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So ilum 2.0 - What are your thoughts?


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Yesterday: Good

Today: Not working as intended


In short, it's a community issue. People seemed somewhat interested in actually PvP'ing there yesterday but today it was more of a stand in line and wait for your turn to turn in the orbs -thingy. I searched high and low for a group, AS A HEALER, to PvP with but to no avail. I did come across quite a few LFG'es though, all specifying that they were only looking for groups for the non-PvP missions. Soooo.......the community's attention span for PvP lasted 24'ish hours. I realize that this is a PvE server but come on. Ended up doing the PvP missions with a fellow healer and at no point were we attacked despite that we came across several groups. O_o


As for BW part in this, obviously not exactly what people were asking for in terms of owPvP but they did atleast try and the result isnt as bad as some are trying to make it into. A mechanic that actually forced people to fight would have been to prefer since people now tend to enter with no intentions of PvP'ing. And God forbid that someone would attack them., they'd write QQ paragraphs about it.

That said, I think the result is good for what they set out to do. I do have some minor issues with it though:


* Orb delivery at Central should be instant instead of channeled. Forcing people to channel PvE stuff in a PvP zone is just retarded, especially in an area where everyone is supposed to go. Your three group members won't be able to to save you when there's a FFA between 10 groups going on, assuming that people actually PvP in the first place.


*Orb blasts are STUPID. They make no sense at all. For those who arent familiar with what they are, when someone is delivering an orb or is being killed while carrying one there's a blast that take a good deal of everyone's (I believe it's everyone's atleast) HP within a certain radius. So let's say that you have a fair 4 vs 4 fight and one of the players happen to be carrying an orb and gets killed, that's probably going to determine the outcome of the entire fight. I was killed that way several times as I was trying to heal and already had two people on me. Again, it's STUPID.


* This goes for the PvE area of new Ilum, not enough/fast NPC spawns. Not that it was that fun (just more of same ol' PvE) in the first place but having to wait in a game quickly turns it into a boring experience.

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The problem isn't the community in my opinion. The problem is with the fact that there is absolutely no incentive to pvp in this area. It is in everyone's best interest to just stand in line to charge the pylon. You get 100 wz coms for doing a pve quest in a pvp zone. Killing other players doesn't give you coms, it doesn't give you valor like it did on Monday, it doesn't really count toward anything. All it does is make completing the quest take longer. As someone who loves pvp I don't care about pvp'ing in this event. I'll get coms, valor, and cash in a much shorter time if I do wz's.
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Oh, I should add what I do like about this event:


  • The changes to the environment are incredible. The Gray Secant is wicked to see hovering over the Northern part of the valley.

  • The weekly rep cap isn't that big of a deal to me. It will keep me coming back rather than burning through it as fast as I can.

  • I like the ffa pvp zone (not the quests obviously) as a concept. Limiting groups to 4 and making everyone else a potential threat I think is great. It will make 1v1, 2v2,... tourneys a lot easier to do. Especially since you won't have to gquit to do anything bigger than a duel against guildies.

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I am really not surprised to hear there was a line in the PVP zone. Putting PVE quests in PVP zone really doesn't make sense. Why they didn't include PVP objectives is beyond me. As it stands, I also agree there is no real incentive to PVP. I've also heard that people can't attack their own guild mates. So, it really doesn't sound like a true FFA. So. I'm dissapointed on the PVP side of the update.


As for the PVE, it's kind of meh mostly due to a lack of mobs and poor respawn rates. Mind you, the WB loot is pretty damn good.


Also, the inside if the gray secant reminds of Tron. Complete with a disc fight, which is kind of dull.

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I am really not surprised to hear there was a line in the PVP zone. Putting PVE quests in PVP zone really doesn't make sense. Why they didn't include PVP objectives is beyond me. As it stands, I also agree there is no real incentive to PVP. I've also heard that people can't attack their own guild mates. So, it really doesn't sound like a true FFA. So. I'm dissapointed on the PVP side of the update.


As for the PVE, it's kind of meh mostly due to a lack of mobs and poor respawn rates. Mind you, the WB loot is pretty damn good.


Also, the inside if the gray secant reminds of Tron. Complete with a disc fight, which is kind of dull.


i, for one, welcome our new disney overlords

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The problem isn't the community in my opinion. The problem is with the fact that there is absolutely no incentive to pvp in this area.
That's the same BS excuse I hear about the failure that is the matchmaking system. People think it's ok that they match people left and right, regardless of skill and group size, "because you still get rewards". Who the **** plays for rewards? If that is all people play for then they shouldnt be playing at all.

