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Final Wave Sent!


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Being on the first day of an MMO being released, where everyone has an advantage is a much more fun experience.


Do you know the major thing that is disappointing? No mid-night release. One of my all time favorite things is standing in line till midnight, getting the game, cheering as you exit the store, then going home to play with millions throughout the night. Bioware is letting people in during the middle of the day, during school and work, just for the sake of a smooth launch.


It is normally the least smooth launches that are (amazingly enough) the most memorable and fun.

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So no one took the faq serious then ?


These must be the some poeple who purchased a house with a adjustable rate mortage not understanding the fine print on what a adjustable rate is, scary isn't it?


Relax people i know, i want to play early access also but i knew i might not get it as fast as i like.Did they mishandle the the prelaunch yes it seems they did , **** happens.


What is there to take seriously about the FAQ? It's a complete and utter joke. Basically it's saying "We have no *********** clue what we're doing and we're not gonna give the community ANY information about ANYTHING going on in-house".

It contains no new or useful information, there is no point in reading it since you can guess everything it says even if you only have 1 braincell working at 20% power.

Edited by Senatsu
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your theory.....while earnest in its attempt......is not correct...please allow me to explain.


As stated in a twitter post earlier today, a very very large spike happened on pre orders back in july, therefore there are far more pre orders from the few days in july, than the totality of any other month.


Your theory represents an equal amount of pre orders for every month....your theory also represents a representation of knowledge that is not readily available for public digestion.


In simple words....your theory is nonsense......move along...nothing to see here....move along....move along.


Your theory is wrong the largest pre-order month was November -

August had almost double July's pre's ...


Total Monthly

July 30th 119,260

Aug 27th 334,330 + 215,070

Oct 1st 463,513 + 129,183 *September’s #’s as 10/1 was better to use than 9/24

Oct 29th 654,810 + 191,297

Nov 26th 900,756 + 245,946

Dec 10th 939,358 + 38,602

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I don't get it. We have all known this was the way it was going to work for a long time. I entered my code on the 5th of August. I was hoping to get in on day one, but I didn't think it would happen. Not the end of the world. Besides, early access was originally going to start on the 15th! This means no matter when you get in, you will be getting in earlier than you would have. (I'm not targeting anyone individually, the the complainers).
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Your theory is wrong the largest pre-order month was November -

August had almost double July's pre's ...


Total Monthly

July 30th 119,260

Aug 27th 334,330 + 215,070

Oct 1st 463,513 + 129,183 *September’s #’s as 10/1 was better to use than 9/24

Oct 29th 654,810 + 191,297

Nov 26th 900,756 + 245,946

Dec 10th 939,358 + 38,602



Clearly, your numbers are wrong. :rolleyes:

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I don't get it. We have all known this was the way it was going to work for a long time. I entered my code on the 5th of August. I was hoping to get in on day one, but I didn't think it would happen. Not the end of the world. Besides, early access was originally going to start on the 15th! This means no matter when you get in, you will be getting in earlier than you would have. (I'm not targeting anyone individually, the the complainers).


We knew they were doing Early Access, but we had no idea about a staggered invite system, nor did we know that BW was gonna fail so horribly at implementing it.

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who else is ready to have people at endgame even before i can be in game?


great system bioware, brilliant.


you're assuming that there is even ANYTHING to do at endgame. when with any new mmo launch has this ever been the case? while i fully understand its the principle of the matter, rest assured that they will be standing around with their thumbs firmly lodged in their rumps

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Clearly, your numbers are wrong. :rolleyes:


This. What little info they have told us about preorders is that July had the highest spike, which makes the most sense of anything they've said actually.


Think about it, theyve had this planned for awhile, while not the best plan, it is a plan


I'd be willing to bet you start seeing the days in which you redeemed gap closing very quickly after we get out of the July/early Aug waves

Edited by ChilinNkilin
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We knew they were doing Early Access, but we had no idea about a staggered invite system, nor did we know that BW was gonna fail so horribly at implementing it.


lol, you shoulda seen it when they tested this in beta. sent out invites to a few hundred folks, then left for the weekend with no communication on when the next round of invites would happen

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What is there to take seriously about the FAQ? It's a complete and utter joke. Basically it's saying "We have no *********** clue what we're doing and we're not gonna give the community ANY information about ANYTHING going on in-house"

It contains no new or useful information, there is no point in reading it since you can guess everything it says if you even have 1 braincell working at 20% power.


Since it wasn't clear about the early access in that FAQ, i didn't get my hope's up so i wouldn't Be in nerdrage mode, excuse me for being the level headed person who though about that crap.

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We knew they were doing Early Access, but we had no idea about a staggered invite system, nor did we know that BW was gonna fail so horribly at implementing it.


