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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Smash, and Force Sweep Junkies....


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I know there has been numerous post about nerfing this ability, this ability being flavor of the month, so on and so on. Not asking for BW to nerf this skill in form of damage, but to make it so the singularity pulses that stack on the person take the damage from the 30% damage bonus. I think that when you get 4+ Warriors or Knight in a wz running Rage, or focus you will run into issues of being able to balance against this. In the past 4 months of being back I have seen none of the warriors on my server at least, running Vigilance, or Vengeance. there are a select few don't get me wrong but the majority are all rage focus. There's no mitigation against the damage type so myself when guarding someone usually will take 150% of the smash damage. I understand if ran right this damage is ok, but the class has been fully taken advantage of whether it be for epeen do to damage numbers and wanting to be on top of the board or the fact that it does so much spike damage. So again I do not ask for a nerf to the damage this ability does but make it so the one person the singularity pulses are building on take the 30%+ damage and the rest of the people around the target take the damage of the crit. Edited by Ranautus
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You did not read his post. I don't think he cried at all. Just tried to give an opinion.


They are already going to nurf smash so the rumor mill says. 20-30% less damage but still AOE and still auto crit.


Eh, the wording of the datamined info was sketchy at best.


Singularity stacks to three instead of 4

Exhaustion ticks faster (probably gives one less singularity stack but cap is one less so who cares)

Talent for the smash damage is altered by 11.11% per stack.


Some were seeing this as 11.11% per rank meaning 66.66% total with 3 stacks.

OR it could means overall 33.33% increase. 3 stacks -> effectively 4


Ill wait for the official patcnotes personally.

Edited by CaptainApop
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LOL @ The cry remarks. That just makes me feel better about posting this because the LOL Smashers will all be on here telling me how many ways im crying. Im a guardian on POT5 My name is Qai'roc. I have been vigilance spec since June 2012. And those that know me on my server know that I don't cry or complain about anything I usually just run with the punches, but as of lately seeing the amount of Warriors and Knights alike running this one spec and running into 5 of them in a wz is a bit much.. Maybe I myself have been unlucky with the numbers I run into, if so, so be it and i don't mind being called out on it. like i said in my previous post not asking for a nerf to your damage to make me a better player, because honestly unless you have played against me you wont know how good I am or not. To take the 30%+crit damage and move it solo target while your 100% force sweep, or smash still does it damage doesn't sound like complaining to me. But meh who knows these days, trolls will be trolls. For those of you who understand the meaning of my post, thanks. Those of you who say I'm crying I welcome the hate.
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to sum up the OP, make shockwave a debuff on the affected player, which I can see as a pvp balance but might be a pve nerf since deathfield has a similar mechanic, just effects less people.


I agree, it would undoubtedly be a hit to pve for those who spec Rage/Focus to take out multiple targets. This will never happen what i'm asking. Just throwing it out there as a suggestion for BW to dumb down some of the craziness, I understand there will always be a FOTM class. Has been in every game since WoW and EQ I'd just like to see people doing something other than smashing my team and then running around hitting strike to rebuild focus for their next sweep/smash. Bubble spec i can deal with, Powertech damage I can deal, sniper/gunslinger I can deal with (although I still wouldn't want to see 5 of them in match lol.) If making it solo target would be deemed unwise I would ask for damage mit for it then since as of now there is none.

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