The new area is bringing people there and that is the most important thing and where the Den failed. There was simply no reason for ever going back to Tat as a 50 (give or take the odd community organized event).


How would you solve it? Let people farm valor there so that Timmy who can't break 50K in a warzone can be valor 100?` One warzone comm per kill? None of those things would mean anything to me because valor doesnt have any effect on the game and I'm all for giving people full wh sets when they ding 50 BUT it wouldnt improve the PvP either because the majority would only come there for said rewards, just like they are standing in line now for some Reputation.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Whoa, calm down there. I'm just saying there is no benefit or purpose to pvp there. Same as OD. Hell, have kills drop cash, give minor amounts of Gree rep, something. If you are looking for purposeless pvp reroll on a pvp server where you can gank people to your heart's content.
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In any PvP zone with PvE objectives, the time will come when people get tired of having to force their way through everyone and everything, and just want to get their stuff done. It happened during the first iteration of Ilum, where eventually Pubs and Imps traded off using the rocket launchers on the ground vehicles. A weekly quest could be completed in a matter of minutes.


Now, if it were possible for the orb buff to be exchanged to the person who landed the killing blow, instead of blowing up everyone else around them, you'd likely see more ganking than standing in line.

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I was expecting large scale open world pvp and instead...small group pve in a pvp zone where enemy players line up to complete dailies instead of actually pvp'ing. Nothing new has been added, you can do the same thing in the black hole or section x - do boring dailies and hope world pvp starts up only to be dissapointed 99% of the time. Even the armor reward you get from this event already existed in the game ffs.


To be honest, I'm seeing this as a bad sign for the future of the game as its becoming more and more apparent that BW just isn't capable of making TOR as good as it could/should be. Captain Planet would approve of their commitment to recycling, though.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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BW had repeatedly shown no clue with pvp quests. They make the quest rewards superior to the reward of pvp, players will always cooperate then. The quest objective should be pvp. WoW has a pretty good template with Tol Barad and Wintergrasp.

Say every hour or so the pylon has to be activated by one faction, those participating and win complete the quest. Then capturing the pylon and keeping it from the other faction become more valuable. Granted 1hr might not be long enough and trading could still happen, 2hr, 3hr.. find the balance were people will find pvp'ing more valuable.


edit: This got me brain storming. Why not have 2 ancient gree orb droids. One for each faction to escort to the pylon. You want the pylon, kill the other sides droid and protect yours. If killed you can go back and spawn a new one. The droids would have to be designed so they cannot be rooted/snared or so that no one classes abilities could shift the balance. Perhaps they move slower at critical levels of health and need to be repaired... I mean just think of all the different mechanics to an encounter like that and make it great.

Edited by Andurian
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BW had repeatedly shown no clue with pvp quests. They make the quest rewards superior to the reward of pvp, players will always cooperate then. The quest objective should be pvp. WoW has a pretty good template with Tol Barad and Wintergrasp.

Say every hour or so the pylon has to be activated by one faction, those participating and win complete the quest. Then capturing the pylon and keeping it from the other faction become more valuable. Granted 1hr might not be long enough and trading could still happen, 2hr, 3hr.. find the balance were people will find pvp'ing more valuable.


edit: This got me brain storming. Why not have 2 ancient gree orb droids. One for each faction to escort to the pylon. You want the pylon, kill the other sides droid and protect yours. If killed you can go back and spawn a new one. The droids would have to be designed so they cannot be rooted/snared or so that no one classes abilities could shift the balance. Perhaps they move slower at critical levels of health and need to be repaired... I mean just think of all the different mechanics to an encounter like that and make it great.


I like this idea:)

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The whole stand in line and get your quest reward thing is silly in my opinion. If you can't kill the other people to get your orbs then you don't deserve to complete the quest. The quest gives a minor reward as reputation is capped for the week and it doesn't give any of the purple gree things you use to by gear with so you really do not have to do the pvp quest if you do not want to pvp.


