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New marauder skill tree


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Carnage marauder here. Never tried Annihilation. (Will probably after I get Carnage down until it's boring)

I'm rather happy about the tree. Blood Frenzy and Execute merged into one will be extremely useful and now one less buff to watch for. Plus Blood Frenzy was always up, so Execute will probably be as well.

I just wonder how long the Execute buff will last. If it's 15s, then that will make it almost a joke to keep up when you need it. However, I'm thinking they might make it interesting and make it 4.5s like Blood Frenzy was.


The only new skill I'm worried about is Slaughter. I'm tempted to leave it out, just to not mess up my current rotation, but its DPS potential is too high to ignore.


EDIT: If Alacrity doesn't affect buffs (If Gore will always be 4.5s), then Berserk+Gore just got more interesting.

Edited by Ceile
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Annihilation damage just went up. Vicious slash can now pretty much be taken off the bar with a 5 sec annihilate. More rage generation, altough new arrangement in lower carnage will ask to sacrify offhand boost or malice if you want to keep defensive roll, and you won't be able to have full of either. Might download the PTS to go check how much of an increase this is.
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I'm really disliking the change of Duel weapon mastery (now I can't get brutality when anni specced) and removing ravager (the increase to ravage that was in the first tier of rage). Rage spec doesn't look horrible, smash damage reduced, but single target increased. Plus Annihilation looks better for pvp. Slaughter looks awesome and frenzied sabers gives carnage a little more defense (I always thought it was the squishiest).
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Annihilation damage just went up. Vicious slash can now pretty much be taken off the bar with a 5 sec annihilate. More rage generation, altough new arrangement in lower carnage will ask to sacrify offhand boost or malice if you want to keep defensive roll, and you won't be able to have full of either. Might download the PTS to go check how much of an increase this is.


I couldn't get my marauder on the PTS, but I'm a bit skeptical about these changes.


First, it seems to me that Defensive Roll will be too much of a luxury to spend points on. I still take it for bosses like Z & T, where's there's a lot unavoidable AoE damage. I think for Anni (pve) the only choices for those last points will be either 3 on dual wield master or 3 points on malice.


Second, "Agonizing Sabers" , what is that and what kind of targets its effect apply on ? It kinda sounds it's for pvp, I doubt Kephess will be impressed with it. If this is the case, a complete waste of talents poitns if you're in a flashpoint/operation. You don't have much choices on lower tiers either, since the other skills you're skipping are for pvp as well. Same thing for "Blood Ward". Another unavoidable 2 skill points waste for PvE.


Third, yes, more rage generation but that's probably on account of annilation on lower cooldown. And you'll need a rather high crit build to get better benefits. I think rage management will be the same, it won't get "easier"


At 4th stack of annihilation of course is good, but also means it'll take more time to ramp up the build's highest output. So whenever you lose your stacks, the loss will be bigger. I imagine keeping your stacks up with a lower annihilation cooldown should be easier, but that I'll have to see. First thing I try when I get my marauder is doing TfB

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I really don't like the fact that Dual Wield Mastery is on the 2nd row, it's forcing us to take defensive forms which I've never ever used or needed, and to sacrifice Brutality.

Or sacrifice DWM for Brutality.



Defensive form is actually rather good in many ops since taking aoe damage builds more fury, which means more berserks.


Also with the new annihilation stacks, you'll use vicious slash a lot less I think, sonthat extra crit on VS is a lot less worth it.


The biggest loss remains defensive form vs offhand damage.

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