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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gree Event and Faction Reputation


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I want to know what is the point of the faction rep?


I know I can get rewards unlocked, but adding a reputation system only means it takes longer to get those rewards rather than simply completing a quest chain.


I digress, its really no different than having currency earned in an event and repeating content to earn more of that currency to get more rare items.


However, the point is, or at least should be, that a reputation system should be different to earning 'currency' and a different justification to repeating content.


So is there more to the reputation system that I am not aware of?


For example, if I get reputation with a certain group of NPCs that creates hostilities with other NPCs. Then there is an element of choice, and which faction I want a repuation with. Maybe, each faction surrounds certain resources or borders them allowing crafters to collect those resources more efficiently, and giving more reason to have rep with a certain faction, and that faction can aid crafters from being ganked in the open world.


So, what differentiates a reputation system from a 'currency' earned in an event to get the rare shiny?

Edited by VegaPhone
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The Old Republic design team sees this as a system with a great deal of potential that will grow over time - We can also use the framework of the Reputation System to create a lot of alternate gameplay and encourage replayability. Stay tuned for more updates to the Reputation System in the future!

Make of that what you will.

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Well that's kind of how this worked. You had to build reputation from the Gree before they'd let you onto their ship and into the more profitable missions.


I think this was just their way of highlighting the reputation system for this event. I'm not sure every event will have the same thing, but it's possible. I mean, it does make sense... when you first meet a group, they have no reason to trust you and provide everything to you until you have earned their trust.


And of course, in game mechanics, it's another little trail for players to follow and munch along, gobble up their rep and get new gear and titles to stand out. But that's all video games are. None of this is doing anything for the world in most of these games.... just entertainment, amusement, and a way to pass the time with friends (or alone).

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Well that's kind of how this worked. You had to build reputation from the Gree before they'd let you onto their ship and into the more profitable missions.


I think this was just their way of highlighting the reputation system for this event. I'm not sure every event will have the same thing, but it's possible. I mean, it does make sense... when you first meet a group, they have no reason to trust you and provide everything to you until you have earned their trust.


And of course, in game mechanics, it's another little trail for players to follow and munch along, gobble up their rep and get new gear and titles to stand out. But that's all video games are. None of this is doing anything for the world in most of these games.... just entertainment, amusement, and a way to pass the time with friends (or alone).


Exactly, next could be series of missions on voss for special rewards, same with section X, and/or actual events at either of those 2 places, plus they could add corellia, its endless what they could add, I just hope they do, and it doesn't end up a forgotten feature.

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What is bothersome for me in consideration to the event rep system is that I have over 90 helix components accross chars and about 9k more rep then needed for rep maxout (in trophies) BUT for the weekly cap I am just sitting on it all...


Was there any point to rep cap, at least for the Gree? What actual NEED is there for anyone to sit on all these countless trophies for weeks to come?

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What he said.


Go on the PTS and go to the reputation section. I dont remember which, offhand, but there's a lot more reputation factions in 2.0. While the initial system is, yes, not amazing, it's a step in the right direction. Better yet, its a step they can build on. And they have.


Honestly I'm a fan of the reputation system though. I get that its just dailies pretty much, but it feels different. Although there's a weekly cap, the progress and rewards can be shared across all toons in the same legacy. I like that.

Edited by idnewton
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Well that's kind of how this worked. You had to build reputation from the Gree before they'd let you onto their ship and into the more profitable missions.


I think this was just their way of highlighting the reputation system for this event. I'm not sure every event will have the same thing, but it's possible. I mean, it does make sense... when you first meet a group, they have no reason to trust you and provide everything to you until you have earned their trust.


And of course, in game mechanics, it's another little trail for players to follow and munch along, gobble up their rep and get new gear and titles to stand out. But that's all video games are. None of this is doing anything for the world in most of these games.... just entertainment, amusement, and a way to pass the time with friends (or alone).


So it makes sense in the case of earning trust for access to other content and having a reputation that measures that trust.


However, why does their trust involve repeating missions of the same difficulty? If for example it was more like a quest chain, or previous events, then simply completing quests would lead to the next phase in the quest.


Also, illum is a pvp planet, and while I will say that the reputation system adds more to pve'ing on a pvp planet, the pvp aspect could have been expanded upon which could have also tied in with the event.


For example there are pvp structures and also certain rare resources which are collected in these contested areas. The more a person collects, the more it strengthens the faction they are building a rep with, and this quest measures this contribution more directly rather than in the repuation phase (also having this feature of helping the gree could show favortism to the most contributing person/group/guild/faction and be very specific in that reward). This adds repeatable content with a pve objective but also tied in with pvp, and pvp strucutres on a pvp planet.


