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Installation question


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28 hours is a very long time... I think it took me less than 6 hours.


I don't know much about computers so I can't really help you


[Edit] you'd be better off going to the customer support section and asking there

Edited by Ithilwen
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I've always found that reinstalls of this game in particular can take a day or two, using the digital download (I don't have a copy on disk). I always assumed that EA just really throttles the traffic down on the server end with a download manager. This seems like it would be a way of keeping free to play accounts from crashing the game.
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I've always found that reinstalls of this game in particular can take a day or two, using the digital download (I don't have a copy on disk). I always assumed that EA just really throttles the traffic down on the server end with a download manager. This seems like it would be a way of keeping free to play accounts from crashing the game.


Wait, are you saying throwing the game on a disc could prevent this from happening?

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It all depends on your Internet download speed, and maybe the speed of your hard drive.


I built a rig last week and decided to use the download client to see if it had improvements or had problems.


It took me within 30 minutes ( wasn't really timing it ) installing it and then patching it all.


Of course I have a much much wider bandwidth than most people (1.5Gbs Fiber Optic leased line).


But i think 28 hours is too long :p


I hope you're not on Dial-up, cause if so, you're going to have problems playing the game after you managed to get it all installed :eek:

Edited by nattodaisuki
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Wait, are you saying throwing the game on a disc could prevent this from happening?


The disc is only for installing it, it's useless after that, unless you want to install the game on another pc. Even then you still have to download all the new patches and updates.

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