, and also people logging into the match replace the quitter, and now has to deal with that as well.


Quitting provides bad games, and also tons of backfill.


Very next game I got the same group and quit. Should I be punished for that? In your eyes, yes.


If you can't handle the heat of good competitive PvP groups, then don't PvP at all.


Quitting over other people being good on the other team is called rage quitting.


And rage quitting is unsportsmanlike.

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