Also this whole whining about same faction kills needs to stop. It is a group FFA area. It clearly warns you when you enter. If I see you and you're red, you're dead. Simple as that. If anything the whining causes people to attack you more. They probably didn't even realize who you were when they killed you the first time. Saying you're going to ignore them because they killed you in a pvp area you could have simply walked out of will just make them and many other people want to shove their lightsabers where the sun don't shine.


The best part about the update is that people are actually at Ilum and it isn't a barren wasteland. That and the fact that the Champion droid next to the orb turn in does an aoe grapple on everyone within 30 meters when you agro him. Makes smashing a lot easier.

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1. Agree with a lot that there needs to be rewards for killing. Rewards should be based on valor rank. For every 10 valor ranks a player is you get 1 WZ comm for killing them. You kill a valor rank 100 you get 10 WZ comms. And maybe 10 valor for every 10 valor ranks on a kill? I don't know, something that rewards you for killing people.


2. Make the orbs go to the person who lands the death blow on the carrier and make the orb instant count when you reach the pylon like in ancient hypergates.


3. Make it so if you stealth you lose the orb.


4. Let the "pass huttball" ability work for orbs inside pvp area.


Suddenly you got a chaotic open world pvp fight that gives rewards. Maybe not perfect but would be better than current setup. All though did have fun with some fights last night.

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See to me if their is a large group and everyone is trying to kill each other in the center .. i dont think it will work and know one will be able to cap.. i know last night on i think Ilium 9 if everyone tried to kill each other we be fighting for at least 2 hours before anyone could cap.


Its the problem with PVE missions in a PVP zone. to me when i hear a quest for PVP i think "hey you need to kill 10 imps/pub toons to complete the task. not killing 10 npc's for a drop.

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I'm still really confused as to what is going on half the time. Even when not drunk. I think mostly I'm just taking my guild for granted because they have an extra day of doing/talking about this thing and I just follow them around and do what they do.


But, in general, the PvP is fun if you are in a group who is into it.


I did get a bit P.O.'d when 2 of my group were off doing whoknowswhat and 2 of us were in PvP area fighting 6 people.

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At first I liked it because it was new.

Then I finished all of the quests, and my reaction changed to: "that's it?"


And then I go back on another toon to do the PVP missions again, and everyone is lining up at the pylon... So the free for all aspect of the zone now means that completing the PVP missions has become "free for all" of the whining PVE players, because you don't have to PVP anymore.


In addition to that complaint, the rewards are weak too. But I guess you don't really deserve a decent reward for sitting in a line holding an orb.

There is just no incentive to get people to fight each other at the moment. You get nothing out of it other than feeling like a tough guy when you kill someone(which might be more than enough for some people, but not most).



The MOST fun I had in the PVP zone is when I went in solo, that was the only time that capping the pylon was a challenge. And that is because people were actually fighting there at the time.



As for the PVE stuff:

Tron gear is cool

New legacy stuff is cool, but the grind is terrible

World bosses I don't really care about, but I guess new content is new content.

Reputation system feels like it is something nobody asked for that they just threw at us... seriously, was there a demand for this? Seems like such a waste of time, but that's just my opinion. I feel like there are a handful of other game mechanics that most people would have liked to see.




To end my semi-rant... potential is there, but it just kind of falls flat when people do not want to participate.

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people shouldnt be allowed to hold hands and form a line at the pylon


I find myself tempted to go to the line with my operative and stealth stun or face plant people. :D


Also, tanks putting people on ignore for PVPing in a FFA PVP zone is just petty nonsense. :\

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I think it's absolutely ridiculous that any PvEers complain about this quest associated with the event that requires them to enter a world PvP zone.


One; you do not have to do this quest.


Two; you are opting to be in the area.


Three; the argument that it is unfair is laughable. See below.


All of the rewards that are attainable in this event, are attainable without this one small quest for reputation. Repeat, this quest grants a small amount of warzone comms that PvEers should not care about, and a blue reputation item that is not remotely required to achieve the weekly limit.


In addition to this, in regards to fairness, PvPers must complete a PvE RAID to be able to afford several of the weapons (or more than one of the cheap ones). You simply cannot farm enough weapon tokens within two weeks doing daily PvE heroics alone. (In contrast, in WoW, some of the events required PvEers to do warzone achievements - some very hard - in order to attain all rewards)


Mull that over next time before whining about one inconsequential quest you put yourself into; you do not have to do it, but PvPers must complete at least one raid for many of their weapons.

Edited by Avehn
Correction to token count.
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