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Almost all EU servers are full already and it's not even launch day


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As my title say..


I'm just wondring since as I see on server status page many of the EU servers are already full and it isen't even launch day...


I'm not interested to wait 3hours+ at launch day..


When you pay for new game, long wating time/queues aren't acceptable.


Why you say?


Not all have the time to wait in long queues when they come home from work etc..

Finally when you enter the server it's bedtime.. that really sux



I'm just wondring if really looks that bad at all..

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I'm guessing you looked at the Server-Status-List? The info there does not match the info on the ingame server-browser.

For example the list shows the german servers as full, but ingame they are only shown as low or standard.

So just relax and wait, everything will work out.

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I'm guessing you looked at the Server-Status-List? The info there does not match the info on the ingame server-browser.

For example the list shows the german servers as full, but ingame they are only shown as low or standard.

So just relax and wait, everything will work out.


Thats comforting :)

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As my title say..


I'm just wondring since as I see on server status page many of the EU servers are already full and it isen't even launch day...


I'm not interested to wait 3hours+ at launch day..


When you pay for new game, long wating time/queues aren't acceptable.


Why you say?


Not all have the time to wait in long queues when they come home from work etc..

Finally when you enter the server it's bedtime.. that really sux



I'm just wondring if really looks that bad at all..




Remember that there's more servers coming that aren't being used today...

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It's extremely interesting to watch the forum throughout the day


Threads about server capacity start early, with dozens complaining about empty servers and in the afternoon people complain about being full.


Sure, I understand the why's, but still is funny :D

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This queueing is making me a sad panda to be honest.


A queue of 500 and an estimated wait time of over 40 minutes, Just as I get under 10 minutes and a queue of 100 my session locks up and freezes so then I have to load the game again.... Another 40 minute wait yet this time im 600 in the queue. So so far ive been queueing for 53 minutes to get into the game and Im still 493 in the queue.


And I'm paying for this?

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Got the same problem . Finially got the kids to bed , wife placed in the coutch watching TV ;), so thought I could sneak up and play some SW, but 55 min long que to get in. Feel kinda cheated, getting the pre-launch access now that its pre- ordered, and then I cant get into the server during the evening when I have time for it ,unless I want to wait half the evening to even get in. Wondering if I should cancell the subscription they wanted me to make , so I could play during pre-launch in the first place , and perhaps join again in 3-4 months time when the first people gets bored of the game again , and there by make room for us who might be lucky to try it sometimes in the new year :D.
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Seeing as the number of people clamoring for Early Game Access is so great, they have to grant access to it in waves, it's safe to say that there are a LOT of people wanting to play. This is the way any new big MMO starts. This isn't news.


Also, keep in mind, not only are not all of the servers online, but they're not working at peak capacity either. This is Early Game Access. They're starting it off slow, to make sure the system is ready for the OFFICIAL launch. Early Game Access is a treat. A privilege. A gift to those that pre-ordered.


Even after launch, that just means every person out there that wants to play this game, and bought a copy, will be swarming the servers. Servers have limits. So, sure...they could increase the cap to let you in sooner...if you want all the lag in the world.


Supply and Demand. There is a TON of demand, and they can only provide so much supply at first. After the first week or so, things will calm down a bit. Just accept it. It does you no good to rage and rant about it. If you've ever played a popular mmo before, you know this happens for any big release: especially the initial, main launch.

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We need more EU English servers.. since I'm currently in queue for 40minutes (lvl 24 char and not going to start again in another server.. )

So balancing is needed and new people should be denied access to character creations for these insanely full servers.. at least for early access period. So power up more servers :cool:


Current situation blows much chunks. *sigh* :mad:

Edited by SWMirage
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I seriously hope that I won't experience 45+ minute queues from the 20th and later (that does not equal ok for me, I can buy the need for queues at the moment even though it's rather annoying). I hope that they will provide a free server transfer if this problem persist after launch.
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The queues are ridiculous on EU servers.

No queues on the North American servers however. Are the caps much higher on those or something?


Over half the servers in Europe have queues, the longest of which went from 10 minute queue yesterday to a 60 minute queue today. This is unacceptable this early..


Raise the limits by AT LEAST 1000 players per server!

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NA servers do have ques in the evenings at least last night I ran into one. Granted it wasn't 60 minutes but 10 / 15 min , we did have others that took about 30 minutes.


They did state they were monitoring the server populations with the promise to add more servers as needed. As for the server pop cap I dont see any posts that state what they are doing about it, or if they were limiting.


None the less things will improve we just need to be patient with the support team. Its not a vending machine where we can get things instantly, these sorts of problems have to be reviewed, calculated and executed in a particular order so we don't end up with mass panic.

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The wait on the EU servers is fairly bad right now, 40 mins on my own one. Hopefully they use this data from the early access to either beef up the player limit per server or add more servers on/before launch.


I'm sure they'll sort it out, just a pity to miss out on some gaming time. But that's life :)

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