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Solution to Guild Bank Theft


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After having our guild bank raided several times, I'd like to propose the following enhancement to the game to prevent this issue.


I'd like to see a new setting in the guild bank permissions that binds any item taken from the guild bank to the character that removed it. This binding should be similar to raid binding where you have a 2 hour count down timer until the binding becomes permanent.


This feature should be configurable so that higher ranks in the guild can remove and sell items from the bank.


This feature seems easy to implement as all the basic pieces are already in place. Adding this feature would prevent someone from selling the items they take from the bank and would therefore eleminate the greed factor.


Binding the items to the character would still allow guild members to get items they need from the bank.


If you like this idea, please respond to this thread. Hopefully, enough positive replies will encourage the developers to consider this idea.

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its far simpler to remove permission to take out the items from certain ranks and place people who didn't earn your trust into those ranks. like... recruit for example. and then keep weekly withdrawals to couple of items, with exception of officers and keep the most expensive items in a tab that only officers can remove items from. this way, even if someone decides to remove items and then bail, you won't lose much. unless you are afraid that your officers will raid the bank? in which case you have bigger problems then any mechanical options can fix.


all of the above? can be implemented with current system. no need to waste resources to add more layers. be responsible for your bank management!

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As someone who's thought about raiding guiild banks before I wouldn't mind seeing this implemented. I know at 50 before they would offer you anything, including guild bank access, to join. i had more than one person say if I joined I would be allowed full acess in a week. It comes down to common sense though too.
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The only people who have their guild banks robbed are the ones too dumb to understand how the permissions work. If you've had your bank robbed more than once, I suspect the problem isn't thieves, it's guild management.


I'd have to agree. I've never had problems with guild bank raiding in any MMO guild I've run over the last 10 years. What I do, is one rank above the lowest, I give that rank limited bank access to one tab where we keep items not so important, and also access to limited guild funds, then I watch the activity of people at that rank. If they start pulling out the rank quota of items and credits every day, I ask them why. Those usually doing it EVERY day fumble for an answer and usually come up with a poor excuse, at which point I boot them from the guild without further discussion.


Players who withdraw every day over a week, and never put anything in, WILL raid your bank at higher ranks with more permissions. Normal player behaviour is to withdraw items or credits once or twice a week at most, while donating items and credits just as often.


Those that abuse your goodwill care more about their own self, than they do about cooperating in an MMO. You need to be testing new members. Trust is earned. Those who give their trust freely are only asking to be walked all over.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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Im sure someone has already said this, but ...


The solution to Guild Bank raiding is to not give access to the guild bank to people you cant trust. Unless you let them use it, they literally cannot mess with it. If you let them access it and they take something they shouldnt have ... its your own fault.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How are you getting your guild bank raided?


Seems like giving specific privileges to certain people, whom I would suspect you trust, would eliminate the problems.


"X" amount per week from "X" tab?

Only officers have access?


Why add another layer? Do you work for the government? :cool:


We have level based security on our guild bank. But we still have two different incidents where members took the max number of times available to them to sell.


In one case, a member of 5 months just decided to start taking the most expensive items in the bank to sell for his alts in other guilds.


In the second case, a members "older brother" hacked his account and took the max number of items available to him and emailed them to his own accounts to sell.


The less than helpful advice in this thread would not prevent either of these cases. Binding the items to the member would.

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How are you getting your guild bank raided?


Seems like giving specific privileges to certain people, whom I would suspect you trust, would eliminate the problems.


"X" amount per week from "X" tab?

Only officers have access?


Why add another layer? Do you work for the government? :cool:


That's pretty much how we do ours. Certain people have mostly unfettered access and if someone who doesn't have access wants something they have to ask one of us to get it for them. Works well for us even being a decent sized guild.

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Stop giving people guild bank access after 3 minutes of interaction with them.


Use the tools already provided.


Its not the fault of the people taking the stuff. The guild shouldn't be tempting people with all the shiny stuff they are putting in the bank obviously.

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Its not the fault of the people taking the stuff. The guild shouldn't be tempting people with all the shiny stuff they are putting in the bank obviously.


That's clearly not what I said.


It's the fault of the guildmaster for giving people access to too much stuff before they've proven themselves.

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That's clearly not what I said.


It's the fault of the guildmaster for giving people access to too much stuff before they've proven themselves.

Also, as a general reminder: kick people as soon as they start asking for promotions or increased bank permissions. You'll be thankful when you hear what happened to the next guild they joined.


A banktab that only 2-3 people out of an entire guild can access? No, it's not always convenient, but yes, it's completely normal and the smart thing to do.

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How are you getting your guild bank raided?


Seems like giving specific privileges to certain people, whom I would suspect you trust, would eliminate the problems.


"X" amount per week from "X" tab?

Only officers have access?


Why add another layer? Do you work for the government? :cool:


I kind of have to agree with this. Don't give permissions to people you don't trust/new recruits to the guild. Make a default lowest rank or two with very limited access, if any at all, to the guild bank. Then only promote people after they've been raiding for several months/proven themselves trustworthy over time.


Another step would be a second guild vault that gives access to senior officers only, with the pricey items inaccessible to lower ranks.


Most importantly here though, Don't put items into the guild bank if you don't want other people to take them. If you put a stack of 99 molecular stabilizers into the guild bank, recruit some new guy who has access and a 500 item withdrawal limit per week, don't be surprised if he takes the stack and quits the guild.


Permissions are there for a reason.



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  • 10 months later...
We have level based security on our guild bank. But we still have two different incidents where members took the max number of times available to them to sell.


In one case, a member of 5 months just decided to start taking the most expensive items in the bank to sell for his alts in other guilds.


In the second case, a members "older brother" hacked his account and took the max number of items available to him and emailed them to his own accounts to sell.


The less than helpful advice in this thread would not prevent either of these cases. Binding the items to the member would.


here your problem right there don't allow member to take any thing out only allow officers to take stuff out. You want a item ask a officer to get it for you if you don't bind it you your self gkick seem harsh but works.

Edited by Neoforcer
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I would also like a similar mechanic so i can sell armor that i think will help newbs for insanely cheap prices that makes the item bind to them once they buy it.


I hate having my efforts to help my community spoiled by the GTN trolls trying to gobble up all the profits.

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