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new to mmos in general. got any tips or offer help?


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like the title said i am quiet new to the MMO scene... and although i have bought the collectors edition i havent had much time to play. but resently (plus that it also was f2p) i got interested once more and also gotten an time card for it... but seening this is an groups based game and i dont got many friends here that play this game it seem once i get more into the game i will need help or an sort of guild... know i am more of an casual gamer. i really like star wars but im no hardcore player or am on here 24/7... anyone can offer help or know an sort of guild that right for me and teach me the game? many thanks in advance.


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I'm a old casual gamer that understands your problem and here's my thoughts. I have normally enjoyed the leveling experience and shy'ed away from group content. But with the implementation of group finder that automatically opens flash points for your level I enjoy them. The leveling experience is fun even if you just solo and I've levelled 4 toons this way with no help from anyone, you just have to ask yourself whether you can justify a monthly cost on your pocket if you want to play solo.

Guilds are a mixed bag even ones that advertise as casual guilds are quiet and you ask yourself what your getting from being in a guild. I've tried many guilds and everyone has been the same. The social aspect and importance of guilds and having friends in mmo's now has been reduced, unless your seriously into hardcore reading and loot grinding. If your casual you can solo quest join grp finder and wait for you to be placed in a group.


So in a nutshell don't get hung up with things like guilds loot raiding etc. play the game the way you want to. Join group finder don't shy away from heroic missions, you might find regular grouping buddies and expand on your adventures. Have fun

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You were able to find the right forum to post this thread- so you are already a step in the right direction.


Use google. Not trolling, being serious. There is a lot of info to absorb for the first timer. You will make mistakes. Everything to what stats/attributes to use by class, how companions and affection work, to attack rotations and proven skill tree combo's based on what type game you will primarily play can be found. Most of the time enter a search term with the word SWTOR. Ex, SWTOR Shadow progression.


Watch general chat, especially on the lower planets because there is a lot of answers given ( some multiple times) to questions asked.


Join a guild. The starting planets always seem to have guild reps hanging out. The purpose of a guild is to build new members brought into the fold, but admittedly not all of them do.


Finally, ask in gen Chat. You will be trolled- unfortunately it is almost unavoidable. But you'll get help also. Ignore the others who try o be funny at your expense


Don't get discouraged. Learn the game and enjoy it, Take time to research various parts of the game, your class, your skills. There is a lot of SWTOR related info out there on the web, sometimes you have to wade through dross to get to it.


It won't take as long as it may feel like to be proficient if you actively look for your own answers and ask for help on things not exactly clear.

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