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Everything posted by Shadowwinds

  1. Yes nice game. and Has never been issue for me. I really like it.
  2. Thats funny another that never listens to issues. Thats why we have congress problems. Ok have a nice night. Lifes OK, everything is alright. No matter what people say to you is OK because that is is alright. sleep tight
  3. They will not be bigger from this conversation
  4. I will say sorry to you and others like you. I just do not like people making statements and do not know the issues. Just like congress. Know wHAT THE ARGUEMENT IS.
  5. I'm not playing empire to start off but what does that have to do with anything. Is this a game or do you know?
  6. it was not one server and I will not let you people spread bad info. Thats why I am here tonite. Be honest
  7. You want to play a game of honor but not hold people to it. Thats the America we have now and we are losing what makes us great
  8. So you remeber your post but no other. You are missing the whole point. Not looking at all points or arguements. No matter.
  9. What about serber crash. Still wondering how many on site are swtor
  10. What game have you seen far worst?
  11. My point exactly. I'm a grinder but being honest saves so many from unnessary frustration. I am sorry there so many that do not understand the point. Even more who have not experinced life and know the importance of honesty. It should be really important to you.
  12. Not sure what any reason was, but still insist on them being honest when you run into trouble no matter what you do. All I have hear from people is what the did to be able to play. This does not effect me other then my friends. I lose nothing no matter what happens when I start. Just being honest, people would have not taken off work. They would not have been spending all day at the computer. They knew more then you think from beta alone.
  13. I would have had 20 at least they would have had an excuse. If you are into business you would know what I mean. Project manager plans and anticipates. thats how they make a living.
  14. Defend all you want but they had exact numbers
  15. So what was that all about. did not read post either.
  16. They did a good job with the game and I really love what I have played so far. Just be honest with the people, if you run into trouble and we will understand. A big project but be honest in future and eveyone will see a lot less complaints. No one likes sitting around for hours for no reason and wondering what will happen when they do login if they can.
  17. I'm relaxed. I have no other choice but give credit when due. Not seeing here.
  18. I sorry but do you know they decided what guilds would go on which server. I will not think you know IT so it's like a hard drive. You only have so much room. Being a gamer myself I understand the flood I just do not understand them not knowing and the feed back they would get for not being honest or supplying themselves with what they need to be successuful.
  19. So spend the money to satisfy customer or just be plain honest.
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