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Level 35 and seriously considering rerolling a trooper


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Lol, watchman is the easiest to master. Now try combat and keep track of the gaps to get the most out of it. With watchman you just spam your dot and win all the time...


So yeah skilled players use Combat, and those that master at it end at top in PvP most of the time, watchman usualy en up in the middle. And dont forget that in Comabt your get 2 extra CC. And most pvp players know thats a good thing, espeicaly with stupidity of CC in this game atm.


If you guys talk PvE, get the freak out. Sentinel is not a PvE class and will never be. All other classes are just way better at everything and taking a sentinel to the group is gimping the group.


I disagree. I seem to do alot of damage in groups(maybe not so much aoe) but if the tank get sknock backed alot I will be the one pulling aggro before he taunts it off me. I can also pop some defensive cooldowns and help tank somethign for a shortwhile if needed. But mostly already I heal the group with Zen and I don't even have Valor yet. Atlater lebvels I will also give my group +15% extra damage for 15 seconds. Can't say a Sentinel is worthless for a group....

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I disagree heavily. Watchman gives you a 6 second CD on kick, which, combined with stasis/leap, means you can almost completely shut down a healer unless they can peel you. Watchman also gets an easier way to cripple with a 30% speed reduction on their main ability, Cauterize. The cherry on the top is the extra speed buff to Transcendence, which is just beautiful in a variety of situations in warzones or on Ilum.


Yea, watchman gives you easy ****, that isnt really that hard to master.

On the other hand a well played combat is way more lethal.

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just to check you know when you go to a trainer for your class its tabbed and that you general class and your advanced class skills are on different tabs, in beta i missed this and my BH missed a good few skills


I seem to be one of the few people that didn't miss the extra tab. are people blind? o_o

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I seem to be one of the few people that didn't miss the extra tab. are people blind? o_o


You insult people because they didn't realize something in the game, yet you come here complaining playing this class is to hard for you? Classy.


As a lvl 47 Sentinel I can tell you this class is powerful, but it requires a lot of quick reaction and concentration. If you are use to playing classes that hit a few buttons and win this isn't for you. In the hands of a skilled player this class will dominate. I'm thankful all these kids can't handle it and complain it is bad. When everyone thinks that if you have two light sabers you are a push over they won't focus fire me :)

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You insult people because they didn't realize something in the game, yet you come here complaining playing this class is to hard for you? Classy.


As a lvl 47 Sentinel I can tell you this class is powerful, but it requires a lot of quick reaction and concentration. If you are use to playing classes that hit a few buttons and win this isn't for you. In the hands of a skilled player this class will dominate. I'm thankful all these kids can't handle it and complain it is bad. When everyone thinks that if you have two light sabers you are a push over they won't focus fire me :)




Do people get off to pretending they're good on these forums? Or is it just masochism?



he is no expert... sorry but the class is fine its just not faceroll easy like everyone seemed to expect coming from wow.


Funny how you think you know better than people who make a living from this.

Edited by DevouringPlague
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There is no pretending. I've been MMO gaming since Ultima Online in 1997. Which is probably when you were born. I have a rap sheet of PvP and gaming accomplishments, but it doesn't matter because you probably don't know any games before WoW.


Also, he's right Taugrim isn't an expert. He says that he makes less than minimum wage so that isn't much of a living. Taugrim provides information for new players who are scared/bad at PvP. He isn't that great of a player himself, but he provides information to the community.

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I hate to sound like a troll but you are doing something very, very wrong. I am level 37 and have 0 issues with anything. Group fights, strongs, elites. Sure on some elites I have to use CDs but thats the point of them. Either your gear isnt anywhere near as good as you think it is, or you are just ignoring the inner workings of the mechanics. Combat is also the single easiest leveling spec as it is designed to build centering through received damage and watching Combat Trance procs to use blade storm on mobs is key.
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Got 35 Sentinel and 38 Commando.


Enjoying both, but commando is easy mode compared to sentinel. Also I'd say commando is superior to sentinel in dps - both aoe and single, and CC - plus it can off heal.


Sentinel is still fun - I go Combat with Kira.

Edited by Tamas
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Got 35 Sentinel and 38 Commando.


Enjoying both, but commando is easy mode compared to sentinel. Also I'd say commando is superior to sentinel in dps - both aoe and single, and CC - plus it can off heal.


Sentinel is still fun - I go Combat with Kira.


this is what I am seeing while playing my Sentinel, just watching troopers cut through groups of enemies in seconds wheras I have to jump around and take them out *slowly* 1-by-1. I see them soloing Heroic2+ missions all the time when I need a group to do them. well, I could solo them, but it would be very slow and I would probably die and have to come back a lot.

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this is what I am seeing while playing my Sentinel, just watching troopers cut through groups of enemies in seconds wheras I have to jump around and take them out *slowly* 1-by-1. I see them soloing Heroic2+ missions all the time when I need a group to do them. well, I could solo them, but it would be very slow and I would probably die and have to come back a lot.


