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Final Wave Sent!


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Just now looking at the server status and either most of the servers got restarted or a lot of people is just not on anymore. I don't see one server on full. There could be quite a bit more people on atm. I don't see how they are testing they're servers now when there isn't much people on to test them with. Can't wait to play the game but imo this was just fail.
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for thoese who cancelled their pre order.THANK YOU! i didnt want to hear you incessant complaining for the next 5 years in game anyway :D thank and thank you


Since I am probably last in line for an invite as I couldnt preorder untill day after thanksgiving because i was overseas for work


I THANK YOU for Cancelling


Everytime you nerd rage quit I move up a place in line....thank you!!!!

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Well at the end of the day, only they know how many people they have invited.


Some people probably had to work today, or can't play till the weekend.


Bioware just needs to look at how many preorders there are, stretch that out to the 19th and divide accordingly.


Not everyone who got invited today was able to play today I am sure. But they have maintain course.


I will agree a "XX% of preorders have been invited." would have been decent.



Also I take into account, this is biowares first MMO so expect some issues with communications.

As well EA is involved, which to me instantly says there are going to be even more issues.


But I have faith this will blow over, and within a month no one will even remember this.


you are so positive but read the post

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the poeple who didnt get an invite on the first night of early access think the launch is fail.....go figure. for those of you being an adult about this, i appreciate your company in these trying times.


Here we go again. Go back and read the post. Not just on this page.

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Since I am probably last in line for an invite as I couldnt preorder untill day after thanksgiving because i was overseas for work


I THANK YOU for Cancelling


Everytime you nerd rage quit I move up a place in line....thank you!!!!


next to last!, ordered mine a week ago. Had to wait for new computer and sufficient funds

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Since I am probably last in line for an invite as I couldnt preorder untill day after thanksgiving because i was overseas for work


I THANK YOU for Cancelling


Everytime you nerd rage quit I move up a place in line....thank you!!!!


You have a very good chance. Read the post

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in the scheme of things if this game lasts, 3, 5, or 10 years, 1-5 days of gameplay difference is nt going to make a diifference. those that are good at pvp will rule, those that suck will drool, those that can raid will reign, and the noobs will bea pain, and those that like millions of credits on the AH will be rich, and those that cant make a thousand credits will *****. i hope this was entertaining, it was lame but off the top of my head, and you get what you pay for. :D
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Since I am probably last in line for an invite as I couldnt preorder untill day after thanksgiving because i was overseas for work


I THANK YOU for Cancelling


Everytime you nerd rage quit I move up a place in line....thank you!!!!


HERE HERE im waiting also :D

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I Like It!


Everyone should be a fat sized trooper named Last-one, Last-two, Last-three....etc etc




I would say turn the guild name into "Uninvite" and to his suggestion eventually changing to skinny sized troopers since we didnt get fed in the first day.

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yes SHADOW i know your complaint and while i understand your grievance and am myself frustrated with the lack of pre notice when our gameplay begins, BIOWARe still hasnt promised you anything you havent received. the majority of my comments are aimed at the obvious losers simply crying becuz they didnt get in first day, evne tho they didnt pre order until last week.
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I would say turn the guild name into "Uninvite" and to his suggestion eventually changing to skinny sized troopers since we didnt get fed in the first day.


well we need healers......so the healers could be skinny, like barcode skinny, and the troopers should be fat, like i just stole skinny's food fat


no one ever picks the skinny or fat kid in kickball, they just inherit them



I'm seriously down for this, kinda have the last laugh....and then three years for now, when standing on top of the world and someone asks where we came up with the name.....

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