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Level 50 Dailies-where?


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Friends of mine have been telling me a great way to make some credits is to run dailies in areas like BH, Belsavis, Ilum, etc. Problem is, I honestly have no clue where to go. BH is easy enough to do, but don't seem to be rolling in credits by doing just that. Could someone be kind enough to link me a guide to dailies and how to get it all started? I'd love to have some more creds so I can give my alts better stuff and actually have enough for repairs and skills. Also, are there any costs to doing them credit wise, besides planet/travel/repair costs? I'm quite low on creds atm so I'd like to be able to do the dailies cheaply until I can get some more creds. If someone could link me a guide to dailies, or tell me how to do them/get it started, that would be very appreciated!


Note: I will be doing them on my 50 Balance Sage until I get my Guardian to 50, and will also be doing them on him if it makes a difference. Also, on an unrelated note, once I unlock HK on one character, how do I get him to be able to be used on other characters? It would be awesome if I could get to use him on my lowbie alts and face melt everything.



Edited by SabreNova
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Also, on an unrelated note, once I unlock HK on one character, how do I get him to be able to be used on other characters?


There is a Legacy perk that you can unlock once you have done the main HK-51 quest on one character,: Buying this Legacy perk makes HK-51 accessible to that character. I think it costs 1 million credits, so you'll have to focus on dailies for a few days first. :) It can also be bought with Cartel Coins.

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