The key difference is the content of the same quest is repeated, compared to an open environment and collecting resources to help the gree, and these areas could also have other rare resources not related to the event but crafting. How does repeating a quest build more trust, when the quest at lvl 50 already shows commitment when it is done and done?


Also my questioning is towards the event in how after completing the first group of gree event quests, there is no new objective, or even reward. I was still expected to do the same before earning more trust to do the next part. To me, that does not make much sense, and it does motivate a player to repeat content unnecessarily because it allows for the challenge to be more rewarding... when the challenge is the same... and instead what they have done is make the grind longer to make it 'more' rewarding (when the alternative as previously mentioned could have avoided the sense of repetition and grind by making the quest much more large scale). So maybe there should be more rewards with each phase so that it at least makes more sense that I am repeating content of the same difficulty to earn trust of the gree.

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What is bothersome for me in consideration to the event rep system is that I have over 90 helix components accross chars and about 9k more rep then needed for rep maxout (in trophies) BUT for the weekly cap I am just sitting on it all...


Was there any point to rep cap, at least for the Gree? What actual NEED is there for anyone to sit on all these countless trophies for weeks to come?


Not sure, but I like this method where people can't just sell off tokens for cash.


I believe it does have something to do with the nature of this being a repeating event. Some players will probably have to come back another round before they can get the required rep and get the weapons. Others had multiple 50s and collected everything needed.

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So it makes sense in the case of earning trust for access to other content and having a reputation that measures that trust.


However, why does their trust involve repeating missions of the same difficulty? If for example it was more like a quest chain, or previous events, then simply completing quests would lead to the next phase in the quest.


Also, illum is a pvp planet, and while I will say that the reputation system adds more to pve'ing on a pvp planet, the pvp aspect could have been expanded upon which could have also tied in with the event.


For example there are pvp structures and also certain rare resources which are collected in these contested areas. The more a person collects, the more it strengthens the faction they are building a rep with, and this quest measures this contribution more directly rather than in the repuation phase (also having this feature of helping the gree could show favortism to the most contributing person/group/guild/faction and be very specific in that reward). This adds repeatable content with a pve objective but also tied in with pvp, and pvp strucutres on a pvp planet.


The key difference is the content of the same quest is repeated, compared to an open environment and collecting resources to help the gree, and these areas could also have other rare resources not related to the event but crafting. How does repeating a quest build more trust, when the quest at lvl 50 already shows commitment when it is done and done?


Also my questioning is towards the event in how after completing the first group of gree event quests, there is no new objective, or even reward. I was still expected to do the same before earning more trust to do the next part. To me, that does not make much sense, and it does motivate a player to repeat content unnecessarily because it allows for the challenge to be more rewarding... when the challenge is the same... and instead what they have done is make the grind longer to make it 'more' rewarding (when the alternative as previously mentioned could have avoided the sense of repetition and grind by making the quest much more large scale). So maybe there should be more rewards with each phase so that it at least makes more sense that I am repeating content of the same difficulty to earn trust of the gree.


It was a small event, not unlike the chevon event on nar shadda, I understand some points you make, but I never thought it was going to expand much more than it did.

What you must remember is that the reputation system and the event are 2 different things, though introduced at the same time.

What hasnt been explained yet, is what happens after tomorrow, are there still going to be quests there to do? are there new ones? as most of them specifically say that they are only part of the "event"

Or, is Section X and Voss the only 2 permanent factions introduced, and the gree was only part of the "event"

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What he said.


Go on the PTS and go to the reputation section. I dont remember which, offhand, but there's a lot more reputation factions in 2.0. While the initial system is, yes, not amazing, it's a step in the right direction. Better yet, its a step they can build on. And they have.


Honestly I'm a fan of the reputation system though. I get that its just dailies pretty much, but it feels different. Although there's a weekly cap, the progress and rewards can be shared across all toons in the same legacy. I like that.


I like the fact your rep is legacy or server account wide. Otherwise, the game would be too grindy like it is in wow with rep gain is character only bound.

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Look you answered your own question, why continue?


I see that you are in character. Nice name.


Well, the general gist, is

1. Differentiate faction rep from 'currency' from previous events needed to make people repeat content

2. When quests in an area are completed but still do not lead/highlight to the next phase in questing, there should be something that happens so that repeating the content makes more sense.

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What hasnt been explained yet, is what happens after tomorrow, are there still going to be quests there to do? are there new ones? as most of them specifically say that they are only part of the "event"

Or, is Section X and Voss the only 2 permanent factions introduced, and the gree was only part of the "event"


Actually they already said in the Maintenance post that the Gree Event quests will disappear, however the vendors that sell the Bind on Legacy weapons are permanent. That way each week you can just turn in the stock pile of rep tokens you have.



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