This is 110% the problem. Sentinel is underpowered, just man up and face it. Troopers, smugglers, and just about any other class outdps and outsurvive a Sentinel hands down. Heck, I can kill faster and safer regardless of heals on my heal specced Sage with a tank pet than I can with my Sent and either T7 or Kira. People aren't necessarily wrong about the fact that anything that needs to be done can be done while playing the Sentinel. That part is true but it doesn't mean the Sentinel isn't up to snuff in comparison.


But just wait, these same people trying to say nothing is wrong will quickly change their stories once someone figures out how to parse in this game and they no longer get groups once it is realized that Sentinels do far less damage than other classes.


Then again, maybe I am wrong. Maybe Bioware will just nerf Troopers and such. Who knows what their vision for the game is at this time.


I ask people like Hizoka who say it is fine this :


You say you have played multiple lvl 50 sents, but how many lvl 50 Troopers have you played? Have you even leveled one? How can you possibly make a comparison if you don't even know what the other side is like?

Edited by Saetun
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This sounds very much like a classic easy/hard class issue.


Take one class that is OP, one that is UP. The OP class will be dominated by EZ mode players Who are used to WoW style gameplay. The UP class will be picked up by those who enjoy a serious challenge.


The problem is trying to find a balance. In most traditional MMO's, the challenging classes get a payoff in special capabilities that the EZ mode classes do not have. But this method of gaming is rapidly disappearing in a world of mainstream MMO's. Can we really give a challenging class enough of an advantage to offset the difficulty? If we do, those classes often dominate end game once everyone gets their playstyles down. This is the reason why its a fading species.


The Big question right now is...is the amount of people who are willing to put up with the current state of said UP class greater then the amount of people who will leave it for other classes? And is the payoff for said UP class worth it? 2 things to keep in mind:


1) no matter how much people think the class is fine, if its too difficult to play, then people wont play it, and the Dev's WILL change it. sorry for those who like to feel special. but a class that isn't played is a waste of costly dev time. it will change.


2) No class is FINE. There's always room for improvement. However, no class is BROKE currently in this game either. So There's no need for complete overhaul. But were still a brand new game...Most MMO's are still changing, even 4 and 5 years into development. this ones been open for 2 days. lets get a bunch of Sentinels to 50 and play end game and see where the cards lie before saying a class is broke.


I think at this point it may help to start putting in specific points of improvement. If you think their survivability is horrid, then what would you change? what would you add to their skills or talent trees to increase this surviviability? just saying its broke doesn't help...and for all those who hae no problems with the class, saying it's fine doesn't work either. NO class is perfect. But I also think we need to give it time too.

Edited by Elyx
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Even PvP expert Taugrim says the class is under powerd low midd lvl. http://taugrim.com/

Lets hope the class gets to be better end game.When i lvl up my guardian to lvl 25 in beta i just had to stop before all the reasons you are talking about.They say it's the same with the warrior jugg.But with every other mob out there is a strong mob with twice as much hitpoints as you it's not easy.Pretty much a grind after lvl 20.


Who cares about low middle. I know I know it's the "Journey"

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Funny you mention survivability because that is one of the biggest issues atm I think. For comparison I can walk up to a mob on my Light armor wearing Sage and even without using it's heals it will last far longer than my Sent. Mathematically according to the stats this shouldn't be so but in practical application for whatever reason it is the truth.
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Do people get off to pretending they're good on these forums? Or is it just masochism?





Funny how you think you know better than people who make a living from this.


I spoke with Taugrim before, and I PVP'd with him. He doesn't actually make a living gaming, it was his desire to. He also is humble, and is smart enough to know that his experience in TOR isn't much. PVP isn't PVP for every game. Just because someone is great at Rift PVP does't eman they will be great at TOR PVP. Some innate ability will transfer obviously, but these forums are proof that being great at one, doesn't mean being great at the other.


I did some WZs with Taugrim in beta. He did every well on a level 20 Sentinel, especially for only playing it for like a day. He's probably right about low level, IMO mid level Sent is fine in PVP at least. I don't care about PVE. All of PVE leveling is so easy I disregard it as a whole.

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Funny you mention survivability because that is one of the biggest issues atm I think. For comparison I can walk up to a mob on my Light armor wearing Sage and even without using it's heals it will last far longer than my Sent. Mathematically according to the stats this shouldn't be so but in practical application for whatever reason it is the truth.


Sages are easily more squishy than a Sent. Don't pop your bubble and see what happens. Sents have, Force Fade (invulnurable for 4 seconds) Guarded by the Force (five seconds, 99% damage reducation) Saber ward, and Rebuke. Don't make stuff up.


