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New 55 lvl Abilities - Demonstration


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Wow. Thank you!


I have to say, they all look nice, but there is one thing I dislike. As usual, Republic abilities are harder to see. Look at Shadow's and Assassin's phase walk. Not fair :p! If this can be seen by opponents, it is unfair that Assassin's can be noticed from the Space Shuttle, while Shadow's you hardly notice. This is also bad for Shadow's team.

But, anyway, animations look good.


Shoulder cannon <3. Love it.

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Let me explain why I like this so dang much.

Jedi Guardian- 1. My biggest complaint was I wanted more ways to generate threat, especially when it comes to AOE threat outside of melee range. 2.0 adds SABER DEFLECT. Allows me to draw threat while deflecting damage at attackers. GENIUS.


Gunslinger- My biggest complaint was lack of mobility, once I am boxed in I could not get away. Sitting there as a sitting duck was getting me killed. I adapted my play style to it and moved on. 2.0 adds the roll which gives me the mobility I complained I needed a year ago. Better late than never.


Jedi Sage- I complained that the telekinetics spec lacked damage and the extra hits on certain moves did not happen often. 2.0 address both complaints.


Have not tested the new Powertech, Assassin and a few of the other classes I play reguarly. Wish I could copy all my characters.

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Shoulder Canon: Looked Awesome coming out, I expected it to kinda shoot straight like Iron Man or something, not sure what it was doing in the video.


The Smuggler Rolling around was pretty awesome, How did we live with out that before? lol


The Reflect is also pretty awesome, reminds of Reflect in SWG. A nice Jedi move.


Force Barrier, neat i suppose, Reminds me of Fantastic 4 (invisible woman)


Phase Walk: I Think seems neat, but I am bit confused. I cannot recal Teleporting being a Force Power. Just seems very much a Magic Power, not a force Power.

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Phase Walk: I Think seems neat, but I am bit confused. I cannot recal Teleporting being a Force Power. Just seems very much a Magic Power, not a force Power.


Agreed being very cool. Also agreed it doesn't seem very force power-y :/

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