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Mandalorian Armor


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Hey guys, I'm pretty sure there are thousands of suggestions like this but its been bothering me and I think alot of bounty hunters agree with me. I've been looking at forums, discussions, hundreds of websites and this is one of the main Bounty Hunter themes; "Anyone knows an authentic Mandalorian outfit?" Well there are thousands of pieces but non actually look Mandalorian so heres my idea, pretty simple and basic since there are already existing models of the light blue old school mandalorian armor in the mandalorian enlave which is pretty cool tbh. but we needs atleast one for players too! So please BioWare give us that outfit especially because the new expansion is coming you could do a patch adding it. Thanks for reading this and if anyone agrees with me please make sure you leave a reply like "I agree" or something so BioW might consider. Have a nice day all! ;)
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I agree, I would like it to be something relatively hard/time-consuming to obtain.


In swg mandalorian armor required a lot of farming/time or $ to get and it gave you a sense of accomplishment when when donning a suit you farmed all the Binary Liquids/Protective Liquid Coatings(main components) for.


But in reality they would gain more profit having them as rare drops in cartel packs.

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they do have mandalorian armor in the game and in the store. thing to remember though is that this ISN'T the movie era. Mandalorian armor in this time period looks differnt


The hell with boba/jango armor, I want the neo-crusader type armor. And i rather grind/farm to get it rather than throw down $200 on packs

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they do have mandalorian armor in the game and in the store. thing to remember though is that this ISN'T the movie era. Mandalorian armor in this time period looks differnt

Have you ever been to Dromund Kaas? We're asking for the armour found in the Mandalorian Enclave.

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this issue has been brought up for years to the Devs and on the forums. Evidently they do not have anyone talented enough on the BW staff to make mando armor. Such a shame, you would think in a SW IP MMO Mando would be an option for every BH.. Maybe the next SW game will have it, because I wouldn't hold your breath on seeing anything people actually want here. I wouldn'ty even bank on see anything the Devs promised in the game, Guild ships promised before launch or shortly after, where are they BW? No one knows, but hey! we have some iconic pink light sabers.. Because you know thousands of people requested that.. I love how they just take all these ideas and promise them and listen to the community, than do whatever they want without regard.. Oh and that x-mas speeder covered with lights, $18 USD was a steal! BRAVO, just BRAAA VOOO BW!


Oh and what ever MOD removed this post before, I'm sorry that you disagree with my opinion but big kids use words and don't just delete posts. So lets put our big kid pants on and use our words ok? Atta boy!

Edited by LohKey
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this issue has been brought up for years to the Devs and on the forums. Evidently they do not have anyone talented enough on the BW staff to make mando armor. Such a shame, you would think in a SW IP MMO Mando would be an option for every BH.. Maybe the next SW game will have it, because I wouldn't hold your breath on seeing anything people actually want here. I wouldn'ty even bank on see anything the Devs promised in the game, Guild ships promised before launch or shortly after, where are they BW? No one knows, but hey! we have some iconic pink light sabers.. Because you know thousands of people requested that.. I love how they just take all these ideas and promise them and listen to the community, than do whatever they want without regard.. Oh and that x-mas speeder covered with lights, $18 USD was a steal! BRAVO, just BRAAA VOOO BW!


Oh and what ever MOD removed this post before, I'm sorry that you disagree with my opinion but big kids use words and don't just delete posts. So lets put our big kid pants on and use our words ok? Atta boy!

im going to have to agree with your post.


you know what we need more of? armor with giant shoulder pads. we don't have enough.

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this issue has been brought up for years to the Devs and on the forums. Evidently they do not have anyone talented enough on the BW staff to make mando armor. Such a shame, you would think in a SW IP MMO Mando would be an option for every BH.. Maybe the next SW game will have it, because I wouldn't hold your breath on seeing anything people actually want here. I wouldn'ty even bank on see anything the Devs promised in the game, Guild ships promised before launch or shortly after, where are they BW? No one knows, but hey! we have some iconic pink light sabers.. Because you know thousands of people requested that.. I love how they just take all these ideas and promise them and listen to the community, than do whatever they want without regard.. Oh and that x-mas speeder covered with lights, $18 USD was a steal! BRAVO, just BRAAA VOOO BW!


Oh and what ever MOD removed this post before, I'm sorry that you disagree with my opinion but big kids use words and don't just delete posts. So lets put our big kid pants on and use our words ok? Atta boy!


SWTOR is a good game, its not great, its no where near as good as SWG, but is a good game!

BW are fantastic at Mass Effect, but i dont know what happened to our beloved Star wars mmo franchise.

If Bioware dont start doing what they promise, they are going to go bust. It dosent take a genius to see it coming.


I give this game another years and unless things change, they are going to have to shut down the game.

I hope someone from BW reads this and understand where we are coming from.


I agree with you btw.

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Thanks for the quick replies all, like I said earlier clearly alot of people care. Thanks Marb for stating that and I really hope they put it in the game and actually yes it would worth real money or you could buy it from Cartel Market nerds... I'll be watching eagerly for more replies! ;)
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I'd love to see the neo-crusader armor in-game, but in yellow like cassus fett, or red. We only see the blue guys around so having the armor in a different color could also symbolize that we are the mandalor's "chosen" therefore we'd be a higher rank.

Would also love to see plain crusader gear, something Rohlan Dyre-esque.

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  • 2 months later...
Just throwing my bucket in the ring here. Have any of you considered the possibility that because the BW Devs know how much people want Mando stuff, there might be a bigger story to this than "we don't care about our players" (honestly, Guild Ships, meh, I'll take BW's better storylines over a gimmicky ship any day). Mandos are a major part of this world, but only loosely affiliated with the Empire at this point. IMHO, I think there's a good chance the reason we haven't seen any decent Mando gear yet is because it will come in another Major (Hutt Cartell lvl) expansion - something which will deal with Mando culture in much more detail.
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