And who cares what Sages can do? This is about Sentinels. Your Sage would also get it's face beat in by any Sent who can use an interrupt properly.

Edited by Derian
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I started reading this thread because, I too, am having a ridiculous amount of trouble questing solo at the appropriate levels as a 32 Sentinel. I just barely finished Act 1, and am now having difficulty killing 3 Sith Elites for my class quest. But reading these threads, you get people talking about the class' viability in PvP when others may be talking about PvE, and then a flame storm starts.. it doesn't help.


It also doesn't help when someone simply says you're doing things wrong, but won't say what you should be doing..


This is my first post on the forums, I'm loving the story and have sunk so much time in already, but things are becoming really frustrating. I feel like my damage is really good, but I die way too fast, even with Saber Ward, Rebuke, medpacks, Pacify, Statsis, etc..


You don't have to take it so personal when people are having issues with a class.

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I don't feel like that. You're supposed to use everything available to you, even your defensive cooldowns. It's expected to receive a lot of damage when fight a group.


Exactly, everything should be used as soon as it comes up, especially when dealing damage, otherwise you'll fall behind there.

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I am not yet 35, but so far I am not having many issues with the class. I also know that I am far from efficient with it because the class has a ton of skills that you really should use. So I am trying to get my keyboard setup somewhere to the point I can reach the keys effectively. I use Kira currently and burn things down fairly quickly. I was able to mostly solo some of the 2+ heroics on Taris (not the damn Nakghouls one, that was hard) where other classes of my same level could not.


I have not done PvP yet, but my experience in the past tells me that a melee DPS class is going to have some problems without a good group, so I am avoiding it for now until I get better with my knowledge and / or I have a solid group.


The one problem I do have in groups, is chasing. If my leap is on cooldown and someone aggros and runs, it becomes a pain. Or if you have two range classes playing ping pong with a mob, it sort of diminishes my effectiveness. Part is because my PC is not the best for the game, so I have a bit of lag, but being melee it can be hard to stick the target with some of the range classes.


Anyone have good advice on keyboard setup? I am not used to needing so many keys. I got E for forward and w and r as my strafes. Then I have the number keys obviously for the top bar (I can effectively reach 6, 7 is a bit of a stretch). I am terrible with my pinky, which is killing me because I know it can reach a few more keys, but I am only effective at getting q and a (mostly) with it. I have d as back, but I don't use it much, so maybe it could be another ability key instead. It all goes out the window if I am circle strafing, in which casse I use my most used abilities only, because my hand is just not trained well enough. More practice will hopefully help. I think the reason I like the class because there are so many things it can do. And you have to use alot of them to be effective. In Rift I had a 2 button macro. So I think it made me soft, and it was far less enjoyable.

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i have no problems with sentinel ive taken on groups before with out companion at my side and was fine. i jacked up my strength with mods to my light saber to do more damage. i always have a health pack if things go wrong too havent pvped yet though

i love being a sentinel. i have to change tactics alot of times depending if an elite or not im using combat spec.

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I'm playing sentinel (combat, lvl37) have had no issues and can easily solo the elite mobs, played mostly with T7 and some with Doc, decent gear (always have the current level blue quality hilt in my weapons).


I almost never use my interupt but I have the damage playstyle nailed and I use the 1min defensive cooldown often, but really do not have any issues at all. Infact until coming to the forums I was under the impression that the class was very powerful and was a joy to level, but here is full of people moaning.


So either people suck, are too used to easymode leveling Cataclysm WoW or the other classes are more powerful. Maybe a bit of all 3, but mostly the first 2.




The only complaint I have is the lack of customisable UI or macros means I have to have abilities on both the right and left bars and about 90million key and mouse binds due to all the abilities.

Edited by Bigbazz
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Level 35 and seriously considering rerolling a trooper | 12.20.2011 , 09:25 PM


I've got decent gear for my level, but I still need to pop every single cooldown and use all my **** just to survive a single group fight, AND i'm OVER-LEVELED for the area by a couple of levels (due to not leaving planets before finishing all the missions there).


Ok, so I'm not going to bother reading most of the thread. I'm just going to state this very simply:


At level 37 (Sith Marauder), I solo'd a level 35 Heroic 4 Mission that consisted of pulls of 2-4 elites ('golds') and 2-0 strong ('silvers') mobs every pull. The last boss was a champion level 35. I died a bunch on some of the nastier trash packs (the entry pack was 3 elites + 2 strong; that was a *****). I mean, it's a heroic 4: it took me an hour to do and it was inefficient as hell (I could have farmed much more XP/hour doing anything else). But, I was a bit stubborn at the time.


At level 28, I solo'd the Area 4 Mission Jawa Trade on Tatooine. IIRC the mobs were 26-ish, but I don't recall.



If you're having a hard time killing single or duo elites, or strong + normals ...


The problem exists between keyboard and chair.

Edited by EasymodeX
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