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[Chatmute] Madness now reaches SWTOR!


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Hey i can clearly see and speak also of experience how the Chatmute function wil be hevaily abused in the future...


Imagine just this:


You and your friends ( guild ) decide that "darth'kickass" should be chatmuted just because he said " suck my bantha until i chiss"... i mean common... means you need only gather your friends and then attack one person just to make him mute...

... Buy giving players the ability to mute others you give them a free license to grief on others....


this also has a name... Trollattack....


and it happened before on other games:







why do you add this to SWTOR...


I can clearly see how whole guilds will mute other players just for the lulz....

or just becuase 1 skilled player owned 4 of that guild members in combat...

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What are you driveling on about?


the chat /mute and /unmute commands only work in custom chat channels by the creator/owner of the channel. It doesn't affect any of the system chat channels - general, pvp, trade, etc.



Edit: Ah, just read the patch notes.


"If a player that is abusing the chat system in the game is reported frequently by various players, they will be completely unable to post in chat for 12 hours."


*shrug* I suppose I can see your point ...depending on what "frequently" means (and I highly doubt it is a small number), it could open the possibility for a guild or large group of friends to intentionally target someone for silencing/griefing. I would suspect, however, that such a guild or group of friends doing so repeatedly (for no real reason) could find themselves banned if caught.

Edited by Emmcee
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What are you driveling on about?


the chat /mute and /unmute commands only work in custom chat channels by the creator/owner of the channel. It doesn't affect any of the system chat channels - general, pvp, trade, etc.


today's patch notes

If a player that is abusing the chat system in the game is reported frequently by various players, they will be completely unable to post in chat for 12 hours.
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or just becuase 1 overgeared player owned 4 of that guild members in combat...

Corrected a bit there.



As far as the feature itself is concerned - yes; it's bad and it's going to be abused. I for one won't last 5 minutes in general chat.

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What are you driveling on about?


the chat /mute and /unmute commands only work in custom chat channels by the creator/owner of the channel. It doesn't affect any of the system chat channels - general, pvp, trade, etc.


1.7.0a Patch Notes




- If a player that is abusing the chat system in the game is reported frequently by various players, they will be completely unable to post in chat for 12 hours.


He's talking about this.

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It might work if they also examined every ban case and if necessary banned everyone abusing the system. It should be easy to verify if the banned player had actually done some "spam" or not. On the other hand this system is clearly designed to give their GM:s time to do something more useful than check chatlogs so I doubt they will check anything.
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The thing is: we don't know the definition of "frequently". It'll probably run somewhere in the 50's, if not hundreds. And I figure it'd involve a certain timeframe as well, within which all the reports would have to be sent, a timeframe probably less than 10 minutes. I doubt Bioware is going to give us the exact definition of "frequently" though. But feel free to cooperate with a bunch of large guilds, get them all to report you and keep count of the reports and figure out the tresshold.


And if it was done right, that would be unique reports submitted per player, not per character. So 10 people relogging around various alts to all report the one same character shouldn't work either.

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The thing is: we don't know the definition of "frequently". It'll probably run somewhere in the 50's, if not hundreds. And I figure it'd involve a certain timeframe as well, within which all the reports would have to be sent, a timeframe probably less than 10 minutes. I doubt Bioware is going to give us the exact definition of "frequently" though. But feel free to cooperate with a bunch of large guilds, get them all to report you and keep count of the reports and figure out the tresshold.


And if it was done right, that would be unique reports submitted per player, not per character. So 10 people relogging around various alts to all report the one same character shouldn't work either.


With instance limits of 100(Ilum) to 200(Fleet) it can't be that many.

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I cant wait. Im pretty liberal with my humour. but gen chat is a cesspool on my server I have to turn it off. its all religion, gun control, politics, nothing civil or intelligent said about any of it either. And then there are the same d-bags every night that say the most messed up stuff that makes me just shake my head. just rude unpleasant people calling out fresh 50's and flaming them. It'd be nice if those people were gone for good, but maybe this chat thing will at least make them rethink how they conduct themselves and at least give us a 12 hour break
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I am going to report the fark out of anyone spamming LFG in general. Use the group finder people!


Oh, wait, repair costs.... :rolleyes:



With instance limits of 100(Ilum) to 200(Fleet) it can't be that many.


You can see chat from everyone in the zone regardless of instance.

Edited by DarthTHC
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With instance limits of 100(Ilum) to 200(Fleet) it can't be that many.

Ilum chat is shared between instances, so Ilum 1 gets to talk to people on Ilum 2, 3, 4, etc. as well.

Fleet chat isn't shared, but the cap is actually 250.

So overall, I bet the requirement is closer to 200 reports than to 50.

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So let my get this right:


The OP is crying "Madness"and predicts grief play, while nobody (including the OP) seems to have yet any clue how many reports in which timeframe are needed to mute someone?




There is a big possibility of griefing with this feature that's for sure, we are debating how many votes would be reasonable to be needed to ban someone.

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Fleet chat isn't shared, but the cap is actually 250.


Sorry, then my knowlege about that was wrong.


So overall, I bet the requirement is closer to 200 reports than to 50.


My question still stays: How are we supposed to ban someone on the worlds when there are about 40 people online?


What I'd find interesting would be a planet chat ban, which would take much less votes or votes in relation to the people online at this time who can read the chat (fleet instances separated/ilum over all for example)


They just couldn't write in the chat of the planet they are online or the instance of the fleet they are on.

So griefing would be way less severe.


Someone should experiment with it. Would require considerable coordination though.


And a willing victim


I just wish this feature worked for waste-of-time Forum threads, too :rolleyes:


Just don't read them, there is the big difference between gen chat and the forum. (Gen chat is not sorted in threads)

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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As much as chat can become a cesspool, this is not the answer. No matter what the limit, folks will figure it out and they will start griefing. I also doubt that many resources will be used to look for griefers either. Too much data.


I would suggest some dedicated software that reports to a monitor showing the character reported and their chat history for the last X minutes. This way there is some control. I would guess 1 staff / 2 servers would work as long as the automated part is done correctly.

Edited by Selethar
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Here's the thing, this will be abused by some people as we have seen from the OP's links it has been done before what makes you thing it won't happen again? is the Swtor community so much better then other games? of course not.


Also to those who think that BW should/would ban people who abuse the system. This has been implemented because BW wants to remove the work they have to do in checking reports, why would they then want to check even more reports of people claiming to have been banned unfairly? your ticket will get the usual copy/paste response that all the rest do.


This is plain and simply an attempt by BW to cut some more costs by removing the human component which they have to pay.

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what if the muted person doesnt even know they are muted, just thier messages aren't seen like everyone elses. We can already ignore people and only those who ignore that person get that persons messages hidden. It could be like a reverse ignore or an enmasse ignore. The muted person might still be typing away thinking everything is normal.


I would also think that being muted triggers some sort of reporting to BW. If you do realize you were muted and feel unjustly muted then not reporting for the mute just means the load will get shifted to phone CS reps instead. If i get griefed for no reason and i cant chat to ask meaningful questions you better believe ill hop on the phone. At that point you are messing with my ability to play a game i bought and pay monthly for.

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When you report chat now, it is tagged by who sent it. This is probably still the case. They do investigate reports and you can bet that people sending in reports simply to grief someone by getting their chat muted will face consequences.
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