How are they failing? It's been known for quite some time it would be waves spread out over certain days. Relax, it's a game. A damn good one at that!

Edited by dmode
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Your theory is wrong the largest pre-order month was November -

August had almost double July's pre's ...


Total Monthly

July 30th 119,260

Aug 27th 334,330 + 215,070

Oct 1st 463,513 + 129,183 *September’s #’s as 10/1 was better to use than 9/24

Oct 29th 654,810 + 191,297

Nov 26th 900,756 + 245,946

Dec 10th 939,358 + 38,602



334,330 + 215,070=463,513?


Is this fuzzy logic math....or new math....or street math....or crystal math?


Look MOM i can make up math.......777+666+555+444+333+222+111=12


Dude, before you argue with so called facts....or invent them.....please check yourself

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We knew they were doing Early Access, but we had no idea about a staggered invite system, nor did we know that BW was gonna fail so horribly at implementing it.


From the preorder FAQ in the early access section: http://www.swtor.com/preorder/faq#q209656 This has been in the FAQ since Early September at least. Meaning you had your warning about this launch.


The order in which you will gain entry into Early Game Access is dependent on how early you burned your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center. The earlier you burned your Pre-Order Code, the earlier you will be granted entry into Early Game Access.


The length of your Early Game Access time will also depend on how quickly you are able to download and install the Game before the official launch of the Game. Your download time will vary according to the speed of your internet service provider. Download speeds are not constant and vary by location. The size of the final Game Client is approximately 27GB when fully installed. You should ensure that you have adequate free space on your hard disk before completing your download.


Early Game Access will end shortly before Star Wars: The Old Republic officially launches on December 20th, 2011 at 12:01AM EST (Pacific: December 19th, 9:01PM PST; European: December 20th, 05:01AM GMT, 06:01AM CET). We will be bringing down all servers for a short period of time before the launch of the Game. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to launch.

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K, so here's how it's gonna go down. Tomorrow there's gonna be a second set of waves. Everyone who isn't in is gonna rage (again). Those who did will come back and tell the people raging that they're wrong, even though most of them likely raged today. Then people will get home and rage over not getting in, then there will be a brief period where everyone's asleep. Then Someone will wake up having had a dream about the game, and rage, and then people will see, and flame him for raging. This process will repeat until January 1st, when everyone realizes no one isn't in the game anymore, and we can just forget about the problems that we had with early access.


OOOOOOR we can all get naked and dance until we get into the game.

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you're assuming that there is even ANYTHING to do at endgame. when with any new mmo launch has this ever been the case? while i fully understand its the principle of the matter, rest assured that they will be standing around with their thumbs firmly lodged in their rumps


Clearly you haven't done any reading of what is available. The problem isn't lack of content, the problem is lack of competent people at BW that can actually anticipate how stupid their staggered invite system is. People are gonna have plenty to do, but no one to do it with due to the amount of time between each wave and the amount of people that gets in each time. Which means no end-game for anyone, not for a lack of content, but for a lack of people at the appropriate levels.

Edited by Senatsu
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Look MOM i can make up math.......777+666+555+444+333+222+111=12



new rule:


when doing a "staggered invite" have invites rolling during a full 24 hou cycle so as not to piss off a chunk of players that may just decide to tell you to go pound sand and cancel thier preorders

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no im not wrong in this. bioware promised eveyrone UP to 5 days of early play, UP TOOOOO theyve started 2 days ahead of schedule, and alot of poeple are complaining becuz they didnt get in, its completely irrational.


Again read all post so you know what you are commenting on.

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334,330 + 215,070=463,513?


Is this fuzzy logic math....or new math....or street math....or crystal math?


Look MOM i can make up math.......777+666+555+444+333+222+111=12


Dude, before you argue with so called facts....or invent them.....please check yourself


when you quoted it, it messed up the format


Total / Monthly


334,330 +215,070 (215,070 more than the last data post)

Edited by PewPew_StabStab
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those are the industry accepted numbers


lol no they are not! You are misguided.




The second thing to realize is scale. We invited more people to play Star Wars: The Old Republic today than many other MMO launches manage in their entire head-start process. As I mentioned earlier today, when we opened pre-orders we had a huge spike in numbers - far more than most MMOs capture at launch. That was the initial rush. After that, our pre-orders settled down."

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From the preorder FAQ in the early access section: http://www.swtor.com/preorder/faq#q209656 This has been in the FAQ since Early September at least. Meaning you had your warning about this launch.


Then I was wrong and should have read more carefully. But that doesn't excuse the fact that BW completely failed at implementing the system, and it makes it even worse that they had MONTHS to plan it out.

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