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So, I'm sure it's completely obvious already from the general chat, but I don't know if it's been formally put in the suggestion box, so here we go. We need the option to transfer characters. You all already did transfers before, just offer a paid transfer option. Plenty of us have characters stranded on servers we don't play on after the mergers. If you want to make money on them, fine. Just give us a reasonably priced option to bring over the characters we want. OR, if you're worried about too many, just MAKE IT LVL50 ONLY that can be transferred between servers. That would greatly cut down on the transfer workload if there is something stopping ya'll from doing a bunch.
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I think they are afraid people are going to overload the popular servers and leave others stranded


Personally I want go to Jung ma fit both pvp and rp but now it's just rp for me because I'm on ebon hawk

I know Jung ma is the least populated but there may be others like me that would go there

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I think they are afraid people are going to overload the popular servers and leave others stranded


Personally I want go to Jung ma fit both pvp and rp but now it's just rp for me because I'm on ebon hawk

I know Jung ma is the least populated but there may be others like me that would go there


I don't see the point. People will just reroll at some point or quit if they don't get their way. It happen in wow before transfers were available.

Edited by Knockerz
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I don't see the point. People will just reroll at some point or quit if they don't get their way. It happen in wow before transfers were available.


Re-rolling here is not like other games, the legacy thing really sticks us to the server, i mean my legacy on ebon hawk is a year old and i have all the species unlocked, not to mention numerous other perks.....its just not worth it to re-roll on another server


As far people quititng, i dont know... the servers are far from dead so i cant see it being that huge of an issue. It may have been to some, but alot of those people I think have left. The playerbase is here mostly for the starwars and its the only place to go .

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They said server transfers are coming later this year, with the new character copy system laying the frame work. I'm pretty sure it will allow for all levels to transfer.


What I am concerned about is how it will affect Legacy.


For instance, say I want to transfer my Mirialan Smuggler to another server. I used that character to unlock a Mirialan Sorcerer. So on the new server, would I transfer my legacy name and level over? And would I still keep the Mirialan species unlock on my old one? Would have have that species unlock on my new server? What if I transferred a character with level 50 legacy to one where I have a lower legacy, does the higher one take precedence automatically?

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I think they are afraid people are going to overload the popular servers


Just make it so you can only transfer to a server where you already play. You can only play one character at a time (ignoring multiboxing, which I don't know if that's even possible in SWTOR like it is WOW) so no overload. And to prevent people from just rolling a level 1 on a server they want to go to, make it so you have to have some time invested on that server, certain # of hours played already or total character levels, etc.

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Just make it so you can only transfer to a server where you already play. You can only play one character at a time (ignoring multiboxing, which I don't know if that's even possible in SWTOR like it is WOW) so no overload. And to prevent people from just rolling a level 1 on a server they want to go to, make it so you have to have some time invested on that server, certain # of hours played already or total character levels, etc.


You can't be nazis and dictate what people want to do, if they want to go to another server, let them. Its a free country, you can't force people to play on their old server they don't want to be on anymore lol.

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If having everyone leave is really a concern then they could at least limit the transfers to, say, one or two toons per account. That would prevent people from just picking up sticks and deserting a server if they're really concerned about that. Instead of people moving their entire legacy out, they'd only really be able to move one or two characters to their legacy.


As for them not being able to say who can and can't transfer what, they're already doing that by not having transfers at all. I'd much rather have a restricted form of character transfer than no character transfer at all.

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You can't be nazis and dictate what people want to do, if they want to go to another server, let them. Its a free country, you can't force people to play on their old server they don't want to be on anymore lol.


Um, SWTOR isn't a country, lol.


And yeah, they could keep things the way they are, or limit transfers in any way they decided to. They will give people options because happy customers are paying customers, not because they are entitled to them. You're always free to roll on whatever server you want to.

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My issue is that I originally played on one server and have my main there, now all of my friends are on another server and I can't play the character I put so much work (Rakata/black hole geared) with them, it's pretty heartbreaking to let that character sit there and stagnate.
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